Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1788

Zhou Huaijin sat in the main hall of Fengxian hall without expression, and her mind was thinking about the poison of Chaoyan.

The Lord of snow city said that he knew it. Then at least half of it can be confirmed. He really knew it. However, he knew that whether it was good or bad for Chaoyan was open to question.

Whether it's snowy city or ethereal Pavilion, these people's approach is purposeful, and their purpose is self-interest.

He doesn't want Chaoyan to be harmed by poison, and he doesn't want Chaoyan to be harmed by these people, but he has to protect in front of him, and he can't let a little slip.

Ouyang Ming soon came in.

After he came in, he found an empty seat and sat down.

Who he met, even the emperor of the holy underworld, was not polite. He always looked gentle but arrogant.

Perhaps, in his eyes, he is above all others.

Such a person, Zhou Huaijin is a bit of appreciation, unfortunately, he is with the purpose of Chaoyan, even if there is any appreciation, in Zhou Huaijin here, always with the heart of vigilance.

"Everyone has come here. If you have anything to say, just say it." Zhou Huaijin cold mouth, even if he did not have any practice, he sat there, also with a bit of pressure, even Ouyang Mingjing, also feel.

Ouyang Ming looked at him carefully.

Phoenix girl's eyes, to be exact, are excellent.

If you choose him, he's probably the best being in the underworld.

It's a pity.

Phoenix girl has a destiny. Even if she chooses him, it can't be him in the end.

"Where is she? Call her out and I'll talk to her, not to you. If she doesn't come out, the Lord of the city won't say anything today. When she can see the Lord of the city, the Lord of the city will say it again. " Ouyang Mingjing said directly.

Zhou Huaijin's eyes looked at him.

Fubao in the room is obviously dissatisfied and wants to export.

Zhou Huaijin blocked the block and signaled to go to the inner hall to report.

Now that Ouyang Mingjing has said something like this, Zhou Huaijin is almost sure that what he said will be done. In the palace of Shengming Kingdom, even though there are many dark guards, he has not been detained.

Under such circumstances, all he can choose is to listen to what he wants to say first.

Ouyang Mingjing still has a mild expression, not proud of Zhou Huaijin's compromise, nor demonstrating in front of Zhou Huaijin.

On the contrary, Zhou Huaijin's heart is more worried.

This man's heart is so strong that he doesn't even demonstrate, which shows that he doesn't pay attention to him at all.

If not, such talents are extremely difficult to deal with.

Zhou Huaijin's face was ugly.

Gu Chaoyan now wears fox fur and has come over. She doesn't salute when she comes over. Instead, she walks to Zhou Huaijin and sits down. When Zhou Huaijin saw her sit down, she directly picked up the teapot to pour tea for her. When she poured the tea well, she asked her to hold it in her hands to keep it warm.

Ouyang Mingjing's eyes are all on Gu Chaoyan.

She is very thin, even if she is not dressed at the same time as them, she still looks very thin, maybe because she is afraid of the cold, so she looks pale.

This main hall gradually warm a lot, is just when he wanted to see people, he saw Zhou Huaijin ordered people to arrange.

There are two of them.

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