Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2136

After all, even if he lost, he just moved back and became the third, while LV Zhengyang, the fifth, would be the sixth, and he would lose the qualification to enter the secret world.


He never imagined that he would lose, nor did he imagine the mood of the fifth man, because he was always second.

These Gu Chao Yan will not mind.

Ju haocang has already stood.

Gu Chaoyan's first move is boxing.

The first move was on Ju haocang. He didn't even move.

Ju haocang burst out laughing.

The second move is still to hit Ju haocang with fists. Although his strength is heavier, it's just a drop in the bucket for him. Ju haocang said directly: "younger martial sister, I didn't come here to eat."

Gu Chaoyan light smile: "ate, also ate some snacks, I want to use my third move, elder martial brother Ju attention."

Ju haocang just laughed.

Her strength, even the 30th move, is just such a result.

This new disciple just doesn't know that heaven is high and earth is thick.

Ju haocang just thought so.

Next second.

Gu Chaoyan's fist widened his eyes. When he reacted, he couldn't stop and fell directly to the competition platform.

There are rules in competition. If you drop the competition platform, you will lose.

That's what I mean.

Juhaocang lost?

Ju haocang couldn't believe it.

Naturally, other disciples also talked about it.

No one thought that it would end like this.

It's like an oolong.

It's even a little waterproof!

After Ju haocang completely reacted, he was still not angry, but laughed: "younger martial sister is very smart, you win!"

He can be the second place of yuzhuzong, so he is not stupid.

Even if it's careless, he naturally understands things that are clear even if he uses his brain a little bit.

This younger martial sister didn't try her best at first to let him off guard.

Second, his vigilance is still there, and third, it's really gone.

He lost.

But he didn't mind losing on a younger martial sister's cleverness.


But Lu Zhengyang's face was completely black.

If Ju haocang loses, he will be the sixth. He is not qualified to enter the secret world.

They did it on purpose?

Can't get him into the secret?

No wonder he just talked so much, she insisted on taking part in the contest, and also named juhaocang who wanted to be the second!

Lu Zhengyang snorted coldly, threw his sleeve and left here directly.

He left, but one of the many people was missing.

And Gu Chaoyan there, di Hongyun first rushed up: "little younger martial sister, Congratulations, you can enter the secret realm with me!"

Di Hongyun is very happy. The purpose of his going to the secret place is to enter the secret place with his younger martial sister.

"Younger martial sister, what's the matter with your third punch? With a light punch, elder martial brother Ju flew away. Younger martial sister, you are really amazing. Everything can turn decay into magic! If I follow you into the secret place this time, I will surely get a lot of treasures! " Di Hongyun thinks freely.

What Di Hongyun said is simple.

Only Gu Chaoyan knew how dangerous it was.

She thought Ju haocang was easier to deal with.

Fortunately, he let himself three moves, otherwise she might not win him.

In the first two moves, although she meant to confuse Ju haocang, she was more trying.

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