Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2139

Gu Chaoyan so straightforward words come out, the disciples in the room, including these elders, all some in an uproar.

Generally, the disciples laugh at the tasks arranged by the elders themselves. It's rare for them to refuse. Moreover, they frankly say that they want to go to the secret place before practicing.

For a while.

It was all quiet.

Di Hongyun looks at her younger martial sister. She has a serious expression and doesn't want to go at all.

The disappointment in his heart began to spread again.

Younger martial sister, this is the second time.

The first time was that the disciples who had gone to complete the task of qingyangcao didn't come back. She didn't want to go, as if she didn't pay attention to the safety of those disciples. The second time, now, many disciples of the supreme sect are missing, which may have something to do with the corpse clan. The younger martial sister is still indifferent and does not want to go.

Sometimes he really doesn't know what kind of person the younger martial sister is.

When Mingming first saved them, the younger martial sister was so kind-hearted, but why is she so cold-blooded now.

He doesn't like cold-blooded junior sister.

Di Hongyun was silent.

Several elders of the supreme sect also looked at each other and exchanged views with each other.

They were also surprised that Gu Chaoyan would refuse.

Especially elder Lin.

In elder Lin's mind, this disciple is mischievous, capable and persistent. But she is also a person with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. For example, in the case of lianqizong, although she refused, she still helped in the end, such as the case of Yaozong.

How could she look so cold-blooded?

Think of the sword of lianqizong.

Elder Lin said patiently: "you don't have to worry about the secret place. Now the disciples of the supreme sect are in trouble. The sect must find those missing disciples first, and the secret place will be properly arranged, so you won't miss the time to enter the secret place. In addition, after entering the secret realm, whether you can get treasures or what treasures you can get depends on the opportunity. It's not about competing for accomplishments, so it doesn't matter how you cultivate. So, is there any objection? "

All by chance?

So in other words, she may not have a chance to get yuanyicao?

Hearing elder Lin's words, Gu Chaoyan was not happy, but his face became heavier.

Yuan Yicao, she must get, only yuan Yicao can save Huaijin.

"Is there any objection?" Elder Lin saw that Gu Chaoyan didn't answer, so he repeated it again.

The other disciples all stretched their heads and looked at Gu Chaoyan.

They didn't know what the new disciple was capable of, so the elders had to arrange for her to go and coax her to go.

Gu Chaoyan returned to his mind: "I have no objection."

Elder Lin nodded: "in this way, you will go back to pack up your things first and set out for Xuhai city tomorrow."

The disciples saluted and then all stepped down.

The elders looked at the disciples who had gradually gone out.

"It's just a new disciple at the top of Wushen. Even if she has finished two tasks, it's just the top cultivation of Wushen. Why do you have to go there? It's just true spirit root. She's too poor. In this life, she'll stop practicing martial arts. She hasn't seen the true spirit root realize the supreme cultivation. " The elder of boxing sect didn't understand it very much, and he didn't like it either.

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