Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 10 - 10: Emergency Quest Pt: 1

Soren had spent another month on King Kai's planet training the famous Kaio-Ken technique and the Spirit Bomb technique that Goku would use in the future to grow stronger immensely. Soren had also been taught how to use his Ki to use Telepathy to read the mind of anyone who is weaker than him, or who has a weak mind, and with these 3 technique's Soren learned, he left King Kai's planet with a grin on his face, and after traveling Snake way at a much faster pace, Soren made it back to King Yemma's office and asked him to contact Kami. Once Kami came to pick Soren up he noticed that Soren was a little over 2 times as powerful than he was when he first came to Otherworld, and when Kami brought Soren back to Earth Soren immediately left the lookout to do his own thing, but what Kami didn't know, was that Soren had gotten a new notification from his System that required his immediate attention.

'Misha, what do my stats look like after I trained with King Kai?': soren

{Ding!... I can show you your status now Soren…

Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 17

BP: 500,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (28% Awoken)

Skills: Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy} (A/N: I separated Skills and Techniques to make it easier to differentiate… Skills are more like passives, but he can also have skills that aren't passive while Techniques require Energy to use)

As Soren was marveling over his new status, both he and Kami arrived back at the lookout, but right when he got back to Earth Misha sounded out with a new notification.

{Ding!... Soren there is an emergency that requests your presence at your home, please go handle it if you would like to save your family from death… Quest! Emergency Quest: Familial Ties}

Soren read the name of the quest and didn't even have the chance to thank Kami before he shot off at blinding speeds in the direction of his home, and after a few minutes of traveling Soren's home finally came into view along with the sight of Naruto, Olive, and Aiden fighting a bunch of Devils who seem to be attacking an unconscious boy with pointed ears and Dark Blue hair wearing a Black jacket with some kind of school emblem on the left side of his c.h.e.s.t, he wore a White button up shirt and a loose Black necktie with Red and White stripes. The boy also wore a pair of Black pants that had a wallet chain sticking out of his pocket attached to his belt loop, the strange thing was the boy had a long furry Black tail sticking out of his back side, and laying down on the ground next to him was a katana wrapped in a Red cloth sleeve and a Black cross-body strap.

'What happened here?': soren

Soren quickly started to descend to the ground and join the fight going on between the Devils and his family and friend, Soren was able to tell that in the large group of Devils there were about 10 Ultimate Class Devils, and 30 High Class Devils, while the ground was littered with a mix of unconscious and dead Low Class Devils and some Mid Class Devils. Soren could assume that the unconscious Devils were the ones Naruto defeated, while all the dead one's came from his parents as Soren knew that Naruto had never killed anyone before and felt that everyone could change if given the chance, also something that could be his downfall in the future.

[Mom! Dad! Naruto!... What's going on here!?]: soren

As Soren landed he was immediately attacked by a High Class Devil who thought to sneak attack him, but the second Soren felt his presence get into range of him, the Devil punched out with a fist covered in magic and Soren just caught it with his hand covered in Ki. Soren then flung the High Class Devil across the field, but with the amount of force used in Soren's throw, the Devil's arm was dislocated from its socket and almost ripped off if Soren hadn't let go when he did making the other High Class Devil's become wary of the new addition that was Soren.

[Soren/ Soren-nii!]: aiden, olive, naruto

'So he is the son of a Devil, but why would he be attacked?': soren

Just as Soren thought this it was like his thoughts were heard as he got his answer.

[You!... Why do you interfere with Devil society business?... A Ninja, and 3 unknown beings… I can sense an almost animalistic aura from the 3 of you, are you perhaps from the Yokai faction?]: ???

Soren's attention was brought towards the speaker and Soren could feel that he had the power of an Ultimate Class being, but right now he didn't have the power to beat him as Soren could tell he was around 700-800k BP while he was only around 500K.

[You tell us not to interfere, but you are attacking an innocent kid who had done nothing to you! How can I become the Hokage of my village if I let people like you do however you please near my home?]: naruto

Naruto spoke out with anger in his tone while both Olive and Aiden kept quiet and began waiting to attack whoever attacked them, but Soren could see that his parents were completely exhausted as they had been fighting way past their limits with their BP of only around 10-20k. This was a steep increase since the last time Soren saw his parents and Soren thought that while he went to train so did his parents, and that's why he assumed that Naruto was here, he thought they were training to be able to catch up with Soren's ever growing strength.

[Innocent?... Hahahaha!... Hey boys, this fool thinks that the son of the Old Satan Lucifer is innocent]: ???

When the Ultimate Class Devil said those words all of his subordinates began to laugh out loud while Soren was confused as he thought that all the Satan's from the Old Faction had perished along with God in the Great battle, and while thinking about this Soren unconsciously blurted out.

[But the Old Faction had perished along with God of the Bible]: soren

[Hehe, so you know about Devil History huh?... Good!... And to answer your statement, yes… Everyone was assumed to die off in that battle along with that all but Holy bastard God, but somehow Satan Lucifer had survived the battle and went into hiding, now here we are 1000 years later and have information that the bastard who almost brought our entire races destruction had survived and made his way to the Human world and had a child 16 years ago with a Human woman]: ???

When Soren and everyone heard this information Naruto decided to b.u.t.t in with his own self righteous statement and annoyed the group of Devils who were trying to finish a job that would potentially decide the fate of the entire underworld.

[How do you know that he is this Lucifer's son?... What says your information isn't wrong?]: naruto

[Hahahahaha!... Brat, you really like angering me, Fine!... go over to that little sword of his and unsheathe it]: ???

