Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1782

Golden and resplendent, looking at it, I feel extremely luxurious, but at the same time, I feel that it is a place with self-restraint and heritage.

Only the palace can have such workmanship and exquisite gardens.

If you can live here...

Mrs. Lin looks sorry, she is afraid that she will not have a chance to live here.

There are palace people everywhere. Everyone is respectful when they see her. It's a good feeling.

When Mrs. Lin came, she didn't want to leave.

"Fengxian hall is here." The eunuch warned with a hoarse voice.

Mrs. Lin put away her greedy eyes.

Go to Fengxian hall in order.

Fengxian hall is the best place in the palace of the holy underworld, and it is also the best place to repair, with a little more solemnity.

It is said that.

Jin emperor and empress, both live here.

Mrs. Lin couldn't help feeling.

How long has it been.

When I saw Gu Chaoyan, she could see it there. It was black and fat. Her biological mother has taken half of the property of the Lin family, and she has nothing else to think about, so she doesn't want to be involved with this man.

Who knows she saved Jiashu's life later.

Later, he had an engagement with King Huai.

Later, it was the Phoenix girl.

Now, she is the queen.

I can't help sighing. This is probably the most vivid person she has ever seen.

Mrs. Lin sighed.

Fengxian hall has arrived.

After being canonized, Gu Chaoyan put on the Phoenix robe of the queen for the first time and sat upright in Fengxian hall.

The three members of the Lin family saluted respectfully.

"No gift." Gu Chaoyan saw that they had just finished their trip, so he directly exported it.

"In the storeroom of Fengxian hall, we just got some cloth and treasures yesterday. My aunt and cousin should like it. Let's go and choose between them. Uncle, talk to me. " Gu Chao Yan arranges a way directly.

Her address is still intimate.

She is willing to call Mrs. Lin an aunt, Lin Jiashu a cousin, it is also in the face of Gu Chaoyan's mother and Lin Jiaxing.

Lin's face of hero useless expression, can only go.

She thought for a while that she could do something good for Jiashu while she was talking, but she turned out to support them.

What is this called.

Just in case of her.

Mrs. Lin was not happy, so she had to go with her.

Lingyun was left to serve in Fengxian hall, and then Lin Jiaxing.

Seeing this, Lin Jiaxing asked seriously: "but what happened, or what difficulties, I told my uncle that as long as my uncle can help, my uncle will try to help you. My uncle is a businessman. Although he can't do much, he will try his best. "

Gu Chaoyan looks at Lin Jiaxing's appearance, and his heart is warm.

In fact, she has no relatives in this world, and he is only Gu Chaoyan's uncle, but now it makes her feel the warmth of the family.

It was she who made it so solemn that her uncle misunderstood her.

Gu Chaoyan quickly smile: "nothing, just want to ask Uncle some things before."


"has the Lin family ever had a feud with anyone before, has his mother ever had a feud with anyone, and has the Lin family ever come into contact with such powerful people?"

Lin Jiaxing thought seriously in his mind.

The Lin family.

At that time, the Lin family was also an imperial merchant, and was extremely rich.

Father's character is good.

If it's about feuding.

Lin Jiaxing thought for a long time.

Just looking at Gu Chaoyan.

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