Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2113

That is to say, there are still a team of people who don't know where they are.

The people they came to didn't see anyone.

"Did you see that group?" Di Hongyun inquired, if there is a team of people, then their task has not been completed, they need to find another team of people.

"They started after us, and we didn't see them on the way here, and our road is the nearest one." The disciple led by this group said: "originally, after we had conflicts with xuanyuezong, we didn't plan to win if we wanted to run first. We also wanted to delay time and then gather with another group of disciples, but we ran all the way and didn't see anyone."

Before, it was because xuanyuezong's people got stuck. They didn't think about it.

Now think about it.

There seems to be something abnormal.

According to his calculation, they can wait for the disciples of the later team.

"The elder martial brothers didn't see them when they came?" Asked the disciple.

Di Hongyun shook his head slightly: "no, I only saw you."

"Let's look ahead again." Gu Dynasty face color dignified many, said: "you go back to zongmen first."


The disciples who went out of the mission went to the direction of zongmen.

And Gu Chaoyan, they continue to move forward.

It's almost to the cliff position, but I still don't see that group of disciples.

Gu Chaoyan frowned slightly.

She had a bad feeling.

I always feel like something's wrong, but I don't know what's wrong.

"Longdi mountain was originally built because there was a monster of the highest level of Wuxian here, so no one came. Now that the monster has fallen, people are flocking to it, aren't they? " Gu Chaoyan asked again.

"That's what I said." Di Hongyun said.

"But which clan discovered the fall of the monster first? What about the corpse of the monster and the demon pill? Where is it again? " Gu Chaoyan asked.

"I don't know." Di Hongyun subconsciously responds. After answering, di Hongyun is also at a loss. No matter where the news is, he says that the monster has fallen, but there is no corpse or demon pill, and no one even knows what the monster looks like.

If it wasn't for Gu Chaoyan, they would never have thought about it.

"Younger martial sister, do you mean that the monster is not dead? And eat our disciples of the supreme sect? " Di Hongyun asked in horror, as if he would be eaten the next second.

"It's possible." Gu Chaoyan said.

Di Hongyun said casually that Gu Chaoyan was really afraid.

"Really, really." Di Hongyun's voice trembled.

Gu Chaoyan took out the medicine bottle in his hand and threw it to them one by one.

Or the last kind of elixir that can hide a person's aura and breath.

"After that, let's go." Gu Chaoyan ate it first and went to the direction of the cliff.

Originally, she thought that she might not find the answer here, but just now she was sure that she smelled the smell of blood, right in front, should be under the cliff.

Even if it's not the reason of the monster, it may be that it happened with those people in Taiyi gate.

But it's not clear what's going on, so she doesn't dare to rush in directly.

Just to where they could have hidden.

They see what happened before, di Hongyun's eyes are about to stare out.

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