Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2133

Lu Zhengyang took a look at her.

He said: "those who don't have the chance to get the qualification at all come here to have a competition. They just want to take a chance to get more attention from the elders. Since you entered the animal control sect, you have been high-profile enough. It's not good for you to compete with them in the future."


"if you want to get the qualification to enter the secret place..." Lv Zhengyang pondered, and then said: "even if you work hard, younger martial sister, now it's just the cultivation of the martial god jiuchongtian. As the fifth, I have broken through the supreme martial arts. You can't win me, so you don't have to go back to me."


"you are smarter than these disciples, and your cultivation speed is also very fast, but young martial sister, don't forget that you are just a real spiritual root."


"zhenlinggen, your cultivation in this life is limited. For example, you can't break through the supreme cultivation? Maybe you can't break through in your life. "


"that's why the supreme sect has requirements for Linggen, and the elder of the beast controlling sect didn't want you to join the beast controlling sect at first." Lu Zhengyang was very patient. First, he said that she was not allowed to participate in the competition, and then he said something about cultivation.

He still likes the feeling.

Listen to him, and his sense of strategizing.

A few days ago, he was a little tired of looking at this younger martial sister.

After he broke through the cultivation of the supreme warrior, all of a sudden there was no more.


He realized.

Little younger martial sister, no matter how smart she is, no matter how sharp she is.

Her spiritual roots doomed her life to stay in only one place.

In the future, all the other disciples will go forward, and she may still be in the same place.

But now she is so high-profile, how in the future than others, will be the most painful.

So he has nothing to worry about.

Younger martial sister, after all, she is not as good as him.

He can easily break through the supreme cultivation.

Looking at her eyes, there was more pity.

Gu Chaoyan frowned.

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

She couldn't break through the supreme cultivation when she was in the martial god jiuchongtian.

Is that really the reason?

Is it because of her spiritual roots?


If it was only a matter of Linggen, it would not be difficult for her.

Because of the power of inheritance, her spiritual root can be nourished. Now she is the spiritual root of heaven. If there is time, her spiritual root can be advanced. Can she break through the supreme cultivation at that time?

That will take a long time.

Linggen's business, for her, is not a difficult thing.

So Gu Chaoyan even after hearing, also feel good, not too uncomfortable.

LV Zhengyang looked at her expression and was slightly surprised.

"I want to try." Gu Chaoyan insisted.

"It's up to you." Lu Zhengyang no longer advised him. He felt that he had said all that he had said before.

As for whether to listen or not, it's up to her.

Lu Zhengyang is not here to stay, see Di Hongyun did not want to go, he left.

Gu Chaoyan doesn't care about LV Zhengyang's words, but di Hongyun does: "little younger martial sister, what can I do?"

"Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about what happens after you enter the secret world." Gu Chao Yan said directly and impolitely.

"Younger martial sister, how can you do that?" Di Hongyun cried out in a loud voice, as if he had been greatly bullied.

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