Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 5 - 5: Training Resume

[Hey Naruto, wanna come over to my place later? My dad taught me a new move, and I wanna try it out]: soren

[Yeah!... Your mom makes some amazing food, and I wouldn't mind kicking your a.s.s again, haha]: naruto

It had been a few days since Soren had befriended Naruto, and they became super close to the point Naruto revealed himself to be a Ninja, and when Soren tried to act oblivious to that fact already, Naruto showed him the Shadow Clone Jutsu making 3 Naruto's appear next to him. Soren thought this technique was good for many things, while one was training, and he tried to copy Naruto's hand signs, but nothing happened, and this made Soren a bit sad until Misha informed him that he would need to learn Chakra manipulation, and Naruto also laughed while explaining that Soren couldn't use the technique due to not knowing how to mold his Chakra yet. This then started Soren's training in using Chakra, and surprisingly, using Chakra, and using Ki were quite similar, but had different methods of releasing each energy, and over this time Soren revealed his ability to use Ki making naruto a bit surprised, as well as happy that Soren trusted him enough to show him his secret.

[Yeah, well see about that when the time comes]: soren

Soren had battled with Naruto a few times, and due to Soren's lack of experience in an actual fight, Naruto had won every time, but today would be different, as he had completed a quest given by Misha called "Befriend a Protagonist" this gave him a new skill book used for Martial Arts, and when Soren saw the name of the book, he freaked out as this was the Martial Arts that he most wanted to learn since coming here.

{Skill Book: Renewal Taekwondo - This is the Martial Arts style of the Monkey King- Mori Jin, though it is strong, it still has its weaknesses}

'Awesome!... Does this mean that I can meet with Mori Jin, and the Jade Emperor?': soren

{Yes Soren, both Mori Jin and the Jade Emperor exist in this world, but they reside over in Korea, but don't fret, as a member of the G.O.H Tournament Agents will come here to Japan to look for contestants to participate in the G.O.H in a few months… If you really want to meet the Monkey King and the Jade Emperor, then you can do so then}(A/N: The GOH stands for The God Of Highschool, it's a webtoon manga that I thought would be interesting to add to this story, go check it out for yourself if you're interested to know more about what will come up)

Soren had this discussion with Misha while walking back to his house with Naruto in toe, and after getting home, Soren opened the door only to be tackled by his loving mother who was not angry, but happy to see her son making friends, as she was surprised to see Naruto come home with him the other day, and seeing him return today made her happy for her son.

[Welcome home Soren, I see you brought over Naruto-kun with you today… How are you Naruto, it's nice seeing the two of you hang out together]: olive

[Mom!... Stop tackling me all the time, and stop embarrassing me in front of my friends, of course I would have them, I'm not some loner who hates Human interaction]: soren

[Friends?... Where?... I thought I was your only friend Soren, where are these other friends of yours? Hehe]: naruto

[Hey! Can it Naruto!... I have friends, but you on the other hand… I seem to remember you being called a pervert after you tried to make friends with the perverted trio]: soren

When Naruto heard this he went Red in the face, as nobody told him to avoid those 3 perverts, and seeing as they were some of the only boys at the once all girls prep school, he felt that making friends with them was the best course of action to not be considered a pervert, but the exact opposite happened, and now none of the girls trust him enough to be friends, while the pervert trio tried to make it the pervert "quatro" by adding Naruto into their group, but Naruto makes it a mission to avoid those idiots like the plague.

[Hey, no fair!... Nobody told me about those fools who made their goal in life to peep on all women and touch their bodies, so I had no idea who they were, and now I'm stuck being called the Yellow Pervert by the girls who used to be shy around me as they now run away in fear and disgust… also, why are you not associated as a pervert for hanging out with me?]: naruto

[I don't know, maybe it has something to do with me staying quiet, and not openly talking with anyone else but you, who has yet to do anything perverted, while you were just caught talking with the already perverts… Either that, or someone wants me to stay unassociated with the term pervert… Anyway, let's go out back to spar, my mom should have dinner done in a little bit]: soren

[You're on! I'm going to mop the floor with you dattebayo!]: naruto

Both Soren and Naruto then went out back with Aiden following the two so he could be out of the house while maybe getting the chance to fight and become stronger just like his son and his friend, but he was sadly told to wait off to the side as he wouldn't get the chance to fight right now, and just like that Aiden was sent to the corner as he squatted down and began to draw circles in the dirt.

[You ready to get your a.s.s kicked?]: soren

[Haha, yeah sure… So are you going to use that Ki stuff you were telling me about yesterday?... If so, I'll use my Chakra]: naruto

Soren thought about Naruto's idea, and decided that they both would use their energies meaning Soren would use Ki, and Ki filled attacks, while Naruto would use Chakra, and Chakra filled attacks to fight. Soon, Naruto and Soren began their fight while Aiden watched them from the side while fearing of what would happen if he were to jump in, as both Naruto and Soren were using powers that could kill him instantly as he still only had a BP of less than 4,000 as he had so little time to train, it didn't raise much.

[Here I come, Naruto!... HAAAA!]: soren

Soren charged Naruto with a lightning fast punch, but Naruto seemed to see the punch entirely as he dodged it by leaning to the left, and letting Soren fly past him, and when Naruto saw this opening, he used a clone to charge up a Rasengan as he began to charge towards Soren who's back was still turned, but what Naruto didn't expect, was that Soren had did this on purpose, as he leaned forward while raising his left leg back, and soon his left leg was higher than his body as he kicked Naruto in his chin sending him flying back.

