Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2126

Gu Chaoyan white Di Hongyun one eye.

He really didn't know what he was thinking all day long. If he knew about competition and secret place, he would be so proud.

I'm afraid that all the disciples of the drug sect across a field of medicine heard this loud voice.

Gu Chaoyan wants to remind him to keep his voice down.

Di Hongyun didn't give him any space.

Directly said in a loud voice: "our supreme sect will open the secret place once a year, and this year will soon open the secret place, and the disciples who can enter the secret place every year are only five of the six sects who are the most powerful in the competition. Go ahead."


" the secret place opened this time is level five secret place, level five secret place. Oh, there are many things in level five secret place. Not to mention that some array weapons and magic weapons are of top grade. It is said that there will be some top grade herbs, such as yuanyicao. "

When Di Hongyun talks, his eyes are full of yearning.

They are all practitioners. Who doesn't want these things.

Of course, he wants to go to the secret place. As long as he can, he can pick up something.


As a person who has saved him, he certainly hopes to go with her.

Of course, the most important thing is that although the cultivation of younger martial sister is not very good, her brain is really easy to use. Unlike Xinde and Zhengyang, they are too decent. If they are decent, they will be rigid. Of course, there will be a lot less things.

The younger martial sister is different.

The younger martial sister is sure to get a lot of things.

Di Hongyun's heart is to think so, but also very clear, can't say so directly.

Otherwise, the younger martial sister may not take him with her.

Thinking of this, di Hongyun said with a smile: "little younger martial sister, you should give back the things about Yaozong to them as soon as possible. Let's go back to yuzhuzong early and prepare to compete. The most important thing is to get into the secret place."

Gu Chaoyan nodded.

Although Di Hongyun is busy every day, he doesn't know what he's thinking, but he's very sensible about big things.

He has a point.

Yao Zong here, she can't waste too much time, the most important thing is to go back to the competition of Yu beast Zong.

Yuan Yicao is what she really needs!

Di Hongyun said a lot here.

Pat your ass and go.

Gu Chaoyan continued to guard the green grass here.

The competition of the animal control sect.

If she wants to be in the top five among so many inner disciples, her cultivation is not enough.

The martial god has a heavy heaven. In the beast controlling sect, he is only a middle and upper cultivation, not even in front of him.

It's not too long since the competition. She wants to improve her accomplishments in a short time, but it's unrealistic.

She is still studying the inheritance, maybe there is more chance for her to win in the inheritance.

For example, the palm, fist and footwork she is practicing now can be of great use at critical moments.

Think about it.

Gu Chaoyan continued to practice his footwork.

Yuan Yicao, she must get it.

Five days have passed since this practice.

Qingyangcao, now almost all began to exude green color, growing just right, and soon, you can directly pick.

She shouldn't be stuck here anymore.

And the elders of Yaozong, obviously, also came to Yaotian. They wanted to check the situation of qingyangcao on both sides.

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