Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2119

A maid holding clothes came to give Gu Chaoyan a gift in advance.

Then he said busily: "girl, you just entered the inner door. If you quarrel with the disciples of Yaozong because of our servants' affairs, it will have a bad influence on you. And... "

said here.

The maid's expression was also sad: "besides, we are servants. In the sect, all things are focused on the cultivation disciples. Besides, they are also the disciples of the medicine sect. If they bite Fei Huai, they really meet them first, and the girl can't make sense with them. The sect must be facing those disciples of the medicine sect. We are servants. Even if we have promotion opportunities, we are very few. In the clan, we are nothing at all. "


"girls don't have to put their future in for us." An Ge advised.

She and Fei Huai have been living in zongmen since childhood, and have been servants for some years.

This kind of thing, though rarely encountered, can be encountered every three or five times. It's just patience. Even if these disciples take it out on them for a while, they won't embarrass them all the time.

They can see it.

Girls really want to make decisions for them. Because of this, they can't trouble girls because of these things.

An Ge and Fei Huai look at each other and know each other's meaning.

The two of them said something.

Gu Chaoyan almost understood what they meant.

Although such a place as the supreme sect is a sect, it mainly focuses on cultivation.

But in fact, it is the same as the royal dynasty and even the family, and it is class clear.

For example, there are great differences between the inner disciples and the outer ones, and there are also differences between the inner disciples and the inner ones.

Before, Gu Chaoyan didn't get in touch with the maids of the supreme school. He didn't know their situation. Now he knows.

They have no status.

The so-called being bullied by the sect's disciples can only be ignored.

But that's not the point.

Does not conform to her Gu Chaoyan's work style.

Whether it's a maid or a servant, since she's with her, how can she bully her at will?

Not to mention taking it out on her.

She didn't do that. Why are the disciples of the medicine school?

"What is the purpose of cultivation? Nature is to protect the people and things it wants to protect. If you are bullied, I can't keep it. What's the use of my cultivation? " Gu Chaoyan said coldly: "who is it? Today I will be the master for you. Everyone in the province dares to bully you!"

"Girl, don't make trouble!" Ango is older and worried about Gu Chaoyan's impulse.

Gu Chaoyan looks helpless.

The maid was worried about her, and she knew it.

But does she look like a mindless person?

"If I don't make trouble, you don't have to worry about who it is. Naturally, I have a way." Gu Chaoyan said painstakingly.

An Ge and Fei Huai don't know how to think about it.

What does that mean.

The girl has just entered the clan. What can she do.

"It's Wu Yuze and Fei Zizhen of Yaozong. They are also old disciples in Yaozong, and their accomplishments are not low, and they are used to being overbearing. If you don't want to, you'd better not. " Fly Huai or can't help saying.

Gu Chaoyan nodded slightly.

"I'll go out." Gu Chaoyan said to them and left.

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