[GUHAAAAA!]: naruto

Naruto spit out a bit of blood as he flew into his shadow clone that disappeared on impact, and then Naruto caught himself, and landed on the ground while charging Soren with a lightning fast flurry of strikes and kicks, making Soren dodge each and every one, but as he dodged, Naruto got faster and faster, and soon, attacks began to land onto Soren making him need to block, and soon both of them jumped back to give each other a moment to catch their breaths.

[You… You got really good really quick… We just fought 2 days ago, and now you have improved so much, what happened?]: naruto

[I just grow at a fast pace, and learn as I fight that's all]: soren

[Wow, so broken!... Anyways, I'm going to take it up a notch and use something I've been working on with Kakashi sensei… Try to survive this]: naruto

As Naruto used the Shadow clone Jutsu, 2 more Naruto's appeared, and he placed his hand out for another Rasengan, while one clone moved his hand in rapid motions, leaving the other clone to hold both his hands out over a spherical ball that began to form, in Naruto's hand while the wind began to gather around it, and Soren could see a sharp blade of Chakra being formed out of wind, and as the wind brushed past Soren's face, some small cuts were made, making Soren rethink this decision in fighting Naruto, but he knew that this would make him stronger.

'I can only grow by fighting the strongest people, and this is a blessing that someone strong like Naruto doesn't have the intentions to kill me, so I can only grow from this fight, but I need a life or death situation… I got it!': soren

[Soren, prepare yourself, I don't want to kill anyone ever, and I definitely don't want to harm a friend]: naruto

Soren could tell that Naruto drastically decreased the power in the Rasenshuriken, as it was quite small compared to the one used in the Anime against that Immortal freak who continued to regenerate as long as his heads were intact, and just like that Naruto started sprinting towards Soren at an extremely fast pace while pushing his hand with the Rasenshuriken out towards Soren who didn't try to block, nor did he dodge, he just stood still and used all of his Ki to envelop his body as a protective layer, and took the attack head on.


Dust had started to rise in the air as some trees were destroyed while the others shook from the power that the blast emanated making some leaves fall to the ground, and as the smoke cleared, you could see Soren holding Naruto's hand, while he was bloodied and bruised all over, as the training clothes he had put on just for this fight were torn to shreds, leaving Soren in only tatters of what were left of his pants. Aiden saw this and quickly ran over to embrace his son, while Naruto quickly powered down and looked worried for his friend, as he had just caused this, and as both Aiden and Naruto were checking on Soren, a scream was heard from behind, and as the two turned to look at who was screaming, all the saw was a blur as the two were then thrown away from Soren, leaving the two with the sight of Olive holding her son close to her body with tears streaming down her face as she cried.

[Soren!... My boy! Say something, anything!]: olive

[M-Mom… Calm down, I'm just really hurt, that's all]: soren

Hearing this, Olive was slightly relieved that her son was still alive, but she was still really upset and he was injured so badly to the point that she looked back towards both Aiden and Naruto who became terrified when they saw the look in Olive's eyes, and quickly began to prostrate themselves as they Kowtowed hundreds of times saying two words.

[We're sorry!]: naruto/aiden

Soren was thinking to himself if he should eat a Senzu Bean or let himself heal naturally to get a stronger Zenkai the next time he was hurt, but after a few seconds, everything had changed as a pure Black mass wearing a Genie outfit appeared on a flying carpet shocking everyone present, even Soren, as his heart rate began to increase as flashbacks of pure torture had risen inside his head. Soon, the Genie began to speak, and the words he said made Olive furious, as the Genie had told Olive that he would be taking Soren with him back to the lookout to complete his training, and would be gone for at least a month, and at most a few years while it all depended on how quickly Soren could grow, and before anyone could do or say anything else, the Genie took Soren from his mother's arms and disappeared on his flying carpet.

Soren was forced to remember Popo's introduction as if he didn't at least try, he would be breaking Popo's 5th Training rule of "Don't dare defy Popo's authority" and what came out of the memory was quite simple.

… Flashback Start …

[Hello Maggot... I'm training you... I'm terrifying, and a potential ra*pist, but I'll never say it flat out…]: popo

… Flashback End …

Soren looked into Popo's eyes, and could tell that Popo knew exactly what he was thinking, and unconsciously Soren clenched his b.u.t.t, but what he didn't expect was what Popo said afterwards.

[Ninth Rule of Popo's training. You can't die unless Popo says so]: popo

When Soren heard this he felt relieved that Popo was not going to take his purity, and then he thought back on all the rules, and felt that the Ninth rule was the most tame out of all the rest, and just like that, Popo and Soren made it back to the lookout, and saw Kami waiting for the both of them, and when Kami saw Soren, he waved his staff over Soren repairing not only Soren's clothes, but also healing his body.

[Thank you Kami… So, I was told I will be starting my training early?]: soren

[Yes, I sense a great danger is approaching us, and I am getting too old for this, so I will train you to become the next Kami before leaving this plane of existence]: kami

When Soren heard this, he began to feel like he was being forced into a role that would ruin his life, as he would never be able to leave the lookout, and he would always be by Popo's side which was a big "no no" in his book.

[Sorry Kami, but I can't be your successor, why can't Mr. Popo be the next Kami?]: soren

Kami then looked at Soren as if he was an idiot before asking.

[Do you really think Popo is pure of heart? He'd rather see destruction]: kami

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