Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 4 - 4: Hidden Leaf

(A/N: Some of you didn't like how I made Popo's personality that of the TFS Popo, but note that this is all just to fill in some comedy, and I personaly like the TFS Popo, and he won't change in personality, if you don't like it... Pecking Order!)

Soren had walked through the school gates only to be surrounded by a big group of women who all wanted to ask him out on a date, but as they all began speaking at different times, it all sounded like gibberish to Soren, but to the girls that were asking, they could clearly hear others trying to ask the same question, and this sparked a war between them as they all found a rival and began fighting with each other by grabbing each others hair and scratching their faces and arms. Soren took no second thought and quickly escaped the group of girls and continued on to class for the day, and after entering the classroom, Soren noticed that he was the only one there, as not even the teacher had arrived yet, so he decided to take this time to sleep for a bit until everyone else arrived.

[Okay class, we have a new student joining us today, so please place your attention towards the front of the room as he introduces himself]: teacher

With theses words, Soren had been awoken from he sleep and noticed that he was surrounded by a group of girls that now had hate and fire burning in their eyes as they noticed Soren was awoken by the teacher, and that ruined his above perfect image of his peaceful sleep, but deep inside it was not peaceful as he dreamt of being chased around by Popo in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and the hellish training he endured during those 2 days that spanned out into 2 years. Soren then watched as the girls started to disperse back to their seats while he could now see a boy appearing to be 16-17 with spiky Yellow hair and Sky Blue eyes standing at the front, and what was strange was he had 3 whisker marks on each side of his face making all the other students in the class whisper about it, and Soren could tell that the boy could hear their whispers, but didn't put too much thought into it as he turned to the board and began using the chalk to write his name down before turning to the class and speaking.

[My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I come from the secluded mountains where we don't really use modern technology like the rest of the world… I was told to come here by my village chief so I can experience the life of a modern day teenager… I hope we can be the best of friends, Dattebayo!]: naruto

When Naruto said his most famous catch phrase, some of the students began to laugh and snicker, but seeing his determination to be friendly, they calmed down and began to think about talking with him, while some of the more shy girls began to fawn over him while still keeping their distance, and only thinking about being with Naruto.

[Okay Mr. Uzumaki, please go have a seat, Dattebayo]: teacher

The teacher began to mock Naruto's catch phrase before pointing to an open seat and making Naruto go sit down so he could start class, and just as Naruto slumped his head, he began walking over to the seat right next to Soren as many students started chuckling about the teachers method of calming down the new student who seemed to be too fired up over making new friends in the city. Naruto sat down, and began to look around while the teacher began to start class, and as Naruto turned towards the window, he saw Soren with his head laid down on the desk with his arms entrapping his head so no light could enter, and when Naruto saw this chance as the teacher wasn't looking he began to try and talk with the sleepy Soren.

[Hey, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, what's your name?]: naruto

Soren just gave a groan as he took his head up and looked towards Naruto and spoke a little.

When Naruto heard this he got super excited, as he learned if someone from the modern times lets your refer to them by their first name instead of their family name, then you were already considered their friend, but what Naruto didn't know, was that Soren had everyone refer to him by his first name, because he would be confused when referred to by his fake last name.

[So, you seem like someone who works out a lot… I can tell due to your muscle mass, and how your shirt threatens to be ripped due to the muscles you have underneath… Do you make lots of friends here? Or are they scared of you because of your muscles?]: naruto

Soren began to get annoyed by all the questions that started flying out of Naruto's mouth and once again looked up at him as he spoke in a quiet tone as to not rile up his body to the point he couldn't go back to sleep.

[I'm new just like you, I started just before the weekend, so this is my second day of school]: soren

After Soren said this he quickly put his head back down and went back to nightmare world where he was secretly training himself through visual training, and when Naruto saw that Soren didn't want to talk anymore he just went back to staring at the front of the room while hating himself for not being book smart like Sakura from his team.

'Aw man!... This will be a challenge, but granny Tsunade said that I need to get an education to become a Jonin, and that's just the first step on my journey to become the best Hokage in all of history, so I will hold on for my dream!': naruto

Naruto then frantically began to write things down in a notebook as sweat began to drip down his face as the teacher had spoken at a faster pace then what Naruto could write. Soon, the day was over, and everyone began to leave to either head home, or to their after club activities, while Naruto was one of the last to leave as he wanted to talk to some of his classmates, and just before he was going to leave, Naruto turned around to see Soren still sleeping on the desk, and thought that he should wake him up as he knew it didn't feel nice to wake up still in class in the middle of the night when everyone else had left.

[Hey… Soren, wake up, class is over]: naruto

When Naruto said this, Soren still didn't wake up, so Naruto decided to place his hand on Soren's shoulder and wake him up, but the second Naruto's hand touched Soren's shoulder, Soren shot up screaming while gripping Naruto's wrist tightly.

[Eighth rule of Popo's training! I said Stop!]: soren

Soren shot up and realized that it was just a dream that Popo was about to "train" his asshole, and shouted the eighth rule to make training stop, and after realizing that he still had Naruto's wrist in his hand, he quickly removed his grip to see Naruto c.a.r.e.s.s his wrist as Soren had broken it from his grip.

