Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 7 - 7: Ken Kaneki

Soren had disappeared from the room leaving a stunned group of Devils, but the most stunned out of all of them was Sona herself as this meant there was a potential threat in the school, and with that Souna sent Tsubaki to go inform Rias about this new development. Soren on the other hand was now getting onto the bus, and noticed that Naruto was sitting towards the back with his hand on the empty seat next to him, and when Naruto saw Soren, a big smile came across his face as he beckoned Soren over to him to take the saved seat, but when Soren came over he whacked Naruto on the head.

[Oww!!... Hey! What was that for!?]: naruto

[So you were just gonna let me rot in detention?]: soren

When Soren said those words it had dawned on Naruto that he indeed had gotten detention while transformed as Soren, and he forgot about it and had gone home.

[I'm sorry Soren!... I forgot about it because I had gotten information about Sasuke, and had to get back to the village]: naruto

Soren let out a sigh before sitting down next to Naruto, Soren then closed his eyes while waiting for the bus to take off towards Tokyo, and after another minute, the last kid entered the bus, and Soren could sense a Holy yet Demonic presence, and upon looking up Soren saw the blonde haired Kiba, and Soren remembered that Kiba wasn't in his class.

'So Rias knows… Then she sent Kiba to watch me… That's fine, but he won't see anything interesting': soren

Kiba sat at the back of the bus just a few seats behind Soren and Naruto, and when Kiba sat down all the girls who saw that Kiba had an open seat began to rush to sit next to him even if they were already seated, and this action caused a ruckus on the bus and made it to the point the bus driver needed to interfere and made Kiba sit alone while all the girls had to take their previous seats. The bus then began it's trip to Tokyo, and after 6 hours, the bus finally arrived at the hotel they were going to stay at, and it was just in time as the sun had begun to set, and the kids were tasked with unloading their stuff and taking it all up to their rooms.

[Soren you didn't bring anything with you?]: naruto

[I have everything I need… And I could say the same thing for you]: soren

[Hehe… I have everything I need as well… Everything is kept in my scrolls that I have right he-... What!?... My scrolls! Where are they!?]: naruto

Soren watched as Naruto began frantically looking for his bag that held his scrolls and began to chuckle a little, and after searching everywhere, Naruto had arrived next to Soren with a depressed look on his face.

[Couldn't find them?... It's okay, I can lend you some clothes]: soren

Naruto heard this and imagined himself wearing Soren's clothes, and coils see nothing but baggy clothes around Naruto's thin body, and with that thought, Naruto replied.

[No thanks, I'll be fine… Besides, if I wore your clothes I would drown in them due to how many times bigger you are compared to me]: naruto

Soren then thought about it and it hit him that he was indeed bigger, he was taller than Naruto, as well as more muscular than Naruto as well, and after conversing with Naruto, they both went up to the room they were registered to, and when they entered they both noticed that they were rooming with a few other boys from their class, and with that, Soren and Naruto both chose an open bed and went to lay down.

'I guess I can go explore the city tomorrow': soren

Soren then went to sleep and in the morning Soren got ready and went downstairs to the main lobby where he saw some of his class gathering, and when they saw the teacher, they were then informed about meal times, and after being led to the cafeteria Soren began to eat, but as to not draw much attention, Soren used a senzu bean and crushed it up and mixed it into the food before eating just a normal sized plate of food. Soren then left the hotel and began exploring the city, and while sending his senses out to explore, Soren found some interesting things such as Yokai playing as Humans and living normal lives, as well as some Fallen Angels who were doing experiments on Humans, and when Soren came across this he obliterated them, and cleaned up the site as to not cause any unnecessary trouble. Soon, night time came, and Soren was caught up in exploring that he forgot to head back to the hotel, and after he noticed the time, Soren began to walk back to the hotel, but on his way back, Soren began to feel an eerie sensation course through his body, and began to take in his surroundings. Soren had noticed that he was walking down a dark alley near a suspended railroad track in an abandoned neighborhood that was being transformed into new buildings, as Soren noticed the construction site right next to him.

[This feels off… Like I've seen this before]: soren

Soren then heard a scream and quickly began heading towards it to see what was happening, and upon turning the corner Soren saw a Purple haired woman biting into a young man with Black hair's shoulder.

'So even Ghouls are in this new world… I'm going to enjoy this': soren

Soren began running towards the woman and man while shouting, and when the woman saw Soren she quickly threw the man into the construction site making him pass out, and when Soren saw this he had a smile grow on his face as he began antagonising the woman.

[How repulsive!... Come and fight me instead of a defenseless teenager]: soren

[Oh?... So you aren't going to run for your life?... This might be an even better feeling then the one I get chasing someone who is about to die… I can break your spirit before eating you up!]: ???

'How disgusting… I should try to end this quickly': soren

Soren was still running towards the woman, and the woman had 4 tentacles protruding from the base of her spine, and they were all aimed towards Soren, and the second Soren saw this he began to cover his body with a protective layer of Ki, and collided with the woman while punching her in the gut sending her flying into a wall.


The woman was sent flying, while Soren's protective Ki cloak was sliced through, and Soren had a slight cut on his right forearm.

