Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2100

When we say we're going, we're ready to go.

LV Zhengyang, Fu Xinde and di Hongyun were originally prepared to go to the task yesterday. Naturally, they had prepared the things for the task, while Gu Chaoyan had prepared the things for the task before he came to the reward Pavilion.

A few people hit it off, almost without delay, they went directly to the task place.

The place where qingyangcao is located is Longdi mountain, which is exactly the boundary of Shenyou continent. However, Longdi mountain is at the most boundary of Shenyou continent, and no one has been in charge of Shenyou continent for a long time.

It's kind of empty all the time.

The reason why it was empty, of course, was also the reason for the monster on Longdi mountain.

The spirit of Shenyou land is limited. In Shenyou land, people who can reach the cultivation of martial god are already the top cultivation.

That is to say, only when such a sect as the supreme sect is in place can people with elder status achieve the supreme cultivation.

The reason why the monster can reach the cultivation of the supreme Wuxian in the Shenyou land is that it eats Qingyang grass every day. Because of this, the medicine sect of these sects will flock to Qingyang grass and try to use Qingyang grass to make pills.

They flew away with the sword.

It takes them almost a day and a night to reach the boundary of Shenyou.

Along the way, LV Zhengyang and Fu Xinde were discussing how to complete the task after going on, while Di Hongyun was always listless and listless, and did not participate in their topic.

Gu Chaoyan has always been silent.

It's not that she didn't participate in the discussion, it's because she didn't know enough about the supreme sect and Shenyou continent.

It's better to go to Longdi mountain first to see what's going on than to plan ahead without knowing what's going on.

A day and a night went by.

They finally arrived near Longdi mountain.

As soon as he arrived nearby, Gu Chaoyan realized that there were other people with high accomplishments.

"Wait a minute. Let's get down and walk over." Gu Chaoyan said.

"It's supposed to be our disciples of the supreme sect. It's just to finish the task fairly." Lu Zhengyang said optimistically.

Gu Chaoyan shook his head slightly.

If she was only a disciple of the supreme school, she would not be so careful.

What she perceives is obviously not so simple. There are other people in Longdi mountain, and their accomplishments are extremely high, at least the elder level. There are many other people here.

If they go on like this, I'm afraid they will have a lot of trouble if they really want to get qingyangcao.

"More than that." Gu Dynasty face color dignified say.

Fu Xinde and di Hongyun obviously care about Gu Chaoyan's words.

We're ready to get off the sword flight.

Fu Xinde said to LV Zhengyang, "we'd better be careful. Let's go down first."

Now, among the four, Fu Xinde and di Hongyun are obviously facing Gu Chaoyan. Even if LV Zhengyang is unwilling, he can only promise it first.


Lu Zhengyang's expression is not very good-looking.

All the time, he has been the leader in the team. Everyone is acting according to his instructions, including Fu Xinde and di Hongyun.

But now.

They have completely ignored their own words, but directly followed Gu Chaoyan's words.

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