[So Misha, is there any kind of starter pack I get to help start my training?]: soren

When Soren asked this question Misha was silent for a minute as if she was looking for or asking for a starter pack, and after a short wait Misha rang out with a notification that made a smile grow on Soren's face.

{You have completed a hidden quest and achieved the rewards of (x1 Starter Pack) and unlocked the Quest function, and the Inventory function in the Multiverse System leaving 1 more function left to unlock at a later date}

Soren was happy to hear this and quickly opened his inventory to see a screen appear with a box grid line looking to hold an infinite number of boxes that Soren assumed to be inventory spaces, and in the first box was an image of a gift wrapped present with a bow at the top. Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g the image of the present Soren was asked if he was sure he wanted to open the present named as Starter Pack, and without hesitation Soren accepted and watched as the screen changed once more to what appeared to be a big slots machine that began to spin, and soon 3 items were picked and a jingle played while filling Soren's inventory with 3 new items.

'I can't wait to see what I got': soren

Soren opened his inventory once more to see an image of a bracelet, a book, and a small green bean with the number of (x10) printed below the image stating how many of this specific item there was, and as Soren went over each item his smile just grew bigger and bigger.

'Gravity bracelets, can increase the gravity around the wielder by x20… Is considered a godly item to train with for Mortals… This won't be useful for too long, but it's still a start for now': soren

Soren had read the description of the first item, and was a little disappointed, as it wasn't something super OP, but was still better than nothing, as he could now start training under increased gravity, and after that Soren began looking at the second item, while he had guessed what the last item was already.

'Skill Book: Ki Manipulation, teaches the user how to manipulate the Ki in their bodies while also absorbing it from the air itself… This is perfect! Now I don't need to learn it all by myself, and the last item is some Senzu Beans, just as I thought… God had answered my prayers once more! Thank you Old Man!': soren

Just as Soren said that, an old man with flowing White hair and circular framed glasses let out a small sneeze as he felt someone had said something rude to him.

[Darn kids, they just keep straying further and further from me every day… I think Luci is acting up again, maybe I'll go talk with that wayward son of mine]: god

As God disappeared from the throne of Heaven, he made a trip down to Hell to talk to his once favorite son, and while God was doing that, Soren had begun his training by putting on the Gravity bracelets and altering the gravity on them by x2, and once he did that Soren was brought down to the ground as he struggled to get back on his feet.

'Holy crap! Misha, why does 2 times the gravity affect me so much? Shouldn't Saiyan babies be able to stand x10 Gravity?': soren

{You are correct, but you were not born on the Saiyan Planet known as Planet Sadala}

When Soren heard this he was a little surprised as Planet Sadala was changed to Planet Vegeta during the time the Saiyan's destroyed their own planet due to conflict between each other, so this confused Soren as to what kind of parallel world he was sent too.

{Your mother and father are from the time period when Vegeta's father- King Vegeta was vying for the throne against his brother, and due to that scuffle the current planet the Saiyan's occupied was destroyed, and King Vegeta took the remaining Saiyan's out to find a new planet… But this information has nothing to do with Dragon Ball Cannon, as this is a parallel world}

When Soren heard this he was surprised, as well as happy that he chose to be born on Earth, as he might not have made it out of the self destruction of Planet Vegeta. Soren then began to do push ups, and sit ups while taking small breaks to catch his breath before going back to training, and while training, Soren caught the sight of his father Aiden as he came over to train alongside his son.

[Good morning Soren, you mind if I train here?]: aiden

[Of Course not dad, let's train together to become stronger!]: soren

Soren took this chance to get as many Zenkai Boost's as possible while he was younger so he would unlock more of his unlimited potential as he grew older, and from there on Soren would train every day with both his mother and father in their family Martial Arts, and just like that 13 years passed by as Soren grew not only in height, but strength as well.

'Misha, can I see my status please': soren

{Any time Soren…

Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 17

BP: 25,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (Unawoken)

Skills: Ki Manipulation}

Soren had noticed his growth began to stop around 25,000 as he had far outclassed both his parents who had a BP of around 3,160, so getting up to 25,000 was a big increase, and Soren could defeat every single Saiyan on the new Planet Vegeta except for Broly, as he had been born with the Legendary Saiyan bloodline awakened, while Soren's was still in slumber.

[Soren!... It's time to get ready for your first day of school!]: olive

Soren heard his mother call for him, and when he heard this he quickly got out of the tree he was laying in, while helping himself down with his tail wrapped around the branch. Soren had quickly went down to the creek and bathed off all the filth and grime he had acc.u.mulated from training just hours before, and after using his Ki to repel all the remaining water, Soren was now dry, and quickly ran back to the his house to get dressed in a new set of clothing that his mother had bought for him yesterday. Soren then ran down stairs just in time to see both his parents dressed in fancy clothing, and when Soren looked at his father, he could immediately tell that his dad didn't want to be in the suit let alone go to this school to meet with the principal for Soren's first day.

