Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 3 - 3: The Lookout

Soren had tried to quickly get up without looking at who he had fallen on top of, but where he placed his hand was the problem as he felt a squishy mound below his palm, and understood in the next second that he messed up.

[Remove your hand this instant, or I will start screaming!]: ???

Soren moved his hand and quickly got off the ground to see who exactly he bumped into, and when he saw her Crimson Red hair, and gigantic bust that threatened to burst from her shirt, he knew who he had just encountered.

[I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I ran into you]: soren

When Soren said this, the Crimson Red beauty had a small blush on her cheeks, as Soren had the appearance of a God, and in the next second the girl spoke up.

[It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either… My name's Rias Gremory, what's your name?]: rias

[I'm Soren Yamada, but you can call me Soren]: soren

[Okay Soren… So, where are you heading?]: rias

[I was just about to head home for the day, but then I bumped into you]: soren

When Rias heard Soren's answer, she felt that this was her chance to talk more with Soren, as she had gotten some information from Kiba earlier that Soren had something special about him, but couldn't put his finger on it. Rias had seen Soren heading this way with her familiar and teleported over only to teleport right into him and they both ended up on the ground, and Rias was glad that Soren wasn't paying attention, as he would have seen her use magic to teleport in front of him.

[Then how about accompanying me around the school for a little while to repay me for groping my c.h.e.s.t?]: rias

When Soren heard Rias try to use such a thing to rope him into whatever plan she was concocting in her head he felt a little angry, but didn't show it on the outside as there was no real reason to be angry, and just like that, Soren began walking around the school, and was also given a tour to some of the club activities, and while walking around the campus Rias started bringing Soren back towards the ORC, and just as both Soren and Rias passed the Kendo club room, Soren could sense 3 presences hiding behind the building, and one of the presences felt a little suffocating, but also suppressed.

'What is this?... Is this Issei? He and the other two of the perverted trio always hang around here after school to peep on the girls changing after practice': soren

[What's wrong Soren?... Why did you slow down?]: rias

Rias watched as Soren slowed down and began looking towards the Kendo building, and upon secretly sending her familiar out, Rias saw the perverted trio hiding behind the building, while all trying to share the same peeping hole, while one of them was being pushed out of the way.

'How disgusting… Did Soren know they were there?... Interesting': rias

Soren had then turned his attention away from the perverted trio and went back to walking with Rias while trying to find an excuse to leave as he had no plans to stay with her all day, and just like magic, Soren's phone that his parents gave him to get incontact with them rang, and when he looked at the caller ID he became excited.

[Yes? Hello Mom… Yes… Yes, I'll be home soon, I was just taking a tour of the school with a classmate… Yes, yes… I'll be right there]: soren

Soren hung up the call and looked towards Rias with a face as if apologizing for not being able to stay any longer, but Soren was all for leaving, and didn't care to stay longer.

[Yes, goodbye… I hope to see you around some time]: rias

Soren then ran off at quite a fast pace for a human, and this shocked Rias, as she was seeing Soren as a fine Knight Piece for her Evil Pieces, and soon, Rias went into her club building and went to take a shower, while Soren made his way home as quickly as possible while trying to not stir up any unwanted attention, and once Soren got home, he was met with an angry mother.

[Why are you so late!... I told you to come home on time because I had dinner being made, and now it's cold… Enjoy cold food]: olive

[But mom!... I'm sorry, I'll go eat now]: soren

Soren entered the kitchen to see a big feast waiting for him, but it was all sitting out, so it lost any kind of warmth or freshness it had after just being finished and Soren felt upset that Rias made him miss out on such deliciousness as freshly made food.

[Ahh! That was still so good even though it was cold… I guess it's time to go out and look for training partners]: soren

Soren had activated the Gravity bracelets, and increased the gravity to the max being x20, and put on a Black mask that hid his face, while he used washable hair dye that made his spiky multicolored hair style turn completely Black, and put on a Black hoodie with Black jeans, and some old Black sneakers before heading out his bedroom window in the guise of the full moon, and due to school, and blending into society, Soren had his tail removed that morning before school, so the full moon would have no effect on Soren if he looked at it.

'I should grow my tail back later, but for now I will let it stay gone… Let's go find some stray Devils and Fallen Angels': soren

Soren had spent that whole night searching for opponents, but everyone he came across was dealt with almost instantly, and being under x20 Gravity, it made Soren just run out of stamina faster, and soon, Soren decided it was time to go back home, but what he didn't notice from the exhaustion was someone tailing him.

[Interesting!... He's neither a Devil, nor a Fallen Angel, yet he's not Human either… He gives off an Ape like aura… Maybe he's a Yokai?]: ???

Soren made it home and quickly went to sleep, and the next morning was the start of the weekend, so Soren was able to sleep in before starting his morning training, and after Soren woke up and had breakfast he began asking Misha about any quicker ways to gain power, and her answer.

