Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2105

It was his own idea to secretly hide something about qingyangcao, and he only told her about it.

No wonder he was the only one who came to talk to him about this task. When they met LV Zhengyang and Fu Xinde, they would say that.

It turns out.

It's all his ideas.


As long as she can get the grass.

I don't care about this with di Hongyun.

Because of the need to uproot, they picked a lot slower, and it took half an hour to pick the grass.

When they were all finished, they looked at each other and laughed. They sneaked up the cliff and flew back to the supreme sect.

On the way back, di Hongyun couldn't help sighing: "younger martial sister, it's better to work with you. It's easy to finish the task directly."

Not only can you get qingyangcao, but also can you get the reward of the task. The reward of qingyangcao is not thin.


It's not natural for Di Hongyun to say that he can get qingyangcao.

He gave a silly smile.

Gu Chaoyan directly ignored him.

Although he doesn't have much contact with di Hongyun's temperament, Gu Chaoyan has almost made it clear that he is a simple and happy person. He also trusts him about qingyangcao, so there's no need to say more about it.

I saw that woman today.

And made clear about the woman.

On the contrary, her mood was much lower.

She has taiyimen as her backer, and her accomplishments are very different from her.

Really don't know when, she can revenge, let Huaijin wake up.

Now, she is also very clear about her situation. She has no spare time. She must improve her cultivation as soon as possible and get yuanyicao.

Gu Chaoyan thinks about these things, is thinking about trance.

Soon, they came to the supreme school.

When they arrived at zongmen, they went directly to the reward pavilion to deliver the task.

This task is completed by four people together, so the delivery of the task also needs four people to go together.

"Done... Done?" The supervisor in charge of the task has an incredible face.

Green grass stares at many families.

Yao Zong just wanted to take a chance to see if there were any disciples who could finish it. Unexpectedly, someone could.

And it's a lot of grass.

"This is your reward." The supervisor gave them the reward in a hurry, and then went to Yaozong with qingyangcao in a hurry.

Four people divided the East and the West equally, and soon they finished.

Di Hongyun's mood is very good: "let's go to celebrate?"

"I have something else to do. I'll go back first. Let's celebrate." Gu Chaoyan said coldly.

"Younger martial sister, as a disciple of the supreme school, we should also learn to combine work with rest." Di Hongyun began to say.

Gu Chaoyan left directly.

Di Hongyun just read half of the voice, can't see Gu Chaoyan's figure, can only give up.

"Xinde, Zhengyang, let's go."

"I have something else to do. Go back first." Lu Zhengyang also said solemnly.

"Let's go."

"I have something else to do." Fu Xinde also left.

He is a disciple of Yaozong. Qingyangcao already exists. There are many things about Yaozong, so he has to go back to Yaozong to see how to plant qingyangcao. He wants to celebrate and has no time.

Di Hongyun sighed.

One by one, what's going on?

It's such a good thing not to celebrate.

He sighed.

And he went back.

Gu Chaoyan went back to his room and quickly went to the space to plant the grass.

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