Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2118

When she came into the yard half a month ago, she also saw this attendant. He was cleaning, clean and gentle, and he did things according to her instructions. This was the second time that she saw him. There were so many injuries on his clean face.

Gu Chaoyan doesn't like to be disturbed by people around her, but anyway, she can't turn a deaf ear to the servants in her yard and the people who take care of her.

The reason still needs to be known.

Gu Chaoyan motioned him to come.

The servant has been covering his face. After Gu Chaoyan had seen the wound on his face, he hesitated. He didn't want to come here very much. He didn't feel guilty. He didn't want to trouble Gu Chaoyan because of this.

Gu Chao Yan does not go, he can only come over with a stiff head.

"Miss Chaoyan."

Living in the door is different from the outside world.

Even if they had servants around them, they would not be called young master or young lady.

It's just a girl and a boy.

This is the humility of the clan.

"How did you get hurt?" Gu Chaoyan asked.

"If it doesn't get in the way, it will be hurt carelessly." The attendant slightly bowed his head, some embarrassed said.

"If you hurt it carelessly, will it be like this? Someone must have hit you. Did you cause trouble, or did someone else? " Gu Chaoyan's tone was cold, with some questioning.

On hearing this, the whole man was worried.

This wound on his face, where he caused trouble, if the girl misunderstood, don't him, then he was miserable.

He just didn't want the girl to worry about him, but he didn't want the girl to misunderstand him.

Hastily opened his mouth to explain, said: "I did not cause trouble."

"Girl, I'm a servant. I won't make trouble for you. It's just something happened. Maybe other disciples misunderstood something. It's not a big deal. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to practice hard." Said the attendant, explaining nervously and anxiously.

Since the girl entered the yard, she told her not to disturb her.

The attendant was really worried that it would disturb the girl.

"Misunderstanding, where to start?" Gu Chaoyan frowned slightly.

"Two days ago, there were several disciples of Yaozong outside the yard. I just came back, but I didn't touch them. But they said I touched them and dirty their clothes, so they taught me a few lessons, but there was nothing else. Maybe I'm not careful. I'll avoid it in the future. " Said the attendant.

Gu Chaoyan frowned deeper.

The servant is not very old. It's not like telling a lie.

If so, it is that the disciples of the medicine sect have nothing to look for!

Go to other places have nothing to look for, she Gu Chaoyan is no matter, but come to her Gu Chaoyan here have nothing to look for, she will have a good reason.

"Who is it? Let alone wronged you, even if you are not wronged, you should not beat me like this. Take me to the front. I'll have a good discussion about what's going on. " Gu Chaoyan said with a short face.

The servant sees Gu Chaoyan and wants to settle accounts.

Startled, quickly pull: "girl, don't have to."


" it's just a little injury, not a big deal. "


" I'd better keep it. Don't delay the girl's cultivation. " Said the servant, full of worry.

Gu Chaoyan wants to speak.

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