Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2112

"It's hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse."


"originally xuanyuezong had no grudge against us. After today's event, I'm afraid we have left conflicts with xuanyuezong, and we don't know what hidden dangers will be left in the future." Lu Zhengyang said to one side.

Obviously, I'm not satisfied with the way things are handled today.

After all, between the clan, harmony is the most important thing.

These disciples were originally happy, but now their expressions are a little complicated.

In particular, Yi LV, who used to be happy, is now a bit demoralizing, and has some remorse in her eyes.

Gu Chaoyan frowned slightly.

But he didn't hold back and said, "it's wrong for elder martial brother Zhengyang to say that. Today's thing is really xuanyuezong's fault. They bullied our female disciples first, and then they had today's contradiction. Our supreme sect just wanted to recover our own justice. Speaking of it, our supreme sect is the victim. We have to be aware of what we have done right Why do you have to be wrong? If elder martial brother Zhengyang says so, our female disciples of the supreme sect will be bullied again outside in the future, will they still stand out? "


"even if they don't show up, let the female disciples of the supreme sect be bullied at will. Over time, I'm afraid that all the people of the sect think that the female disciples of the supreme sect can be bullied. Since all the female disciples can be bullied at will, why can't they be bullied at will?"


"although the supreme sect is not a super sect, it can not be bullied at will."


"why should we be afraid of things everywhere, instead, let others be on our head everywhere." Gu Chao Yan Zhengqi naturally opened his mouth and said that he obviously didn't agree with LV Zhengyang's words.

What he said today.

This is to blame these disciples, or even all of them, for the possible contradictions between xuanyue sect and the supreme sect.

Yi Lu is the one who was bullied.

If you have to bear such a responsibility, Gu Chaoyan really can't think of how much pressure Yi Green will have.

As a woman, Gu Chaoyan is bound to give this head for Yi Lv.

Gu Chaoyan's words were agreed by all the disciples of the supreme school.

That's the truth.

Why, elder martial brother Zhengyang said it as if they were wrong.

Elder martial sister is reasonable.

Lu Zhengyang was refuted again, and his face was extremely ugly.

He is the first disciple, and most people will listen to him.

Now that he has been refuted, how can he be happy.

But now it is obvious that everyone agrees with her and is dissatisfied with himself, but he doesn't know what to say.

"Younger martial sister is right." Di Hongyun said with great approval.

"Well, Zhengyang is for the sake of the clan. The younger martial sister said that it really makes sense. We all belong to the same clan, but there is no need to quarrel. Now that we have found someone, let's go back to the clan and deliver the task. You come out of the task of the two teams are here, right? Nothing is the best, qingyangcao has been found, let's go back Fu Xinde said.

The men looked at each other.

Two teams?

There are no two teams.

"We are just a group of people who want to complete the task of qingyangcao together. There are two teams, and one team is not here." The head of the task here said.

"What... You're just a team?" Di Hongyun asked in shock.

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