Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2101

After all, she's just a junior sister.

Even in the case of the mutant beast, she did succeed, but he had a lot of experience in forming a team to complete the task. In the past two years, almost 90% of the tasks he has led have been completed.

He said it didn't matter. He didn't care about what he said.

Lu Zhengyang has always been warm, even if the mood is not so good, it is also the same warm.

Naturally, no one else could see his emotions.

Gu Chao, with a dignified face, goes to the place where she perceives the power. Fu Xinde and di Hongyun follow her, and finally Lu Zhengyang.

The more she went inside, the more dignified she felt the aura of cultivation, and they were getting closer to the cliff.

Gu Chaoyan took out a bottle of pills from the space, took one by himself, and then motioned them to take it too: "this is a pill that can hide a person's aura and breath for a short time. After taking it, it won't be found. Let's see what happens first."

"Younger martial sister, you still have such things." Di Hongyun has been wanton, at this moment is completely broken, the whole person joy off up, excited shout.

Gu Chaoyan had no choice, even wanted to seal his mouth directly: "keep your voice down, don't use pills, because your big voice has been found directly, it's not worth the loss."

Di Hongyun has an expression of grievance.

He has a loud voice?

No one has ever said that he has a big voice. How can the younger martial sister say that she has a big voice.

Fu Xinde chuckled.

I have to say that the description of the younger martial sister is really appropriate.

Di Hongyun is really loud.

But everyone looked at his cultivation, and no one said it.

I'm afraid it's just the younger martial sister. I'm very frank.

Although Gu Chaoyan has some dislikes, the atmosphere of the three people is extremely good and happy.

Lu Zhengyang took the pill without expression. He wanted to see with his own eyes whether he was a disciple of the supreme school.

The three of them went on.

They hid behind a tree and looked ahead with their eyes open. There was a cliff in front of them, but they didn't see anyone else at all.


it must be at the half cliff!

They've started taking the grass?

But it doesn't seem that if they want to take the grass, they should take it directly, instead of waiting so long at the half cliff.

"Let's look ahead." Lu Zhengyang said that he can't wait to prove his idea is right.

Gu Chaoyan circled.

This side is a cliff, and the front is very open. If the past, the people below will come up, and they will be found directly.

You can't just go there.

It's OK to use Yi Rong Dan, but Gu Chaoyan thinks of the mutant monster that turns into a stone pillar. The whole person shakes and decides to forget it.

"Come on, let's see where we can hide." Gu Chaoyan said.

"We are here to finish the task. Why hide all the time?" Lu Zhengyang retorts.

Gu Chaoyan frowned slightly.

I think there is something wrong with LV Zhengyang's reaction.

I didn't think about it.

"Elder martial brother Zhengyang, how can you become so public now? Today you and your younger martial sister seem to have changed their temperament." Di Hongyun make complaints about it.

"Shut up."

"Shut up."

Fu Xinde and Gu Chaoyan said in one voice.

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