[I'm so sorry, I had a nightmare… Is your wrist okay?]: soren

[It's fine… But who's Popo, and what is his training, is sounds scary]: naruto

Naruto hid his hand behind his back while the Nine Tails Chakra began to rapidly heal his broken wrist as he asked Soren this question only to activate Soren's PTSD as he began to shiver and began mumbling.

[First rule of Popo's training… Don't talk about Popo's training]: soren

[What was that?]: naruto

These words snapped Soren out of his thoughts as he began correcting his words, as to still seem a bit normal.

[Nothing… So, what were you saying while I was asleep?]: soren

[Oh… Schools out now, I just didn't want you to be left behind while the rest of the class left to go home]: naruto

[Wait up!... Do you wanna come with me to my village?]: naruto

Soren thought about going to the Hidden Leaf Village with Naruto, and after a moment, he decided that going to the Hidden Leaf might help him progress his training by leaps and bounds before heading back to the lookout next week, and spoke.

[Sure, I'll go to your village… Then maybe you can come to my home tomorrow to have dinner with me and my family]: soren

Naruto smiled at Soren's reply and felt he officially made his first friend outside of the village and the both of them began walking towards the secluded mountain range that spanned out for thousands of miles and could take months to travel to the other end on foot, and when Soren saw Naruto begin walking into the forest he started following after Naruto, and after around 3 hours of fast paced walking Soren could see the gates of Konoha with 2 people guarding the front gate, and a mountain range behind the village with faces carved into it.

[Naruto, welcome back… Who is this person you brought back?]: nin guard 1

[He's a friend I made from school, don't worry, he's with me]: naruto

The Ninja guards just nodded and let both Naruto and Soren pass the front gate, while they had no worries as the guards knew that there were Anbu members set with watching and guarding Naruto all day, and they would have acted if they thought Soren was a spy or someone with evil intentions, but what they didn't know was that Soren had full knowledge that Anbu had been tailing them, or more specifically Naruto since his first introduction in class.

[Wow, this place is beautiful!... I could see why you guys would rather stay in seclusion from the modern world that does nothing but destroy natural beauty to make progression]: soren

Naruto was happy towards Soren's remark as he felt the same about the modern world and his village, and after a quick tour and showing Soren his most favorite place in the entire village, Naruto was about to lead Soren back outside of the village until he was stopped by a small group of children appearing to be around 11-12.

[Konohamaru, this is a friend I made going to modern schooling today, his name is Soren]: naruto

When Konohamaru heard Naruto, he got a little excited as he had never been out of the village before like the other Ninja who take missions all over the world, and have seen the modern world before. Konohamaru then began to circle around Soren while berating him with a bunch of questions, and as Soren heard the rapid fire of questions, he felt like his head was about to explode from the sheer amount of questions, and just stopped Konohamaru with one word.

[Annoying!]: soren

Naruto saw this and quickly stepped in to stop Konohamaru from annoying Soren as he didn't want Soren to not want to come back and hang out with him ever again, and just like that Konohamaru and his 2 friends left both Soren and Naruto alone, while they continued back towards the main gate only to be stopped by a pink haired girl around 17 in age, just like both Naruto and Soren.

[Naruto!... You're back from Modern society… So, how was the schooling system there?... Is it like Kakashi sensei said?]: ???

Both Soren and Naruto turned to see a girl with Pink hair and a Red one piece dress heading towards their direction, and when she got close enough the girl noticed Soren and a bit of a Red blush appeared around her cheeks.

[Sakura, the modern world is awesome!... I made a friend in the school I'm enrolled in… Meet Soren, he is also new to the school, and was enrolled just a few days before I was]: naruto

Sakura was shocked to see Soren, for two reasons, first was he was an outsider, and the second reason was because he was Hot, and this factor out triumphed the first reason, and after recomposing herself, Sakura began speaking again.

[Naruto, Mrs. Tsunade wishes to speak to you about your first day]: sakura

[Aww!... Can't granny Tsunade wait for me to walk my friend out of the village first?]: naruto

When Sakura heard this he saw her moment to make a move on impressing Soren with her beauty and spoke.

[How about I lead Soren out of the village and you go see with Tsunade wants]: sakura

Naruto looked at Sakura and noticed the blush increasing on her face and got an idea why Sakura wants to take over for him, and Naruto didn't want anyone to ruin his new friendship with Soren so he looked back with an apologetic look, and Soren just spoke in a calm tone.

[It's fine… I'll see you at school tomorrow]: soren

Naruto then had a smile grow on his face, and Soren then watched as Naruto ran towards the gigantic building with the Kanji for fire written on the front, and with that Sakura took over and lead Soren out of the village as well as out of the forest and back to the modern society.

[Well, here's where I stop… It was nice meeting you Soren, I hope to see you again some time]: sakura

[Yes, it was fun… Goodbye… Sakura, was it?]: soren

Soren then continued walking back towards his home and sensed as Sakura disappeared from her position and began running back to the village at a fast pace, while Soren found an empty alleyway and flew home at a fast pace as well. As Soren flew home he thought about the next day, and seeing Naruto again as he planned on making Naruto his friend so he can learn some Taijutsu, but when he got home he felt he might not survive to see tomorrow as the second he walked through the door, his mother attacked him with tears in her eyes as she hadn't seen her son in 3 days, and when she learn that he came to school she was happy, but also angry.

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