Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2128

Gu Chaoyan's face was full of helpless expression. If Lin Chang, the master of lianqizong, was extremely cheeky, he would always coax her into casting swords. The elders of Yaozong were very wordy.

Just now, she has said so clearly.

The elders of Yaozong are still worried and always ask what they need to pay attention to.

Qingyangcao is much stronger than the herbs cultivated by their medicine sect. It doesn't need so many miscellaneous things to pay attention to. Let it grow in a well ventilated and dry place. If you want to continue to grow more qingyangcao, you have to wait a few more days, seed and plant it.

Just don't worry about them too much, they can grow well. If you worry about them too much, they can't.

Gu Chaoyan shook his head slightly: "No."


" remember to let them grow here. Don't care about them. If it's wet, just wait for the natural rain. " After all, he was the elder of Yaozong. Even if he was wordy, he was the same as the elder. Gu Chaoyan still needed to be respected, so she specially asked him a few words. Then she asked, "can the disciple go back to the beast sect?"

The elder of Yaozong made things clear. At this moment, he finally heard Gu Chaoyan's words. Can he go back to Yushou Zong.

She is a disciple of the beast control sect. She has been in the medicine sect these days. It's really hard to say. Besides, the beast control sect is very stingy. She has borrowed other people's disciples for so long, so she can't tell them how to pay them back in the future.

The elder of Yaozong thought about this and said, "naturally, it's OK."

Gu Chaoyan was relieved.

Finally, I can go back to the beast control sect.

She doesn't want to waste too much time on these herbs.

Especially in the secret place, she has to find a way to get in.

Yuan Yicao!

Elder Yaozong let go, and Gu Chaoyan left in a hurry.

And the disciples and elders of Yaozong watched her all the time. Gu Chaoyan seemed to be on the run. After he was promised, he quickly left their sight.

The disciples of Yaozong have a look of worship.

The elders of Yaozong are not. They have a pity expression.

Such a gifted disciple would be excellent if he was in the medicine school.

Yao Zong is a relatively diversified sect.

Even if you want to be a good alchemist, you also need a certain amount of cultivation to be able to produce high-quality pills.


If the cultivation is mediocre.

If you can plant herbs well, it's also very useful in medicine.

Like Gu Chaoyan.

But it's really Linggen. Even if you can't alchemy in the future, you can manage the medicine field!

Unlike in yuzhuzong, she was afraid of suffering.

"If it had been..." an elder of Yaozong thought of it and couldn't help opening his mouth.

"She wanted to go to yuzhuzong on her own initiative. Even if we wanted someone at the beginning, she would not come." White beard elder directly impolite mouth says, broke his fancy.

Also don't see that wench walk of time with escape similar, how can want in medicine?

Even if he felt pity, he would not think about what he should not.

That girl is such a special person, or the first time.

It is clear that these old men dislike her spiritual roots, but they want to hold them in their own clan.

Elder white beard shook his head with a smile.

Then he ordered the disciples of Yaozong: "you heard Gu Chaoyan's words just now?"

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