Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 11 - 11: Emergency Quest Pt: 2

[I don't know what you did there brat, but I changed my mind, I am going to kill you… If I give you time to grow you might have a chance to kill me, so I will kill you today]: ???

The Devil then ran towards Soren and punched him directly in the face sending his face deep into the ground while taking out his anger about everything that had happened to him today onto Soren.

[HAHAHAHAHA!... This is so exhilarating! I've never had an opponent whose body had stayed in one piece this long, normally their head explodes by now]: ???

Soren's face was completely bloodied by the continues punches that were raining down on his face and when Olive saw this she couldn't stand watching her baby be killed like this and ran towards the Devil and she wasn't stopped because Aiden was also in a state of shock to the point he wouldn't stop her.

[Stop it!... Stop hurting my baby! I will kill you for this!]: olive

Naruto saw Olive running towards Soren and the Devil and ran over to her side to stop her from getting hurt, but he was a bit slow as the Devil turned his attention towards her.

[Ha?... Oh, so you want to die before your son huh?... I think I can help you with that]: ???

The Devil then placed his now bloodied hand out towards Olive and she watched as a Blue magic circle formed around his hand and a gigantic ball of fire was shot towards Olive and engulfed her entirely.

[Olive!]: aiden, naruto

The call of both Naruto and Aiden was then drowned out by Olive's screams of pain and agony as she was burned, and as Naruto used a Water style Jutsu to put the flames out it didn't work as the flames were much hotter and just turned the water into vapor that just made the flames hotter.


Olive's body then fell to the ground as the flames finally died down to reveal a charred body of the proud Saiyan Olive leaving both Naruto and Aiden on the verge of throwing up while Soren could only watch his mother burn with tears in his eyes while the culprit stood over him laughing.

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!... Good! She survived longer than I expected, you Yokai's are quite resilient when it comes to Magic related attacks]: ???

[You Monster!... I will get revenge for Olive!]: aiden

Aiden couldn't hold himself back as he then charged towards the Devil while charging up his most powerful attack that had killed thousands when he was younger and hunting planets.

[I will kill you for my late wife!... Super Sun's Beaming Cannon!]: aiden

Aiden had 2 glowing balls of molten Ki form in his hands as he then combined them together and made a ball the size of a cannon and shot the beam towards the Devil who still held Soren down with his foot crushing his neck making him unable to breathe much less move to to the lack of energy he was feeling from the Kaio-Ken.

Then the Devil used a good chunk of his magic to create a barrier that protected him from the attack, and after the attack dissipated the Devil saw Naruto trying to take Aiden out of there as to not let Soren loose him as well as his mother, but Aiden refused to leave and all Naruto could do was fight it out with him.

[If you refuse to leave then I will fight with you… I don't have perfect control over this, but I have been trying something recently through the help of a friend]: naruto

Naruto then lifted his shirt with his right hand and placed his left hand over his stomach where a seal appeared, he then pressed into his stomach with his five fingers and twisted the seal making it's pattern change into an unlocking pattern and Naruto was then covered with a Golden light as a Reddish Orange coat covered his body as his eye color became Orange and his pupils became narrow slits like a Fox. Naruto then touched Aiden's shoulder and a Red cloak of energy covered his entire body while recovering his stamina and lost energy while healing the minor wounds he acc.u.mulated during the earlier fight with the other Devil's and when the Ultimate Class Devil saw this he spoke.

[So this is the infamous Tailed Beast Transformation that the Human's used during the Great War… They were truly troublesome I heard, and you had to do a lot to kill them as they would heal due to the Beasts nature]: ???

Naruto then had a raging conversation with Kuruma inside his body as he was trying to get Kuruma's permission to use the transformation and work with him as he would rather work together than to forcefully take his power, but Kuruma was content watching the world burn and refused to work with Naruto.

'I guess he still needs some time to cool down before we become friends': naruto

Naruto then charged towards the Devil that was now standing over Soren who was slightly losing consciousness due to lack of oxygen being under this Devil's foot. Naruto then punched the Devils and sent him flying and freeing Soren in turn letting him slowly get back up while breathing heavily, and when Soren was able to move again he rushed over to his mother's burn corpse as he tried to look for any sign of life that would let him use a Senzu Bean to cure, but he couldn't find anything.

'I'm a failure as both a son and a protector… How can I save the Universe when I can't even save my mother': soren

Soren began to sulk over his mother's death while both Naruto and Aiden were fighting the Devil who was just casually dodging their attacks like it was nothing, but soon Naruto got faster and faster as he began to learn the movement style of the Devil, and as time passed Naruto began to get some hits in while Aiden was trying to sneak attack the Devil.

The Devil then began to release a strong demonic power that began to suffocate Aiden and made him drop to his knees while Naruto was slowed down a bit, but not by much. Soren had felt the increase in demonic power and turned to see both Naruto and his father now being beaten to a pulp and he got up to fight once more for the sake of not letting any more innocents die for his weakness.

