Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2131

According to the plan, it shouldn't be. It shouldn't stop.

But when she arrived at jiuchongtian, the God of martial arts, she wanted to break through again. It was as if she met a barrier, which blocked her from entering the cultivation of the supreme martial arts. Her consciousness wanted to rush out, but she didn't know why. She bumped her back three times and two times. Her head was hurt, and she was still strong, so she couldn't go out It cut her off.

In the end, she came out when there was really no way.

After trying again, it's the same. There's no reaction.

However, as the competition approached, Gu Chaoyan had to give up for a while.

Originally, if she had broken through the supreme martial arts, plus her fist, palm and footwork, she would have won the top five in the competition of the beast controlling sect and got the qualification to enter the level five secret realm.

And now.

Gu Chao Yan is really hard to say. He doesn't know whether he has complete assurance.

When Di Hongyun asked, Gu Chaoyan didn't want to answer.


Not bad.

She has the power of inheritance of the dragon in her body. Even now, the power of inheritance is not completely integrated with her own spiritual power. As long as it is used properly, it is still OK.

This time, she believed in herself.

Then looking up at di Hongyun, Gu Chaoyan still did not answer her positively, just said: "go to the test field first."

Di Hongyun's interest suddenly dropped a little.

He wants to enter level five because she wants to go.

At this moment, looking at the meaning of the younger martial sister, she was not sure that she would have a chance to enter.

If she had full confidence, she would have come down.

Di Hongyun suddenly lost his heart.

Gu Chaoyan was walking in front of him, but he didn't notice these. He was just thinking seriously.

It's time for the competition.

Some disciples have begun to compete.

Of course, those who start to compete now will not be the more powerful disciples of Yushou sect.

Only those who are mediocre in Yushou sect will take advantage of this opportunity to start a competition.

Their purpose is simple.

It's just taking this opportunity to try to see if you've made any progress in your skills and what it's like to be in Yushou.

What's more, I just want to take this opportunity to show myself to the elders.

Some of them may never have a chance to be ahead, but they always need to have a chance in Yushou sect. Competition is a kind of competition. Although it may not have a good effect, how can you know if you don't try?

And those who belong to the upper reaches of the animal control sect will not come out at this moment. They are all sitting below, waiting for the real competition to begin.

Gu Chaoyan and di Hongyun find a corner and sit down.

Gu Chaoyan's only purpose is to enter the secret place and obtain yuan Yicao.

Therefore, to show or not to show is not a matter for her to consider at all.

After sitting down, di Hongyun began to say: "little younger martial sister, let me introduce you. The tall one sitting there is Shao Simiao. He is the first existence of our animal control sect. It's inevitable to enter the secret place." Said here, di Hongyun again pressure small voice said: "my opportunity is he wants to give me."

After that, di Hongyun's voice became loud again: "elder martial Brother Shao is already the top cultivation of the supreme martial arts."

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