Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2130

Di Hongyun is very happy for Gu Chaoyan to enter the beast control sect. When she just stepped in, di Hongyun stuck up.

"Little younger martial sister, you are here at last. I'm bored recently. Xinde has been busy with qingyangcao in Yaozong all day. Zhengyang doesn't know why, and even ignores me. I can't find anyone to play with for a long time, and I haven't been on a mission for a long time. It's so boring. Fortunately, you're here." Di Hongyun is very happy.

Gu Chaoyan has a headache.

The elder Lin of the weapon refining sect bothers her, but the elder of the medicine sect is very wordy.

It's very good to be here.

But she did not count that di Hongyun was in charge of the beast sect. Sooner or later, he would annoy himself to death!

Now that we are fighting for the qualification to enter the secret world, everyone is painstakingly practicing. He is still worried that no one will play with him.

I don't know what this man came to the supreme school for.

"I want to practice. Play by yourself." Gu Chaoyan coldly dropped such a sentence, then he was also busy with cultivation.

In the animal control sect, in addition to the skills and tasks that the sect needs to learn, most of the time, these disciples are also practicing with their own spiritual roots. As the level five secret realm is about to open, the beast controlling sect let the disciples practice by themselves one month in advance.

So Gu Chaoyan went back to the beast control sect, that is, he practiced himself.

Di Hongyun is about to make trouble, and Gu Chaoyan doesn't pay any attention to him.

When Gu Chaoyan comes out, it's time to compete.

Just out of the first eye, Gu Chaoyan directly saw Di Hongyun, he is there also did not go, nothing in Gu Chaoyan here.

"If you don't practice, what are you doing here?" Gu Chaoyan asked suspiciously, the feeling that di Hongyun had nothing to do all day.

"Wait for you, I don't have to be so nervous about cultivation. I already have the qualification to enter the secret place, but I don't have to worry about the competition." Di Hongyun said directly.


"It's elder martial Brother Shao Simiao. He promised to win and give me the qualification to enter the secret place." Di Hongyun is smiling.

"Oh." Gu Chaoyan has already understood.

Di Hongyun was full of unexpected expression: "are you not curious about how I came here?"

"How can you come here? It's just that you bribed successfully. You are willing to give you the qualification to enter the secret world, which means that you have given him what he wants more. Green grass? " Gu Chao Yan asked casually.

"How do you know?" Di Hongyun was even more surprised.

Gu Chaoyan is too lazy to pay attention to him.

How can we ask about this matter that we can know with a little brain.

The two of them embezzled qingyangcao, and they knew each other.

And how much did Di Hongyun take? She was almost clear.

Di Hongyun ate without planting, but his cultivation has not changed, which means that he did not eat in person, so there is such a possibility. She just guessed casually, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

"Don't go, you haven't said how you know." Di Hongyun pulls Gu Chaoyan.

"I'm not stupid."

"What about you? What's your plan for this year's competition?"

Gu Chaoyan heard his words, the next meal.

In the past two days, she directly picked the general green grass in the space for cultivation.

Originally, according to her plan, this time, she can directly break through the cultivation of the supreme warrior.

But I don't know why.

She stopped when she reached the Ninth Heaven.

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