[I'm sorry King Kai, but I might see you in Otherworld sooner than I would have liked]: soren

Soren then got up and ate a Senzu Bean to get the fullest amount of power possible and started walking towards the battle and preparing his resolve to fight and save his father and friend.

[Raahhhhhhhh!... Kaio-Ken!]: soren

Soren got up and his BP was just a bit over 825k meaning he got around a 50k boost from his earlier fight to his base level, and the 1.5x booster for the Kaio-Ken made him just a bit stronger than before. Soren then charged toward the Devil and joined the fight making both Naruto and Aiden slow down their attack, and with this Soren was able to take the fight for himself and let both Naruto and Aiden rest.

[Hahahaha!... So you came back for round 2 huh?... Hahahaha! Good!]: ???

Soren just ignored his words and began punching and blocking the attacks from the Devil, but he was soon overwhelmed by the Devil increasing the level he fought on to just be right above his opponent, and this tactic was stupid, but it made the Devil feel a sense of euphoria when his opponents think they have a chance only for it to be crushed when he overpowers them. Soren then realized he was coming to his limits and decided it was time to risk every single thing he had worked for in his life in one final attack, he then backed far away from the Devil and looked back to see Naruto and his father looking towards him, he then shouted.

[Hold him for a minute I will power up my final attack to end this]: soren

Both Naruto and Aiden nodded with a look of resolution as Soren flew high into the sky and began cupping his hands at his waist as he got into a horse stance and started making his energy spike.

A Blue sphere began to gather in the center of his hands and flash in and out of reality as the energy began to rise even higher, then you could hear Soren continue his words.

[Haaaa Meeeee!...]: soren

The ball of light began to grow in intensity as the ball filled his hands and swirl at high speeds and when Naruto saw this he couldn't help but think that it reminds him of his Rasengan with the revolving energy, but Soren's was more chaotic while Naruto's just followed a chaotic pattern.


Soren then twisted his hands forward as the beam could no longer be contained between Soren's hands, and when Soren threw it towards the Devil both Naruto and Aiden jumped out of the way and the Devil saw what was happening and tried to dodge but couldn't do it in time. The energy then collided with the Devil's body as he put up a defence barrier and started fueling it with his Magic, and once Soren felt his energy depleting from the attack while the Devil was still fine, Soren decided it was time and shouted.

[Kaio-Ken Times 2!]: soren

Soren's energy then doubled what his base was and brought his power up to 1.1 million, and the Kamehameha that Soren used had a sudden energy spike as it broke the barrier and evaporated the Devil as he didn't have enough power left to protect himself anymore. Soren then felt the disappearance of the energy signature and realized that the battle was now over and powered down while his body began to crack and blood began to pour out from everywhere.

'I did it… I avenged you mom!': soren

Soren thought this as he fell back towards the ground and tears started to fall from his eyes and run down his cheek as he hit the ground with a "Thud" and passed out due to the pain.

{Ding!... Soren, it would be advised that you wake up now}

With the sound of a notification going off in his head Soren had slowly opened his eyes and took in the bright brilliant light that shone through his room and into his eyes making him squint and cover his eyes with his hand.

[Wah-... What happened?]: soren

Soren got up and realized he was in his room and was laying down in his bedroom and after a moment of thought Soren remembered that he had been in an intense fight and then he remembered that his mother had died due to that Devil bastard. Soren then got up from his bed and began to stumble to the door, and as he got close he fell down with a big "Thud" that woke the whole house, and within seconds the door to Soren's room burst open with the sight of 2 familiar faces, and a face that he had only ever seen one in real life while every other time it was from behind the T.V. screen.

[Soren-nii you're awake!]: naruto

[My son!... You're finally up]: aiden

[Hey there, my name's Rin, nice to meet you]: rin

Soren had been surrounded by Naruto and Aiden who were clinging to him with tears in their eyes while Soren could see a boy with Dark Blue hair and pointed ears scratching the back of his head due to feeling that he was ruining a close family moment, and with how everything was explained to him when he woke up, he knew that Soren had just lost his mother and will be very upset.

[Rin was it?... I'm Soren, it's nice to meet you as well, but if you'll excuse me, I will be leaving to go train]: soren

As Soren began to walk towards the door Rin tried to stop him as he knew what Soren was trying to do and it wasn't healthy.

[Hold up there… I know your mom just died, but training to forget is not healthy, you should take time to grieve over it before it eats you up inside]: rin

Soren just stopped in his tracks and looked towards Rin making Rin think that his words got through to Soren and he would not do anything stupid, but then Soren spoke.

[Forget?... Who said anything about forgetting? I will hunt down every single Devil that is in that bastards family and eradicate them from this planet, and in a year my mother will be back, she's just gone for the meantime, but will come back]: soren

When Rin heard these words and watched as Soren pushed past him and left the room he was left both shocked and stunned to hear how delusional Soren was as he thought there was no way to bring the dead back.

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