Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1783

"Never." Lin Jiaxing replied: "your grandfather is a gentle man. He is not a man who has made enemies with others. What's more, when the Lin family was most prosperous, it was just the imperial merchant. Later, your grandfather felt that something was wrong, so he withdrew. Your mother's disposition is not to get into a feud with others. "


"why do you suddenly ask these questions?" Lin Jiaxing asked a little uneasily.

my uncle would take such a short time to directly and firmly answer no, which only shows that the chance of my grandfather and mother forming a feud with others is very small.

Then, she was poisoned when she was a child, so we can directly put aside the old stories of the Lin family.

If you put aside the Lin family's past.

So, does the source of her poison have something to do with the golden scroll?

The gate of the border is open. On Huangling mountain, besides a jade sword, there should be gold scroll. But the golden scroll disappeared, and she was also poisoned by cold. Maybe the person who took the golden scroll could have poisoned her.

If so, it will be linked.

How important the golden scroll is depends on the attitude of these sects.

And they directly look for fengnv, which also shows that the golden scroll should have been obtained by fengnv.

However, if so, she wants to find a way to detoxify, but it is also difficult.

"Chaoyan?" Lin Jiaxing was even more worried when he saw that she was so distracted that he called a few more words.

Gu Chaoyan immediately recovered and said with a smile, "uncle, nothing's wrong. If there is a small matter that may be related, I'll ask you to ask and talk about the Lin family. Uncle, don't worry about it. "


"today, I have been canonized as the queen of Hades. Gu's family is not my mother's family. Lin's family can be regarded as the relatives of the emperor. "


" what does uncle think of the Lin family, the title, the marriage of Jiashu, and the business of the Lin family shop? "


" if the Lin family had a title, it would be better for Jiashu. "


" the emperor means to give the Marquis of the Lin family a place. Jiashu has also tried. In the future, he will take a job in the court. Uncle, you can continue to look after those shops and take care of them in the mansion. As for Jiashu's marriage, when the Marquis's position comes down, it's not too late for the people in the Ministry of rites to take care of it. Or if he has someone he likes, the emperor will marry him. " Gu Chao Yan said with a smile: "these things, I tell you, you also have a preparation, I'm afraid the title will take a few days."


" now they should have chosen almost, and it's late. My uncle should take them back early. What my aunt likes will be sent out from the Palace tomorrow. "

Lin Jiaxing wanted to say a few more words. Gu Chaoyan rubbed his temple. He was a little tired, so he had to give up.

It's not easy to be a queen. There are many things in the palace.

Mrs. Lin's mind is not to pick things. When she hears that she can go back, she goes back in a hurry. As a result, she doesn't see the queen in the hall. She only sees Lin Jiaxing. The smile on her face is gone immediately.

What kind of thing is this.

This is to avoid her!

With a black face, Mrs. Lin went out of Fengxian hall discontentedly.

Only when she got to the carriage did she dare to say, "what did you say to her?"


"I didn't want to see her, but she didn't want to give us what the Lin family had changed. At the beginning, her mother took half of the Lin family's things."

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