Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2127

Yao Zong is guarding several disciples of Yao Tian, and those who urge him to be dejected are there.

If a few days ago, they still had some hope, but now, obviously, they have no hope at all. Qingyangcao, no matter how hard they try these days, grows longer and withers more and more. Until later, the root has begun to rot gradually, and the root rot is really lifeless.

They are just going to find the elders of Yaozong, and they just came.

Seeing the Qingyang grass in the medicine field, the elders of the medicine sect were very upset. If we study it deeply, Qingyang grass is the most valuable herb in the medicine field of the medicine sect. I didn't expect that all the herbs were dead. How many top-grade pills were gone? How could the elders be angry? How could they explain that the medicine sect is really bad.

Elder Bai Xu touched his beard: "there is still half of the green grass over there. It was planted by a little disciple of the animal control sect. Let's see the result."

Elder white beard brought it up, and the other elders planned to go.

Other disciples of Yaozong are going to follow them.

These two days they wanted to go, Nie Hexun directly stopped them, they have no chance to go.

Now they wonder what it looks like.

The probe followed.

When they went, Gu Chaoyan was sitting beside the green grass and drinking tea.

The tea sets, tables and chairs for drinking tea are very simple. They were made by Di Hongyun.

But for the tea, she would not have been able to stay.

Seeing the elders of Yaozong coming, Gu Chaoyan looked happy: "the elders are coming. Look at your Qingyang grass. I haven't damaged one. Now that my task is finished, can I go back to the beast sect?"

Gu Chaoyan couldn't wait.

The elders of Yaozong don't care if she can't wait to go back.

Everyone's eyes are on the green grass.

The green grass here is growing very well and green. Although one of them is a little small, if it goes on like this, it will grow very luxuriant.

What's more, the yellowing part of the leaves has disappeared completely.

"Yes, yes! I really don't care about your business in vain. The green grass is really good. " Said elder white beard.

"This is inevitable, as long as it continues to grow so well here, then can I go back to the beast clan?" Gu Chaoyan asked.

"I never thought that it was you who planted it. At the beginning, you didn't plant so much for nothing." The elder of the beast controlling sect said.

"It's OK. Can I go back to the animal control sect?" Gu Chao Yan asked again.

"Is there anything you need to pay attention to in the future?"

"No, don't worry about it. When the time comes, you can pick it directly. Remember that you didn't pick the root directly, so it will continue to grow. The best way is to wait for the seeds on the head of Qingyang grass to grow and then pick them. In this way, the seeds on the head will continue to grow when they are left in the field nearby, and the herbs that are picked will be used for alchemy. " Gu Chaoyan said carefully: "can I go back to the beast family?"

"What?" The elder of Yaozong was surprised to hear that.

If according to this girl's saying, there will be more and more qingyangcao. At that time, Yaozong will be very good.

"But really? Is there anything to pay attention to? " The elder of Yao Zong asked.

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