'Hehe… So I can fight you to improve more… Too bad I can still beat you': soren

Soren used his Ki to heal the cut faster, and when the woman got out of the wall she was shocked and angry, as Soren was still alive and had no visual wounds though she thought she made one. The woman then charged towards Soren with all four tentacles combining together to make a drill looking form, and when Soren saw this, his smile grew as he put his hands on his waist and got in a low stance as he began to charge up an all too familiar move that he always wanted to try.

[KAME… HAME... ]: soren

[W-what is that!?... Just DIE!!!]: ???

[HAAAAAAAA!!!]: soren

A Blue energy beam flew out of Soren's now outstretched hands as the woman used the drill like tentacles to now block the deadly beam, but that couldn't stop the force of the move that sent the woman flying into the construction site while landing near the boy with Black hair who looked to be on his deathbed.

'That should be enough to put the future in motion, but the construction site has no problems… Let me help with that': soren

Soren sent a disk made of Ki flying up to the steel wires that held the heavy construction materials in the air, and cut them all sending the materials falling towards the ground, specifically on top of the Purple haired woman who was just getting up, and was about to escape with the boy as she had saw her chance to escape, but as she looked up due to a sound, it was all too late. The woman was crushed, and her body became lifeless, while the boy was losing life force at an alarming rate, Soren then gave the boy a tiny bit of his Ki to support his life, but not for long, and after Soren heard the sirens, he quickly left the scene and went back to his hotel just in time for dinner.

'Maybe I should go visit him in the hospital': soren

Soren was about to go to sleep when one of his classmates had turned on the T.V in the room and it flashed to the news station, and Soren saw the reports about the Ghoul attack, and this made everyone in his class except Naruto surprised as they have never seen something like this, and it fell into the supernatural category.

[What's up Naruto, why aren't you surprised about this?]: soren

Naruto then looked towards Soren, and began to answer his question with a straight face.

[This is nothing new… The Leaf Village gets termination requests like this all the time, and they are considered S-Rank Missions as no normal Genin or Chunin can defeat one of them, and only strong Jonin can have a fighting chance… They are also impervious to blades, so we use our Chakra to deal damage, but that is also healed soon after the damage is inflicted… They are hard to kill, but not impossible to kill, here in Tokyo they have this organization called the CCG they specialize in capturing and killing Ghouls, and come to us to learn how we do it, but they are always denied access to learn, so if you ever come across a member and they ask you for information, tell them you have none]: naruto

Soren began to understand more about this world by the day, as it was almost perfect with substituting information to make the worlds co-exist together, and this made Soren only want to know what other worlds would look like mixed together that are more space related, but thought he would find out in the future. Soren then went to sleep, while some of the kids in his class that watched the news had refused to sleep due to being scared that they would be eaten if they went to sleep, and in the morning Soren woke up, got ready, had breakfast, and went out to go to the hospital that the boy was being kept at with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

[Hello… Are you here to visit someone?]: rep

[... Hmm… Oh yes, Ken Kaneki… He is in room 1297]: rep

Soren had took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and got out and began walking down the halls looking for the room number that Kaneki was being kept in, and after finding the room, he entered and noticed that Kaneki was still asleep, but scanning him with his Ki, Soren found out that the Ghoul parts used from the woman to save Kaneki's life were trying to over take Kaneki's consciousness.

'So this is how that woman was able to influence Kaneki the way she did… What if I break that connection?': soren

Soren walked over to Kaneki's bedside and placed the flowers down before placing his hand over Kaneki's forehead and using his Ki to enter his mindscape and overwhelm the leftover consciousness of the women making Kaneki's eyes shoot open revealing a normal eye, and a Ghoulified eye.

[W-where am I?... Who are you?]: kaneki

[Calm down, my name's Soren… I was the one who saw you being attacked by that crazy woman last night, but I watched her throw you into the construction site, and after I pulled out my gun, she ran towards you to escape, but unlucky for her the construction site was unstable and she was crushed under 10 tons of metal… Also, don't move too much or you will open your stitches]: soren

[Soren… Thank you I guess… But she was a Ghoul, why would she be afraid of a gun if she can out run it?]: kaneki

[Hehe… You are a smart boy… I saw gun, but I meant Ki]: soren

[Ki?... Like the stuff used in those stories of ancient cultivators?]: kaneki

When Soren said that, Kaneki began to freak out as it was apparent as the life monitor began to beep faster meaning Kaneki's heart rate increased, and after Soren left, Kaneki began thinking about everything Soren told him while not wanting to believe any of it, but only testing it would make his sure. Kaneki was then released from the hospital after a few day's, and Soren was there to meet him in person, and when Kaneki saw Soren, he wanted to ask some questions, as Soren told him so many things that nobody would believe, but after checking the last thing himself Kaneki wanted to kill himself as he didn't want to hurt anybody, and would rather die himself.

[Soren… I want to know if you can help me control the urge to feed on human flesh… I feel hungry around everyone else, but you are different, I don't feel hungry, and I also feel like you could kill me quite easily]: kaneki

Soren began to chuckle before telling him that there was no way to suppress the urge, and if he didn't eat he would die, but there was a way to not hurt or kill anyone, and when Kaneki heard this he was down to try it, but after seeing that he needed to eat dead bodies, he began to throw up.

[Don't worry, I will help you, and in a year, I will make it so you don't need Human flesh to survive… So just eat what I give you for now, and don't question it or think about where it comes from]: soren

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