Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2135

Ju haocang looked down on him. LV Zhengyang was not stupid. Naturally, he could tell.

Usually, many people are afraid to talk about him in private, but they still care about him. Now Ju haocang doesn't even care about him, and he just wipes his face.

Lu Zhengyang clenched his fists tightly, and his face was full of blue veins.

This time into the secret, he wants to get good things, next year, must win him, get rid of the fifth!

At that time, he will not easily give Ju haocang a good look!

Lu Zhengyang thought of it secretly, his eyes were overcast.


No one noticed him.

Now everyone's eyes are on the test bench.

If other disciples challenge Ju haocang, the disciples of Yu beast sect will only think that he is looking for his own death, but now Gu Chaoyan is challenging Ju haocang.

Although Gu Chaoyan is a new disciple of Yushou sect, many people know her brilliant deeds very well.

Kill the mutant animal and get qingyangcao.

No one can do this.

So she challenges Ju haocang. Many of her disciples are full of curiosity and want to see who can win. Even Gu Chaoyan has a small chance to win, but they also want to see what she will do. That's the one who killed the mutant beast alone.

"Younger martial sister, if you want to challenge me, I'll play with you." Ju haocang didn't get angry when facing Gu Chaoyan's challenge. Instead, he was in a good mood and said with a smile.

This is also because of LV Zhengyang. After all, LV Zhengyang is the one who is looked down upon. Can he be in a bad mood in juhaocang?

In a sense, the younger martial sister also felt that she was powerful, so she would try to challenge him.

Juhaocang is beautiful.

Lu Zhengyang's face was ugly.

These Gu Chao Yan pour is looking at in the eye.

But what.

I really can't blame her. She didn't think much about it.

The so-called competition, the final result is to win.

After her observation, she felt that juhaocang was the one she could break most. Naturally, she chose to compete with juhaocang.

As for LV Zhengyang, although he had the lowest accomplishments among the five, he was very thorough and could not get anything good from him.

Gu Chaoyan's choice is because she thinks so.

But these two people obviously don't know what she thinks. I'm afraid they are both influenced by her decision at the moment.

Gu Chaoyan came to the supreme school for yuan Yicao. She had no spare time to take care of other people's emotions for a contest, so these ideas just flashed by, and she focused on the contest.

"Please give me your advice." Gu Chao Yan said with a smile and a relaxed look: "elder martial brother Ju, you have to be careful. I'm sure to enter the secret place. I'll do my best."

"No matter how the younger martial sister is, I don't bully the younger martial sister in juhaocang. How about three moves?" Ju haocang asked.

"If elder martial brother Ju wants to, younger martial sister will."

"Then I'll let you do three moves. If you do three moves, I won't move." Ju haocang said.

It's the same for him anyway.

Anyway, she is not her opponent, so he doesn't mind cheering up.

Gu Chao Yan is a real smile.

This elder martial brother Ju is like this, but it will make it easier for her to win.

By then.

I'm afraid LV Zhengyang will have to settle the accounts with him.

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