[Congratulations Soren, you have completed your training here at the lookout… I can now pass on peacefully knowing that the Earth is in good hands… Remember the Pecking Order and Popo shouldn't bother you anymore than he usually does, and don't mess with his pot plants or you will need to find a replacement sooner rather than later… Now for me to pass my God Ki to you, and as a new God there are some rules… You can't leave the lookout, you can't interact with the Mortals on an intimate level, you get no days off, and nobody respects or cares for your existence]: kami

It had been a few months since Soren started his training, and Kami was trying to now pass down the mantle so he could retire, but while giving his speech about being the next Kami, Soren had already left the lookout leaving the current Kami alone speaking to the air, while Popo was off most likely taking care of his pot plants while tripping on acid. Over the last couple of months, Soren had trained under Kami while learning how to strengthen his Ki output making it more condensed, and more like God Ki, but still missing a Divine spark that makes it God Ki, and this made Soren's attacks more powerful as Soren could use an attack with 100 BP worth of Ki, but it attacks with around 1,000 BP worth of power. Soren had also secretly taken the Dragon Balls so that he could make a wish to Shenron and get himself a Time chamber just like the one on the lookout, but made it so there is no limit to how many times someone can enter, and this was another factor as to why Soren made a quick escape, and with that Soren went back home, and on his way home Soren checked his status.

{Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 17

BP: 120,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (15% Awoken)

Skills: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo, Creation Magic}

'So I finally surpassed 100,000 BP, I wonder if I can go toe to toe with Ultimate Class Devils yet': soren

As Soren thought about his current BP, Misha had told him about the current equivalents of his BP compared to other races and the energy types they use, and Soren found out that he just barely qualifies as an Ultimate Class being, and with this Soren vowed to himself that after wishing for his Time Chamber he would skyrocket to the top of this world. Soren had made it back home, and after walking through the front door of his house, he was once again tackled to the ground by his mother, but this time his father Aiden joined in on the hug as it had been a couple months since they last seen their son, and had no idea if he was still alive, or still hurt and injured, but seeing as Soren was perfectly fine now eased their tension as they began to hold their son as if letting him go would make him disappear for good.

[Mom, Dad… Can you ease up? I'm safe and sound so there's no need to strangle me]: soren

When both Olive and Aiden heard their son's words, they quickly got off of him, and as he stood up, he heard a sound coming up from behind him, and as Soren turned around to see who was coming, his instincts kicked in and dodged the Yellow haired teen who had tears in his eyes as snot was running down his face.

[Soren!!!!... You're back!... Oof!]: naruto

Naruto hit the ground as he hadn't landed in Soren's embrace like he thought he would, and got off the ground while rubbing his head as a bump had formed, and when Soren saw Naruto he began to question the s.e.x.u.a.lity of this Yellow headed teenager.

[Oi! I'm not gay… Don't try and force your love onto me]: soren

When Naruto heard this he got fl.u.s.tered while both Olive and Aiden began to chuckle at Naruto's misfortune, then Naruto began to explain that over the time Soren was gone he had used a clone to act as Soren so the school wouldn't get suspicious, and during that time Naruto had spent some time with both Olive and Aiden while waiting for Soren's return as Naruto believed that Soren would return sooner rather than later, and it seemed like his instincts were right. Soren then gave Naruto a smile before heading inside to eat a good meal before heading down to the creak to wash up before summoning Shenron to grant his wish, and Soren planned to abuse Shenron as he had remembered this cool trick he read about in one of his favorite Dragon Ball Fanfictions, and soon, everyone was standing in the backyard, while Soren was laying down 7 Orange crystal orbs with a certain number of stars ranging from 1-7 in each orb.

[Come forth Shenron and grant my wish!]: soren

Soon the sky started to get dark quickly as storm clouds began to cover the entire sky while the Humans who saw this began to fear that a nasty storm was coming, and they made their ways to the indoors, and as lightning began to rumble throughout the skys, a large Green dragon shout out from the 7 orbs as it began to fly through the sky, and once it was fully formed it asked Soren what his wish would be.

[I am Shenron, State your wish, I can grant any wish as long as it's within my power I shall grant it, but I will only grant one wish]: shenron

Soren didn't miss a beat as he took out a slip of paper written up before hand and held it out as he began to speak.

[I wish for everything on this piece of paper]: soren

When Soren said these words, the piece of paper in his hands disappeared and reappeared before Shenron, and as Shenron read the list Soren could see a bit of sweat form over his forehead as he inwardly thought.

'There goes a few thousands of years of energy saved up waisted by one wish… I will inform Master about this loophole when I go back': shenron

Shenron's eyes then began to glow Red in color as he then stated.

As Shenron said that, a few things appeared before Soren while the list appeared back in his hands, and after Soren jumped up to collect the Dragon balls, he soon began going through the list while looking at the items present before him to make sure Shenron didn't screw him out of an item.

[Item number 1, Gravity training room with Time alteration… 2, lifetime supply of Senzu Beans… 3, 10 sets of weighted clothes… 4, Potential Unlocking water… 5, map of the Multiverse]: soren

After Soren achieved his items, he could see that there were limits on how much gravity and time could be changed in the training room, while there was also a limit on how much potential could be unleashed with the water, as for the other items, he got exactly what he wanted from Shenron.

