Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2111

Gu Chao's face has the power of inheritance. There is a set of skills in the power of inheritance, which makes her move so fast, and ordinary people can't see clearly, so she moves directly.

The man wants to speak. Gu Chaoyan slaps him. He wants to open his mouth. Gu Chaoyan slaps him again. For more than ten times, the man led by xuanyuezong is directly beaten into a pig's face by Gu Chaoyan.

The other xuanyuezong didn't react.

Looking at this scene, the people of the supreme sect felt very happy.

This elder martial sister doesn't know which clan she is. She hasn't seen her before, but she is so neat in dealing with things.

When the man was beaten in the face and couldn't be recognized.

"You're not going to give it to me and watch me get beaten?" The man growled.

Xuanyuezong's people just responded.

Just now, they haven't heard the password. They haven't done anything.

The reason why they didn't hear the password was that when the man wanted to issue the order, Gu Chaoyan slapped him and couldn't say anything. When he wanted to issue the order, he slapped him again, and that was the result.

Xuanyuezong's people want to do it, and the supreme sect's people will not let them.

A fight soon broke out on both sides.

Gu Chaoyan thinks that this set of palms is very good. When the two sides fight, Gu Chaoyan uses this set of palms.

Many of xuanyuezong's disciples were beaten as long as they were close to Gu Chaoyan.

Half an hour passed.

They xuanyuezong not only did not get the upper hand, but also had been hurt by Gu Chaoyan.

Seriously, they can only be said to be at a disadvantage.

This battle, the disciples of the supreme school thought, was full of vitality.

Xuanyuezong's face was very ugly.

An hour later, xuanyuezong's people knew that they were beaten down again. Only when they were bullied did they withdraw!

He ran away in ashes.

The people of the supreme school wanted to chase them and let them taste the taste of being chased, but Gu Chaoyan didn't chase them, so they stopped consciously.

"Thank you very much today, elder martial sister! Did you see the humiliating appearance of xuanyuezong when they left? How refreshing The disciple of the supreme sect said to Gu Chaoyan with a grateful face.

"Thank you, elder martial sister." Easy green also a face sincerity of come over to say.

Gu Chaoyan has a face of shame.

Or clearly explained: "I really can't afford you, elder martial sister. Now I'm still a disciple of the outer sect, not a disciple of the inner sect."

"What?" they looked surprised.

With such momentum and skills, they are only disciples of the supreme sect?

However, the elder martial sister said that, it must not be a lie.

"Even if you are not an inner disciple, we should call you elder martial sister. Elder martial sister, you don't know how straightforward it was just now. You didn't fail in that palm technique. Your mother didn't even know the pigs, but they couldn't escape. Ha ha ha ha. "He really adored this elder martial sister.

In fact, they and xuanyuezong people fight, is some of the same.

But among them, elder martial sister, if you have nothing to do, if you have nothing to do, he took a close look at the faces of xuanyuezong's people, and none of them was really spared.

Yi Green is also a face of worship.

"Well, don't feel relaxed here. I'm afraid I've got a feud with xuanyuezong."

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