Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2104

Even if you break away from the soil, enter her space and use Holy Spirit water to irrigate it, it will only be better than here, not worse.


Qingyuancao is a must.

Gu Chaoyan thought.

"Younger martial sister, what should we do?" Di Hongyun inquires.

"I don't know." Gu Chaoyan said calmly.

Di Hongyun was still in high spirits. Now he was speechless.

What the younger martial sister said was so sure. Di Hongyun thought that she was just like dealing with the mutant monster. In an instant, she had already thought of a huge method in her mind. It didn't happen, and she said it was so natural.

Fu Xinde chuckled again.

This little younger martial sister looks serious and arrogant, and often has a cold expression, but I don't know why. Since they had her, their team has been a lot of fun.

She always can let Di Hongyun have no way.

"There are six taiyimen disciples guarding qingyangcao here, three of them are the accomplishments of Emperor Wu and three of them are the accomplishments of wusheng. The accomplishments are similar to ours. It seems that the woman thinks that the Taiyi gate has already made many people dare not get close to it, so she doesn't arrange for the disciples with higher accomplishments to guard here. " Gu Chaoyan then analysis said.

her analysis, so that Di Hongyun, who had already make complaints about it, could only calm down and continue to listen.

"But there are four of us, six of them. If we can't clean them up immediately, they will soon be able to send a signal to taiyimen, and we will be in danger." Gu Chaoyan said.

Di Hongyun's original face was full of interest, but he was very dull in an instant.

They solved six of them in a flash.

No way.

Gu Chaoyan has a magic power in his space. This is the magic power of the elder of Taiyi sect. As long as there is no accident, it must be possible to use that magic power.

How can we bring them together?

Gu Chaoyan looks at di Hongyun.


the smile on di Hongyun's face solidified: "what I can't do, I can't practice, what I can't do."

"So we can't mess with them." Gu Chaoyan said in conclusion.

The expression on di Hongyun's face is colorful.

At the beginning, he said that these people would lose their lives if they could not be provoked. Younger martial sister didn't believe it at all. She insisted on getting qingyangcao, and said that she could do it by finding a way. Now younger martial sister also said that, which he has already said!

He felt that.

The younger martial sister is just teasing him!

"I said, younger martial sister, are you running on me on purpose?" Di Hongyun asked directly.

"Let's just steal it!" Gu Chaoyan said.

"Where to steal?" Di Hongyun asked.

Gu Chaoyan pointed to the half cliff below. There are many small half cliffs below, and there are green grass growing on them, but there are few. Those people in taiyimen, including them, didn't see anything below at first.

"I think so." Di Hongyun is very agree of say.


Di Hongyun said in a low voice: "let's go to the half cliff, they go to the half cliff."

"OK." Gu Chaoyan agreed and went directly.

Di Hongyun told them to go to the other side.

Then I came to the half cliff where Gu Chaoyan was.

"Little younger martial sister, let's secretly take some green grass in our own space, but don't talk about it. No one will talk about it." Di Hongyun said in a low voice.

Gu Chaoyan took a look at him and suddenly understood something.

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