Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2134

Gu Chaoyan ignored him.

Because the competition has entered the stage of white hot.

Now it's an accident that she doesn't break through the supreme cultivation, so she needs to find another way to win the qualification to enter the secret realm.

The so-called method is to observe the strongest ones.

See if you can find their weaknesses and beat them in your own way.

Although they are all supreme accomplishments, which are very different from their own accomplishments, she has the power of inheritance. In addition, her fist, palm and footwork should be useful.

In this circle of observation, she found that Shao Simiao is really a very powerful person. Even if she may have a chance to win in the future, now she has no way.

After knowing that he could not win Shao Simiao, Gu Chaoyan gave up challenging Shao Simiao in an instant.

Keep looking at the others.

Among the others, because they have reached the supreme cultivation, they are impeccable in any aspect.


She found a man.

In Ju haocang, the second place of Yu beast sect, although his cultivation is only inferior to Shao Simiao, he is more like a disciple of Quan sect, and he is slow in making moves.

Another is that he is careless and easy to ignore his opponent.

Another way of saying it is easy to belittle opponents.

Gu Chaoyan thinks that it is more possible to find a breakthrough in him.

Think to settle, Gu Chaoyan plans to do so directly.

She got up and went to the competition.

"Now go compare?" Di Hongyun yelled, mainly because he thought it was incredible.

Now the contest is almost over.

The top five are still the same as last year's five, almost unchanged.

Just when yuzhuzong was almost ready to decide the result of the game, Gu Chaoyan went.

Lu Zhengyang looks disappointed. Originally, he thought the younger martial sister had listened to him and decided not to compete. Unexpectedly, she even had to compete.

Lu Zhengyang shook his head slightly.

If she listens to herself, he is willing to take care of her in the future.

But if he doesn't listen to his own words and insists on going his own way, no wonder he does.

"I want to have a try." Gu Chaoyan went directly to the competition platform.

The five people who had already confirmed that they had won looked at each other and then at Gu Chaoyan.

Then his eyes fell on LV Zhengyang.

"If the younger martial sister wants to have a try, I will play with her." Lu Zhengyang said calmly, and also flew up to the competition platform.

The disciple's eyes, which were about to disperse, returned to the competition platform.

One is the younger martial sister who has made a lot of publicity recently, and the other is the fifth elder martial brother every year.

It seems almost certain who will win or lose.

Gu Chaoyan looked at LV Zhengyang and shook his head slightly: "elder martial brother Zhengyang, the person I want to challenge is not you, but elder martial brother Ju."

"What?" What does Lu Zhengyang mean by deep brow lock?

Think he's the bottom of five?

Lu Zhengyang's face, which was originally light and windy, immediately stepped down and flew down without saying a word.

After going down, LV Zhengyang said unhappily: "elder martial brother Ju, I want to challenge you."

"Challenge me, the fifth one doesn't challenge, challenge me, the second one, this younger martial sister is really enough publicity." Juhaocang is not angry but happy. Anyway, he is above LV Zhengyang. He doesn't mind going up.

Ju haocang's words made LV Zhengyang's face even worse.

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