Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1759

That's the thing.

A master is the first to ask the people in his own hands.

Chaoyan has never asked too much of her subordinates. As long as she is sincere, she will accept them. As for the bad ones, she is willing to teach them slowly.

This is almost the same as his attitude.

It's not something else that makes the film studio so glorious today. It's the biggest demand of the film studio. It's also a heartfelt desire.

Zhou Huaijin looked at Jun Yi, always feel some pity.

Xie Yan once said what his master said. What his master said is right. Junyi is not the right person to be an imperial master.

Zhou Huaijin light smile.

Jun Yi raised his head, his face is completely confident smile.

he was ready to enter the palace, so he believed that Jin emperor was bound to accept him.

According to his situation, he needs his own staff extremely.

Now I see the smile on his face.

His business, it should be, has become.

"What Does emperor Jin think?" Jun Yi opened his mouth to ask, and the corner of his mouth already had some success.

"I don't think so. There is no shortage of people in my hand. Naturally, there is no need to pick up the people in the hands of the former prince. If there is nothing else, please. The palace is not the place where you want to come. The former crown prince has hanged himself. Since there is no former crown prince in the future, your long history as a crown prince will naturally disappear. Today, it's the last time you use the status of Prince Chang Shi. " Zhou Huaijin looked at Jun Yi and said emphatically.

With that, he didn't want to waste time in his hands. He motioned to the palace people to take them down.

Chaoyan up to now, has not used breakfast, not to send this person, but also continue to delay time, Zhou Huaijin can not want to.

Jun Yi heard the answer, a face of surprise.

He didn't agree, even let himself go?

It's impossible!

He didn't want him?

What he can do, but what the people in his hands can't do now, he doesn't agree!

Junyi even doubts whether he has heard it wrong.

"Did I hear you wrong?" You can't believe it. Ask again.

"You didn't hear me wrong. The emperor can't accept you to do things in his hands. Yes, you are very smart. You are extremely smart. No one else can do what you can do now. But the emperor still can't take you in his own hands. You're smart, but you don't have a bottom line, and you don't have the most basic sincerity. How can the emperor ask you to do things in your hands if you don't have these things? " Gu Chaoyan looked at Jun Yi and said.

Huaijin is to give him some face, so see through don't say through.

But he insisted on asking again, and Gu Chaoyan naturally didn't politely tell him the reason directly.

Jun Yi is a man.

Very smart.

But Gu Chaoyan hated him very much.

This disgust was born in Min Fu.

This wise man looked down upon all the women in his heart. He also looked down upon her. He insulted her when he followed the former prince.

Gu Chaoyan has never been a big hearted man. Since he has a grudge, he naturally remembers it.

For example, in front of this Junyi, she is not half polite.

"Heartfelt?" Jun Yi's eyes are a little complicated.

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