'Hehe… I can now take my training up to the next level now': soren

Naruto, Olive, and Aiden were completely surprised to see Shenron appear, as well as grant wishes like that before leaving, and this made Naruto remember how one of his only friends had left the village in search of power and thought if he could use the dragon to wish for Sasuke back, he could in turn save his friend from the dark path he began to take.

[Umm, hey Soren… Could I use those dragon things to make a wish for myself?]: naruto

When Soren heard this, he was kinda interested in what Naruto wanted to wish for, but after seeing the determination in his eyes, he got a slight understanding as to what he wanted with them, and a few ideas popped into his mind, and they were that Naruto wanted to wish for the power to become Hokage, or wish for Sasuke to come back to the village, something that Shenron could not grant because the power of a Kage is stronger than what the dragon could wish for, and Sasuke still had his rights, so the dragon can't force Sasuke to come back.

[Sorry Naruto, but these things only have a 1 time use, see they are just stone balls now]: soren

Soren lied to Naruto while showing him the stone orbs that needed to absorb more energy to become the dragon balls we all know and love.

Naruto was a bit upset that he couldn't use the orbs to wish for his friend to come back, but using his determination to bring his friend back on his own, Naruto was once again his "happy go lucky" self. Soren then placed everything in his inventory, and when questioned on how he did such a thing he told everyone that it was a magic ability he learned from Kami, and with that everyone nodded and didn't question it anymore, and after the clouds dispersed, Soren and his family went back into their home while Naruto went back to his village, but what Soren didn't notice was someone in the shadows who had seen the whole thing go down, and peaking their curiosity, they decided to watch Soren a bit more closely as they believed there was a little more to what Soren was letting on about those dragon ball things as they watched Soren place them in his inventory, and they thought if they were truly useless like he said, he wouldn't have kept them as well.

[I think there's something more to what he had told that Yellow haired boy… I must find out for myself, but how do I get them for myself?]: ???

Soon, the figure disappeared from their hiding spot leaving forest next to Soren's home to go and make a plan on how to take the now stone orbs into their possession for further experiments. Meanwhile, Soren was now sleeping in his room while going through all that happened over the course of the last 3 months training with Kami, and after a while, Soren fell asleep and began doing some image training in his dreams.

[Soren!... It's time to wake up for school! Naruto can't always cover for you, now can he?]: olive

Soren was woken up by the call of his mother, and felt that going back to school was quite annoying, but he remembered that Naruto had told him that the class was going to be going on a field trip to Tokyo today. Soren had remembered that Issei and his class went to Kyoto for their trip in the Anime, but he wasn't in Issei's class, and his class was going to Tokyo, and as an American boy growing up in his last life who wanted nothing but to watch Anime, and visit the birthplace of its creation, going to Tokyo was a must for Soren's bucket list in this new life, but he never found the time to do it due to wanting to train so he won't be killed.

[Coming mom!]: soren

Soren quickly jumped out of bed, and snapped his fingers while using the Creation Magic he learned from Kami making it possible to turn your Ki into material objects, and made his school uniform appear on him fitting just right, while he looked to his closet and noticed that his previous clothes were too small to fit now that his muscle mass was so huge, that if he was able to get the clothes on, just a small flex in his muscles would rip the clothes to shreds.

Soren made his way down to see breakfast prepared for him on the table, while his father was already gone to go do some work at the construction site he now was overlooking as Naruto was able to pull some strings with Tsunade and got Aiden a complete background made as well as citizenship forged making it possible for Aiden to move up in rank properly, as well as get proper pay, and Aiden was thinking about moving his family into the city so they could be part of society like everyone else. After breakfast, Soren said his goodbyes to his mother before storming out the front door at lightning fast speeds, and he soon made it to the bus stop just in time to catch the city bus to the closest bus stop to Kuoh Academy, and once Soren made it to school he was stopped at the front gates by the one and only Sona Sitri who was still under the name Souna Shitori in the human world.

[Hello Mr. Yamada, I see you're quite early today… Any particular reason?]: souna

Soren began to rub the back of his head as he saw no problems with him arriving early, but what Souna said next made him hate Naruto to the core.

[So were you so excited about today that you forgot about the after school detention I gave you yesterday?... If so, then you can come and serve it right now, and maybe you will be able to catch the class bus to Tokyo on time]: souna

[Uh… What?]: soren

'F.u.c.k.i.n.g Naruto!... What did your clone do!?': soren

Souna gave Soren a glare for saying "What" before she walked up to him and got on her tippy toes to grab hold of his ear with a death grip, and began to walk towards the student counsel's room where Soren would sit for the next hour and a half.

'This f.u.c.k.i.n.g sucks… I have all this power, and yet I can't use it without putting myself in danger by the people with higher power': soren

Soren sat in the room in complete silence while Souna, and her Vice president Tsubaki Shinra overlooked Soren to make sure he didn't leave early, and right as the last 3 minutes were counting down, Soren could hear with his enhanced hearing the sound of excited kids entering a school bus and the engine of the bus gave a low hum, and the smell of the exhaust burned out the tailpipe.

'And I'm going to miss the trip… Wait! Naruto!?': soren

Soren could sense a big presence using his Ki, and it felt just like Naruto's pressense, as he entered the bus, and Soren felt mad, he then quickly got up from his seat and began walking towards the door, but was stopped by Souna.

Soren then turned back and spoke in a calm tone before disappearing before everyone's eyes.

[To Tokyo… You can give me another detention when I get back, but until then, goodbye miss Sitri, hehe]: soren

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