Soren then walked over to Rin and knelt down and picked up his katana and began to take it out of the Red sleeve before gripping the handle with his right hand and the scabbard with his left before slowly opening the katana. Soren then watched as Blue flames began to seep out of the scabbard as they squeezed past the blade of the katana and began to envelop Rin's body making Blue flame like horns appear right above his forehead.

[Hahaha!... Now do you see! The flame magic of the Satan Lucifer of the Old Faction, a flame so deadly that even God feared its destructive power… Now move out of the way and let us do our job and kill that brat before he wakes and kills us all]: ???

Soren just stood there in a bit of fear as when Rin's power was completely released Soren was able to feel a BP of around 8.6 Million, and this much power made him feel suffocated as he knew that it would be a little while before he reached such a height. Just as Soren was deep in thought, the Devil's began to close in on Rin while Naruto still stood before them, but was also deep in thought himself, and both Olive and Aiden knew that they stood no chance in fighting them, so they stood back to let them through. The group of Devils then walked closer to Naruto, and the leader had stopped before Naruto while his men walked past Naruto and surrounded both Soren and Rin who was still unconscious on the ground, and when Olive saw her son being surrounded by the Devil's she wanted to rush over and pull him out, but Aiden stopped her and made her wait for what would happen next.

[Hahaha!... Good choice kid, now get out of here and I will forgive you for knocking my men unconscious, but as for your friends, they will need to die as they killed members of my group]: ???

When Naruto heard this he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the Ultimate Class Devil before him and began to seethe with anger as the Devil planned to kill both Olive and Aiden for defending themselves. Naruto was about to shout towards the Devil, but before he could get any words out, a huge amount of power shot into the sky shocking both Naruto and Soren's parents as they looked towards the group of Devil's surrounding Soren and Rin, then they noticed that the Devil's had fallen to their knees as Soren was surrounded by a Black energy that gave off an intent filled with malice, but it was not directed towards Naruto or Olive and Aiden.

[WhAt DiD yOu SaY aBoUt KiLLiNg My PaReNt'S!?]: soren

Soren still had the katana in his hands, and it was completely shrouded in a Black smoke like aura, and his tone was off as he looked at the Ultimate Class Devil with hate and anger.

[Hahaha!... Kid, you better control yourself, I will also let you off the hook since you only broke an arm of one of my men, but I'm sorry that I still need to collect the lives of your parents… Hahaha!]: ???

[ThEn LeT mE rId MySeLf Of YoUr PrEsEnCe AnD kiLL yOu]: soren

[Hahahaha!... You! Kill me?... You are far too weak for that… Yeah, you might be strong enough to kill a High Class with ease, but I am on the verge of becoming a Satan Class and I just need that Demon brats power]: ???

The Devil then revealed his true intentions, nobody wanted the death of Rin, but this Devil knew that Rin's power was unstable, and he just needed to absorb Rin's power while he was young to become a Super Class Devil. Soren had scanned the Devil and noticed that he was indeed close to becoming a Super Class Devil, and all he needed was a push, and that push could very well be Rin's powers, but Soren wouldn't let that happen.

[BP of 999,998… Hehe, I can beat you… DiE!]: soren

[What the f.u.c.k is BP?]: ???

When the Devil said that he noticed that Soren had disappeared and reappeared behind him, but Soren's move was predictable and the Devil caught Soren's fist and raised him into the air before slamming him into the ground creating a crater as cracks started to spiderweb outwards.

[You are so weak… Why didn't you accept my kind offer… Did you know my parents had been killed when I was very young, now look at me 650 years later, I made my way to the top and killed my parent's murderers… You learn a lot when you lose something you once loved, but now you're throwing away this chance to get stronger and challenge me in the future, for what?... To die now!?... Fine! I will grant your wish]: ???

The Devil then began to pick Soren up again and slam him into the ground making a crater opposite of the first one, and then the Devil continued to slam Soren into the ground over and over again making the ground quake while Olive and Aiden could hear what sounded to be Soren's bone's being broken as he hit the ground. Soren then thought about King Kai's words as he was being slammed into the ground and having all of his bones broken.

[Remember Soren, using the Kaio-Ken is like using your life force to increase your strength temporarily, and if you go past the limit you can stand, the strain will ultimately kill you in the end… Don't go past 1.5x as that is your current limit]: king kai

Soren then used Kaio-Ken while remembering King Kai's teachings.

[Kaio-Ken!]: soren

[Hahahaha!... Wait, Kaio- What?]: ???

Soren then broke the grip of the Devil and felt the Red aura course around his body as he felt his life force slowly escaping like how it was described in the Super Saiyan 3 Transformation.

'I have increased my BP to 750k… I'm still far from this Devil, but I can work with this, I just can't prolong this battle for more than 3 minutes': soren

Soren then charged towards the Devil who was still surprised about Soren's sudden shout as he felt his power increase, but not to a point it surpassed his power, but it was enough to break the amount of strength used to hold Soren's ankle. Soren then punched the Devil in the face and disappeared again before reappearing behind him and kicking him in the ribs and sending him flying before he caught himself and steadied himself mid air with his wings and catching Soren's next attack before it connected and surrounded his fist with a magic attack and sent a punch straight into soren's stomach sending him flying backwards, and into a pit right next to Rin's still unconscious body.

[GURAAHHHH!]: soren

Soren got up from the ground, holding his stomach as he watched the Devil land while chuckling, and wiping the blood from his mouth and spoke.

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