Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2138

"Well." Gu Chaoyan answered, full of displeasure, and obviously didn't want to go to the elder.

When Di Hongyun looks at Gu Chaoyan, he thinks that the younger martial sister is really strange.

If someone else can be called by the elder, I don't know how happy he will be. He will be unhappy there.

"I don't know what the elder told us to do." Di Hongyun is also curious and can't figure out why.

In the past, the elders seldom met him once a year.

Now it's only a long time. If you have nothing to do, you have to go.

I don't know. I thought it was the disciple in front of me who paid special attention to it.

"There must be nothing good about it." Gu Chaoyan said a sad sentence. When she said this sentence, she couldn't help thinking of elder Lin of Lianqi sect.

Elder Lin has called her many times, but Gu Chaoyan has a grudge in his heart.

"How can you say that, elder martial sister? We are members of the clan. Naturally, we should do our part for the clan." Lu Zhengyang scolded, for Gu Chaoyan so bold words, always can't help but to remind on so a sentence.

"I see." Gu Chaoyan lengthened her voice and answered that sentence. She forgot that LV Zhengyang was here too. Now she was taught.

Three people stumbling and talking.

Then they came to the elders' territory.

This time.

There are elders in all six sects.

Besides them, there are other disciples.

They are late, so these elders and disciples seem to be waiting for them.

"Here you are." Elder Lin of lianqizong took the lead in speaking.

He was no longer the old urchin, and his face was rarely serious.

"The three of you are the first to see the corpses, and you have seen the corpses closely, so you know something about them." Elder Lin said in a dignified voice.

Gu Chaoyan heard elder Lin speak and wanted to shout.

What does elder Lin say.

They know something about the dead.

"Recently, there are a lot of disciples who have been out of the mission, but they haven't come back. It's very unusual in terms of time. The elders suspected that it might be the reason why the dead clan took action. The corpse clan is now reviving. It's time to need aura. The sect disciples are probably the best choice for them to improve their aura, and they are also the fastest. In order to restore the spirit power, I'm afraid the corpse clan will not hesitate to offend us. "


"and almost all of the disciples who went on the mission had an accident near Xu Haicheng."


"the clan urgently selects the right person. You form a team and go to xuhaicheng to find the missing disciples."


"you three, go with them."

"I'm not going." When Gu Chaoyan heard the task, he refused.

Elder Lin had already arranged it, but he didn't expect that someone would refuse it directly.

First of all, I was surprised.

I see Gu Chaoyan again.

Some doubts.

"Why?" Elder Lin asked subconsciously.

"My cultivation is not powerful in the supreme sect. Moreover, we just found the corpse clan, not to the point of understanding the corpse clan. Let me go, it's better to let other disciples go. And the secret place is about to open. I want to practice, so that I can get what I want in the secret place. " Gu Chao Yan said frankly.

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