[My my, you look so dashing in your school uniform]: olive

Soren was scratching the back of his head as he never really looked at his own appearance, but right now he was wearing a Bluish Black blazer with White accents, and a long sleeve button up shirt that was only buttoned up to show the start of Soren's buffed up c.h.e.s.t, Soren then wore a pair of the same Bluish Black pants, and a pair of Black dress shoes. Olive loved the way Soren looked in his school uniform, and how Soren's spikey Black and Red hair had an attempt to be slicked back, but it soon poofed up showing just how spikey it actually was, and this just made Olive chuckle, while Aiden felt the current pain his son was feeling as he also had uncontrollable hair.

[Now that everyone's ready, let's get going]: olive

Soren, Olive, and Aiden then left the house and began walking down the dirt road that Aiden had made over the course of the last 13 years, and soon they arrived to a Black top road that had some modern day buildings standing across the street from Soren's current position, and looking to the right of them, a bus stop was stationed with a few people waiting for the bus already.

[Seems like our ride will be here shortly]: aiden

Over the past 13 years, Aiden had given up the fighting life, as everyone that he met on Earth was too weak for him, so he instead decided to settle down and start working as a under the table construction employee, and after a few years of this, Aiden had been moved up to a high ranking position, but was still being paid under the table as he had no formal identification, this meant that Aiden had been used to the public transportation known as the bus stop even though he could fly. Soren, Olive, and Aiden then waited a few minutes for the bus, and once it came, they all entered the bus and found a seat, and after a 30 minute ride, let left the bus and appeared at a station that was just a few blocks from the school Soren was now enrolled at.

'This place seems familiar… Where have I seen this school?': soren

Soren thought as he and both his parents walked through the gates of the school, and as they passed by some of the students, Soren noticed that he was getting a lot of girls staring towards him, and then it hit him, as he noticed what they were wearing.

'No, it can't be…': soren

Just as Soren thought this, a group of girls walked up to Soren, and Soren noticed that the one leading the group of girls was a rather short girl standing at 5' 5" with short black hair and Violet wearing a Purple pair of glasses. This girl was indeed known by Soren, but he had to act as if he had no clue who she was or who anyone who followed her was, and just as Soren made eye contact, he quickly looked away thinking that Sona would not put him under her raidar, but boy was he wrong.

[Hello, my name is Souna Shitori, I am the Student Council President, and I've been tasked to lead you to the principal's office… Please follow me]: souna

Soren and his parents began to follow Souna to the principal's office, and while walking there Souna began to question Soren's hair style, and the colors that made it up.

[Under the school rules, students can't have dyed hair, and all hair must be natural in color, so after today, please cut your hair, and make sure the dye is all gone]: souna

As Souna said this, Aiden interjected before Soren could say anything, and spoke for him.

[Miss Shitori was it?... Soren's hair is not dyed, but that is he natural color]: aiden

[Not dyed huh?... Okay, but me must get it dyed, or get permission from the principal to keep it the way it is currently]: souna

Soren and his family soon made it to the doors to the principal's office and Souna left them there after telling the principal that they had arrived, and soon after Soren and his parents were invited into the room and began having their conversation about Soren's schedule, and about Soren's hair, and after some discussion, Soren was allowed to keep his hair the same. And soon after, Soren, Olive, and Aiden then exited the principal's office while Soren was sent with one of the students who was called down to lead him to his next class, and both Olive and Aiden were walked out of the school by the principal.

[Hello there, my name is Yuuto Kiba, I hope we get along well and become great friends]: kiba

[I'm Soren Yamada, nice to meet you too]: soren (A/N: Saiyan's don't have last names, so Soren's last name may change in the future to different ones for different occasions)

[Listen up class, we have a new transfer student that will be joining us from today onwards… Please introduce yourself son]: teacher

The teacher said that last part while looking back towards Soren who just stood there waiting to be told what to do next, and when Soren heard this he turned towards the chalkboard and began writing down his name for the class to see.

[My name is Soren Yamada, you all can just call me Soren]: soren

Soren put the chalk piece down, and went to find an open seat near the window where he thought he could play the cool protagonist who always sits next to the window leaving everyone a little shocked at how simple Soren's introduction was to the point that the mystery made most of the girls even more interested in him. The teacher just turned to the board and erased Soren's name, and began to start class now that the introductions were out of the way, and once class was over, Soren was the first to get up and head out the door, and because he was so used to suppressing his Ki, nobody even knew when Soren left as you wouldn't even know he was there unless he spoke, or you were looking directly at him.

'That was a little boring, but it's over now, I wonder if I can get mom to let me quit school… Misha, can you tell how many people in this world are still stronger than me?': soren

{Soren, don't worry, you are still ranked in the bottom, as High Class Devils such as Riser are still around your current strength, and the Demon King's such as Demon King Lucifer, otherwise known as Sirzechs Lucifer could kill you in an instant, so you still have room to grow}

Soren was happy to hear that he could now start getting stronger, but he knew that it would still take some time, as he didn't know when he could meet these people, let alone beat them in a fight, but what Soren didn't expect was for him to meet one of the most notable characters in the DxD Anime as he was walking with his head down, and had his concentration placed on his System not being able to see the Redheaded busty beauty in his path before accidentally running into her and falling to the ground on top of her.

[Ahhh!... Who the hell did I run into?]: soren

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