Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2102

Since Gu Chaoyan spoke about Di Hongyun's big voice, Fu Xinde felt that he really had a big voice. With his voice, other people paid a little attention to it and found them.

After being scolded by two people, di Hongyun looks aggrieved.

But there was no defense.

Just now they were really speaking with their voices down. He didn't pay attention, so he spoke directly.

Just shut up.

Four people went to the cliff carefully.

Under the cliff they had imagined was the abyss.

But when they got to the edge of the cliff and looked down at it, they saw that it was not so terrible.

There are many open places on the cliff. If they go down, they will fall on the cliff.

What's more, Banya is really green. It should be green grass.


The green sun grass is scattered and growing.

One and a half cliffs have some, one and a half cliffs have some.

"Let's go there." Gu Chaoyan pointed to a half cliff position and said.

There are a lot of trees and rocks in that location. If they are there, they can hide behind the rocks.

"All right." Fu Xinde responded.

Lu Zhengyang lost his breath.

Just now he was also looking for a suitable place for them to stay, but he was still observing, so Gu Chaoyan found the best position, a step faster than him.

It made him feel a little uncomfortable.

And then it fell.

Just down, Gu Chaoyan quickly signaled them to be careful.

I didn't see those people at the cliff just now. Now I can see them clearly at this position.

"Taiyimen." Fu Xinde opened his mouth and said, "they are all the inner disciples of Taiyi sect."

People in the clan will wear clothes with clan logo, and different disciples in the clan also have different clothes.

Fu Xinde knew taiyimen, so he was able to tell the situation of taiyimen soon.

Lu Zhengyang is also slightly surprised, did not expect that it is really not the first team to come.

He was careless.

"It's her!" At this time, Gu Chaoyan saw clearly some people in Taiyi gate, and was surprised.

She is the one who has experienced the cultivation of elder level.

I didn't expect that.

She is young and has reached the cultivation of the supreme Wuxian.

And now she is just the cultivation of wusheng.

I want revenge.

She has a long way to go.

Although hit, Gu Chaoyan is more confident.

"Does my younger martial sister know her, too?" Di Hongyun asked with some doubts.

Gu Chaoyan nodded and shook his head: "I've seen it, but I don't know it."

"She is Pei Yueling, the daughter of the leader of Taiyi sect. She is one of the few chaotic spiritual roots. Not only is her cultivation a thousand times faster than those of us, but even the difficulties we will encounter are nothing to her. She can make a smooth breakthrough. So he is the same age as me, but he has realized the supreme cultivation. I didn't expect that she would be interested in the grass. If she wanted it, we really didn't have anything to do with it. " Fu Xinde is not pessimistic, but just expounds some facts.

Their accomplishments are very different from Pei Yueling's, not to mention that she is accompanied by many inner disciples of Taiyi sect.

Both LV Zhengyang and di Hongyun agreed.

But Gu Chaoyan's face was suddenly as cold as ice.

She wants Huaijin's life. In the future, she will die!

"Qingyangcao, it must be ours." Gu Chaoyan said.

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