Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2668

"In the North Village to find the right man to marry, most of them like that, where is worthy of Danqiu? Caixiu is different. In the future, if he gets an official title, Danqiu will be his wife. His father and I are used to living in the North Village. In the future, even if Cai Xiu gets an official title and wants to go to Ren di or the capital, that is, Dan Qiu used to preside over Zhang Luo. We don't interfere, and we won't make Dan Qiu's life miserable. " Jiang Caixiu's mother said with reason.

She has paid her best visit here.

Like Wang, who has never seen the world before, it is impossible to be indifferent. Jiang Caixiu's mother thought.

After hearing this, Wang just gave a cold hum: "when you get a reputation, I'm afraid the first thing is to leave your family. It's not like your family has never done this kind of thing."


"what's the matter with the other men in the North Village? Even if they are not scholars, they are also down-to-earth farmers. They won't leave their families in case of anything and have no responsibility."


"no matter what future you have in the future, our family dare not want it. Danqiu is not worthy of him. You'd better find a more noble lady to match him. Let's just find an honest man for Danqiu. The official wife doesn't dare to do it. She's afraid of losing her life. " Wang's voice is not small, said directly sarcastically.

The Jiang family took the Yan family as a fool.

At the beginning, he ordered a marriage. The third brother helped the Jiang family a lot, and he also gave a lot of money privately. He hoped that Jiang Changxiu would have a good environment.

Later, she didn't know the result.

Jiang Caixiu is a white eyed wolf. He can't raise himself.

Wang's angry clothes are not washed, directly put away the clothes to go.

No matter how Jiang Caixiu's mother pulls her, she is determined to leave. Seeing that she is still pulling herself, she simply announced aloud: "my Wang family has put the words here today. In the future, we Danqiu will not be able to choose Jiang Caixiu, whether we are looking for men from Beicun or other villages, or even if we can't get married."


"I dare not." Wang added.

He left in anger.

Jiang Caixiu's mother didn't expect Wang to be so fierce. She was a little annoyed and wanted to hold Wang to make it clear.

However, she was soon stopped.

Jiang Caixiu doesn't succeed. Does she have a married son in her family? It's not suitable for Dan Qiu. If she can marry Dan Qiu, it will be a blessing for her eight lives. Naturally, she has to stop them. She can't let the Jiang family succeed. This is the first thing.

Jiang Caixiu's mother was stopped. There was really nothing to do but stamp her feet in the same place.

Finally, I went back with my clothes. Before I washed them, I carried them back intact. I was insulted. Jiang Caixiu's mother died, but I had no choice but to accept her life.

The others are very happy.

Wang said so, which means that their family may have a chance.

Everyone is anxious to say such a thing after washing.

Jiang Caixiu's mother went back and just got home, he smashed the basin: "what's the matter? It's shameless! We just show already very reluctantly married, unexpectedly still don't agree! "


"what is this called?"

"Mother, or not?" Jiang Caixiu dragged his injured body out and asked, his eyes a little dim.

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