Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2125

He heard about qingyangcao yesterday, but he went to her residence first yesterday to help her supervise and see if the people in Yaozong had done a good job, and then to see who bullied Chaoyan and whether they had paid the price. So he delayed and came here today.

Fortunately, the people of Yaozong took good care of her attendants.

The two bold men had already been dealt with by Yaozong, and the elder of Yaozong also made a statement. In the future, Chaoyan's servants were bullied by them again, and they were expelled from Yaozong.

I don't think they dare make any more moves.

He just came here.

I didn't expect that the grass was really alive.

You know, in Yaozong, it's half dead.

In fact, it sounds good. I'm afraid I'll embarrass the people of Yaozong. That's half dead. In his opinion, di Hongyun is dead.

"You are very good at planting. If you don't show up, you won't be able to leave a little of the green grass." Di Hongyun did not politely say, said here, he looked around, looking at no one around, then whispered: "I knew you could plant, I don't worry directly eat all, although the breakthrough, but also a pity, I was a hammer business ah." Di Hongyun has a pity expression on his face.

Gu Chao Yan light smile.

He can only eat qingyangcao directly.

If he planted it, he would be in big trouble if the clan knew about it.

Now that he has seen so much, he thinks it's a pity. In fact, it's no pity.

"And yours, too?" Di Hongyun asked.

"Well." Gu Chaoyan answered.

Di Hongyun's expression I knew.

They can't, so they have to eat it.

Gu Chaoyan looked at him and believed his eyes completely. Her eyes moved. She cheated Di Hongyun about this matter, but she couldn't tell the truth directly. That's what happened.

I don't know why.

In the face of Di Hongyun, Gu Chaoyan is a little guilty.

In the future, if you use qingyangcao to refine pills, give him some.

Gu Chaoyan thought secretly.

Gu Chaoyan is still thinking about it. Di Hongyun has long stopped thinking about qingyangcao. Instead, he is already saying something else with great interest: "the person who bullied your servant has been punished. I'll watch it for you myself. In addition, I always look at those two people. One of them looks like the pig head of xuanyuezong, but I don't know whether he looks like them or not


" of course, I came to you today, not for the pig's business, but for something to tell you. "

"What's the matter?" Gu Chaoyan asked casually, thinking about xuanyuezong's pig head. It's possible. Maybe they are related. Otherwise, why do they come outside her yard and bully her servants? It's just that this matter needs a little time to verify.

"The contest of the beast control sect is about to begin." Di Hongyun said solemnly.

"What contest?" Gu Chaoyan was at a loss. She knew that there was a competition in the inner gate, but she didn't expect that there was a competition among the inner gate disciples.

"You don't know that." Di Hongyun suddenly confidence, voice also involuntarily big up: "is about the secret."

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