Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1789

One is considerate, and the other is soft only in front of him. It's a pair of harmonies.

It's great. It's really great.


It's not supposed to be them.

The one who married fengnv should be the Lord of Xueyu City, not now.

"Go ahead." Gu Chaoyan looks at Ouyang Mingjing and speaks coldly.

She is a person who can see people's heart and understand the situation.

Now, I'm afraid she put herself on the opposite side of him.

Ouyang Mingjing is a little bitter.

His face was as usual.

"Cold poison is the coldest poison. People who have been poisoned by it will die because they can't bear the cold. At the beginning, the person who restrained the cold poison for you was a wise man. He put the Acacia poison in your body to balance with the cold poison. In principle, if you do so, the cold in your body has been subdued. Although your physical constitution will be different from that of other people, the impact is not big. "


"and now you will, your cold poison can't be restrained, do you know why?" Ouyang Ming asked.

Gu Chaoyan naturally didn't know what was wrong with it, but she still looked at Ouyang Ming glasses with clear eyes, even without a trace of panic, so she looked at it.

Ouyang Mingjing laughs sarcastically, then puts his eyes on Zhou Huaijin: "because of him!"


"because he makes you lust, once you lust, the poison of Acacia in your body will begin to dissipate. But fortunately, you don't have a real bridal chamber on that day, otherwise, you will be killed by poison on that day. "


"now, you can't last long." Ouyang Ming looks at Gu Chaoyan like a half dead man.

Gu Chaoyan frowned.

She can't deny that what he said may be right. Her body is like this now because of her lust.

However, he is very dissatisfied with what Ouyang Mingjing said now.

Why does he directly point the culprit at Huaijin?

Even so, that's her own reason.

She is a person.

People have seven emotions and six desires.

This is something she can't control, and Huaijin just happens to be the one she loves.

What does this have to do with Huaijin?

Gu Chaoyan's hand gently stroked the back of Zhou Huaijin's hand, indicating that he should not take Ouyang Mingjing's words seriously. How he said it was his business, and they had their own judgment.

"Do you have a way?" Zhou Huaijin looked at Ouyang Ming mirror and asked.

All he heard in his head was that Chaoyan couldn't last long.

Anyway, Chaoyan's life is the most important thing.

He wants her to live, to live well.

"Yes." Ouyang Mingjing recognized it directly. "In the snow city, in the Lord's palace, there is a fire lotus which has been growing for hundreds of years. It can relieve cold poison."


"however, the fire lotus is a unique thing for city masters. The use of fire lotus is extremely great. Because of this, it is very precious. "


" with fire lotus, your cold poison will be relieved. " Ouyang Ming said softly.

"What do you want?" Gu Chaoyan's eyes fixed on Ouyang Ming's mirror and asked.

He said that the fire lotus naturally has a purpose, and she has a principle to look after the face.

Ouyang Ming smiles.

Sure enough, she knows everything.

"The Lord of Xueyu city is a person who marries fengnv. Only when he marries fengnv can he be recognized by the people of Xueyu city." Ouyang Mingjing said.

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