Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2099

I know about it.

There is no redundant expression and reaction, directly ignoring the expression of Di Hongyun's face.

Then he asked, "where are elder martial brothers Zhengyang and Xinde?"

Di Hongyun was still in high spirits. After Gu Chaoyan asked, he was just like a frosted eggplant. He was so dull that he didn't have any spirit.

"They are there," he said

Although Di Hongyun is a little wanton, he still accepts this matter.

Gu Chaoyan's mouth showed a faint smile.

As for Di Hongyun, his nature is a person who likes to take off, at least in front of his own people, he is very simple and easy to take off. Of course, in front of the people he didn't approve of, it was the disgusting look before.

Now he thinks of himself as his own man.

And because of the things he had done with Taiyi people before, he was obviously grateful to himself all the time, because he couldn't find a way, so now he is.


Gu Chaoyan knew his temperament and didn't pay too much attention to him.

Di Hongyun, they are good people.

But Gu Chaoyan hasn't thought about how to get along with them in the future. Before, she is just normal.

She didn't have much expression to go to Fu Xinde and them.

Both Fu Xinde and LV Zhengyang were smiling.

"Younger martial sister, this is willing to complete the task with us. Hongyun said that only he can convince you. It's really right." Lu Zhengyang opened his mouth and said that Fu Xinde was just smiling.

Qingyangcao's task is to abandon Fu Xinde's idea with her younger martial sister. LV Zhengyang is very happy.

You can see the ability of the younger martial sister from the things about the mutant beast before.

This time, it's much more reliable than those teams in his group before.

"He convinced me. What's the status of this task?" Gu Chaoyan didn't spend too much time on these chores. He went straight to the main question and asked about the task.

LV Zhengyang passes the task token and scroll to Gu Chaoyan.

Gu Chaoyan carefully looked at the situation and map of qingyangcao.

I almost realized.

Qingyang grass grows on a cliff and a half. It used to belong to a monster of the highest level of Wuxian. It is the ration of that monster. But a few days ago, because of the reversal of cultivation, the monster fell into the devil.

Qingyang grass has been growing, until now, there are about two acres of Qingyang grass.

The dangerous part of this mission is that it grows on the cliff, and the other reason is that several sects seem to be flocking to it.

The supreme school is just one of them.

In addition to LV Zhengyang and his disciples, there are also two groups of people who take over this task.

However, the two groups of people had already set out yesterday. They had just received the task token and set out directly. They were afraid that they would delay their time and encounter too many other sects, so they would not be able to complete the task.

Their departure time is a little late.

I've lost some opportunities.

It's no wonder that di Hongyun has just asked for credit.

"Let's get going." Gu Chaoyan said that although she doesn't think it's easy to finish the task directly when she arrives at the meeting one day ahead of time, if she can pass earlier, she will pass earlier.

"Well." Lu Zhengyang answered.

A few people are going to set out.

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