Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2106

She put a lot of green grass in her own space. It took a lot of time just to plant it.

After planting, Gu Chaoyan plans to digest the reward crystal stones and pills. This time, the crystal stones he gives are not ordinary crystal stones, but practicing Qi crystal stones, which are full of aura.

If this time's cultivation is successful, she will be able to reach the cultivation of martial god.

Think about it.

Gu Chaoyan spread out his palm and showed the spirit root inside.

Her spiritual roots are not only pure, but also disorderly. There are many spiritual roots with only one attribute left. In other words, her spiritual roots are already heavenly spiritual roots through nourishment?

If it was tianlinggen, her cultivation speed would be much faster.

The haze when he came back from Longdi mountain was swept away because of Linggen. Gu Chaoyan was in a good mood.

I plan to absorb the aura of these spirit stones and practice well.

This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out for half a month. The next task will take some time.


But she enjoyed it.

Now she has no extravagant things, just want to improve her cultivation earlier.

Gu Chaoyan is just ready to absorb the aura of Lingshi.

Suddenly the door was knocked.

And it's continuous knocking, without a pause.

Gu Chaoyan frowned.

Open the door.

I saw three familiar faces outside.

It's LV Zhengyang, Fu Xinde and di Hongyun.

"I'm not going to take over the task these days. Go by yourself." Gu Chaoyan refused to say a thousand miles away.

Gu Chaoyan said, then shut the door, di Hongyun directly blocked the door, put a head in and said: "little younger martial sister, it's not a task. It's the mission given to us by zongmen. The elder of zongmen said that the disciples who went to Longdi mountain earlier have not come back, and there are two groups of people. We have come back, but they haven't come back. Zongmen is worried about their safety. Let's go and find the people who have been to Longdi mountain. "

Di Hongyun quickly made things clear.

Gu Chaoyan frowned.

She heard from Fu Xinde that two groups of people from the clan went to work one day earlier than them.

They really didn't see them on the way and didn't come back?

"This is the mission of the sect. I won't go. I need to practice these days. After that, I will go to the reward pavilion to pick up my third mission. You go. " Gu Chaoyan said.

"Younger martial sister?" Di Hongyun didn't expect that Gu Chaoyan would react like this, and he didn't care. He only thought about her cultivation and his third task, but he didn't mean to care about her brothers. He is obviously a little disappointed with Gu Chaoyan. These days she is quite lovely. How can it be like this again? Di Hongyun can't accept it.

Gu Chaoyan always frowned.

She really doesn't have much time. That woman is already the cultivation of the supreme Wuxian. What about herself?

When she was delayed here for another day, Huaijin would lie there alone for one day.

With so many disciples of the supreme school, this task is not necessary for her.

That's why she said no.

Gu Chaoyan didn't return to di Hongyun, and he planned to close the door again.

Di Hongyun burst in directly: "little younger martial sister, you have to go. You can't be so indifferent and indifferent to the younger martial brothers!"


"if you don't go, and don't say that the clan's brothers criticize you, and the elder of the beast controlling clan will consider you too!" Di Hongyun said.

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