Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2129

Green sun grass.

Then according to her meaning to take care of.

All the disciples of Yaozong nodded.

Gu Chaoyan, they do. She says she will take care of qingyangcao.

The disciples of Yaozong thank Gu Chaoyan more or less. If it wasn't for her, things of qingyangcao would not be so smooth. If qingyangcao died, the disciples of Yaozong would be guilty for a long time.

Only Nie Hexun.

His face was a little ugly.

Until now.

He was also somewhat reluctant to recognize the facts.

How could it be like this.

They have nothing to do with qingyangcao, but she can.


No one paid attention to Nie Hexun.

Only Fu Xinde patted Nie Hexun on the shoulder: "in fact, there are some things that can't be done and there is nothing. In this world, there are always people who are more powerful than themselves."

Nie Hexun took a look at Fu Xinde.

Yushou sect.

Gu Chaoyan came out of Yaozong and went to Yushou Zong in a hurry.

This is the first time that she has come to Yushou sect since she joined Yushou sect.

Almost all the former disciples of Yushou sect knew her existence.

And everyone looked at her differently.

Some are admirable, some are not satisfied, some simply do not like such publicity.

Lu Zhengyang was with some of his disciples.

"What do you think of elder martial brother Zhengyang?" Lu pengkun looked at Gu Chaoyan and then at LV Zhengyang.

Lu pengkun is the brother of Lu Zhengyang's family, but he is not too close. If he doesn't come to such a place as the supreme school, he will naturally get together and help each other.

"What do you think?" LV Zhengyang asked calmly, as if he didn't understand the meaning of LV pengkun.

"At the moment, Shao Simiao's accomplishments and abilities are the first, and he is the second in haocang. Yi Maodian's Mu Wenshu is competing between the three and four. Elder martial brother Zhengyang, you have always been the fifth in existence. Although you have not moved forward, you are just qualified to enter the secret place. Now the secret is open, but she comes out. What do you think, elder martial brother Zhengyang? " Lu pengkun asked clearly.

Lu Zhengyang frowned, even though his face was a little ugly.

The meaning of this is that she will surpass herself when she comes, and she can't keep her fifth position?

Originally, the fifth year has made LV Zhengyang very unhappy. Now that people think so, how can he be happy?

Moreover, he was suppressed everywhere during the previous mission.

"What do you mean?" Lu Zhengyang was not happy, and his brothers did not give him a good look.

"I'm worried about you, so I remind you in advance. You are also very clear about the situation of the LV family. This year, we are opening a five level secret place. The things in it are very useful for the LV family. There should be no accidents. My qualifications are mediocre, and I can only say that I help you. The LV family relies on you all the time, so I have to say a few more words. " Lu pengkun said.

What he said was true.

Naturally, LV Zhengyang also knew the truth of his words.

Lu pengkun did mean that.

Of course, his words made me happy.

The LV family has always relied on him.

He likes that very much.

"Don't worry, she. It's not enough." Lu Zhengyang's tone just recovered a bit of gentleness, but he didn't say anything more with LV pengkun.

Lu pengkun did not think so.

She's the one who really needs attention.

No matter what attitude they have towards Gu Chaoyan.

She just entered the animal control sect.

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