{Soren, you could always find the Dragon Balls of Earth, but due to the evils on earth, Kami thought it best to keep the Dragon Balls away from Humanity, and any who reside on Earth}

[Dragon Balls!?... Kami!?]: soren

{Yes, if you haven't noticed yet, this parallel world that my creator made is your Earth fused with every single Anime World that you have ever known and loved, that means Dragon Ball, One Piece, Highschool DxD, Bleach, Seven Deadly Sins, Fate, Sword Art, and even Shokugeki no Soma are all being combined into your world making it a Multiverse that has several Universes, as well as several Gods, meaning some worlds like One Piece are on a whole other planet as it's geographical layout has nothing to do with Earth}

When Misha explained further, Soren felt that this was indeed a dream come true for any Otaku who has a love for Anime, and Soren was living the dream for real.

'Then I will head to the lookout and ask Kami to train me before using the Dragon Balls to wish for a training room like the time chamber': soren

Soren began unsealing all of his current powers, and began sending his senses out over the entire Earth, and after a few minutes of searching, Soren found what he was looking for, as well as brought lots of unwanted attention towards himself when he released his power that could go toe to toe with a High Class Devil.

[Found you!... Here I come Kami!]: soren

Soren then took off into the sky as he began flying at speeds faster than an F-15, and every time Soren made a turn it would break the sound barrier sending a sonic boom throughout the sky startling some of the people who were close enough to hear it. Soon, Soren made it to a gigantic floating island in the sky looking like an upside down Red dome, and on top of the upside down dome was a White tile floor with trees, and a temple at its center, and as Soren got closer to the floating object he felt the weight of someone's Ki pressing down on him, but pushing through the pressure, Soren made it to the look out and felt as if the gravity there was increased, and this made Soren happy, as he altered his Gravity bracelets to make it just strong enough to put him under pressure.

As Soren continued walking through the line of trees, a shadowy figure appeared before him, and this put Soren on guard, as he didn't know who or what it was until the figure came into sight revealing a pure Black Djinn wearing an Aribic turban with a Blueish Green gem clipping it together, and red vest with Gold lining covering his b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t. The Black figure wore a pair of White baggy martial arts pants with a Red cloth tied around his waist to keep the pants from falling, and he had a pair of Red pointy genie shoes making him look like the Black version of the Genie in the Lamp from the animated movie Aladdin.

[Hello, my name is Popo… Would you mind telling me what a person from Earth is doing here on Kami's lookout?]: popo

Popo spoke in a tone that let Soren know that he was in no position to question anything, and needed to give an answer immediately or prepare for a fight.

[Mr. Popo, I have come in look of training under Kami, and he was the strongest energy signal I felt when I sent my senses over the Earth… Can you please train me so I can become stronger]: soren

When Popo heard Soren's answer, he felt like kicking Soren off the lookout immediately, but before he could, an old voice had come out from within the temple, as Soren watched a tall and skinny figure start making his way out from the darkness of the temple.

[Mr. Popo, I see we have a guest… Please, come in and have some tea, then tell me why you have come to seek me out young Saiyan]: ???

[But Kami… *Sigh* Yes Kami… Please follow me young one]: popo

Popo then led Soren into the temple where Soren could now get a glimpse of Kami, and just like the Anime, Kami was an old and wrinkled Namekian with Green skin and liver spots all over his body. Kami wore a long White robe with the Kanji for Kami or God written on the front, and a Blue sweeping cape around his neck, while he held a long wooden staff or cane in his hands, while wearing a pair of Blue martial arts shoes.

[So, young Saiyan… Why have you come to seek my training?... Now I want you to understand that I can tell if you're lying or not, so be truthful with me]: kami

[I wish to become the strongest and fight strong people while having enough power to protect the people I love and care for with all my heart… That is the reason I seek power, and that is the reason I have come to you for training]: soren

When Soren spoke, both Kami and Popo listened, and after a moment of silence, Kami spoke up with a decision made on Soren's request to train under him.

[I have decided… You can train under me, but first you must pass Popo's training, and believe me, you will want to follow every rule to the T]: kami

Kami said that last part with a bit of a shiver as he had remembered going through Popo's training when he first came to Earth and wanted to train under the Earth's guardian of that time, and the first step was to split his Evil half making him a lot weaker than his fused self.

[Okay!... That shouldn't be too hard right?]: soren

When Soren said this, Popo grew a wicked smile on his mostly emotionless face before Kami sighed and prayed for Soren's safe return.

[Now listen up Maggot!... First rule of Popo's Training!... Don't talk about Popo's Training… Now, here's the pecking order!]: popo

As Popo began to explain the pecking order Soren began to feel like he had heard these all too familiar lines before, and just like that Soren was tossed into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Popo for 2 years, or in the time difference 2 days, and during this time, Soren had been instilled with the fear and reverence of Go- Popo before heading back to school, being told to come to the lookout next week for stage 2 of training, but this time with Kami.

'I think I don't want to train anymore… Misha, what are my stats, and can you make it so my age follows this time dilation instead of adding the 2 years spent in the time chamber?': soren

Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 17

BP: 70,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (Unawoken)

Skills: Ki Manipulation, Enhanced Stamina}

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