Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 2669

"Wang doesn't want to. He's still there to belittle our family. I really don't know how their brains grow. They don't have a little intelligence and don't know how to think about good or bad." Jiang Caixiu's mother scolded angrily, as if it could relieve her anger and the fact of failure.

She had nothing to do with being belittled by others. She was weak when she came first.

Jiang Caixiu sighed, his face full of displeasure.

If she doesn't want to, she won't help him.

Scientific research? Before this time, he was very confident, but now he has no confidence at all.

He wants to take a shortcut now.

If he fails to pass the examination for several years, he will become an old scholar. At most, he will teach in the village. How can he do such a thing?

The more Jiang Caixiu thinks about it, the more he feels aggrieved.

"Mother, Yan Danqiu doesn't want to. It's OK. I'll go back to the city in two days. I know the county magistrate's daughter, too. If she can approve me, it's much better than Yan Danqiu." Jiang Caixiu is not dejected to say, but slowly fighting.

If it does, he will pay for Yan Danqiu!

Jiang Caixiu took care of the injured and went to the city.

He went to the city, no one paid attention, most people were busy with their own things.

Especially the Yan family.

The walls of the Yan family are almost finished.

When it's finished, we need to turn over these fields and plant things.

Gu Chaoyan took advantage of the darkness to irrigate the soil with Holy Spirit water, which he did for several days in a row.

Before planting, she invited two tall nursing homes.

And then it's officially planted.

Now aunt Lianhua is also in charge of planting herbs. In addition, there are several practical aunts, but Gu Chaoyan doesn't do it.

When things are planted, Gu Chaoyan arranges the next things, and it's almost time for her to leave.

Her mission was officially completed.

When it comes to the tasks behind, it's a bit back to nature.

On the day when all the herbs were planted, an aunt came back from outside and said, "do you know what happened to the Jiang family?"

"What?" Aunt lotus was very interested and asked.

"He seems to have harassed the servant girl beside the county magistrate. He was beaten to a pig's head, and the county magistrate locked him in. It would take at least three months to come out. It is said that Jiang Caixiu wanted to cheat the feelings of the county magistrate. As a result, he recognized the wrong person and forced him to do something he shouldn't do when he was unwilling. That's the end. "


"if you want to cheat people, you have to recognize the master clearly. It's wonderful to recognize you as a servant girl."


"if you're stupid, you'll get it."

The aunt obviously didn't like people like Jiang Caixiu and didn't say it politely.

Lotus aunt also couldn't help laughing: "he ah, it wasn't because he met a good man like Lao San. He thought everyone was like Lao San, so he deserved it. If only he hadn't been ambitious at the beginning, it would be better now. "

It's a blessing to marry Dan Qiu. She doesn't dare to think of such a daughter-in-law. It's so good that she doesn't cherish it at all.

When they talk hard.

There was a loud clap on the door outside.

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