A couple days after Kaneki was released from the hospital Soren and his class had to leave to go back to Kuoh Academy, but before Soren left Tokyo he gave Kaneki a sack full of Senzu Beans. Soren did this because he found out through an experiment that Senzu Beans don't affect Ghouls in a negative way while still filling their bodies with the necessary nutrients to survive, and though Kaneki was skeptical at first, when Soren explained that they were just magical beans, Kaneki was okay with eating them.

[Did you have fun, Soren?... I had so much fun, I will need to take more missions in Tokyo in the future]: naruto

Soren was once again sat next to an over excited Naruto who was super hyped over the trip, as well as sad to leave, but he couldn't wait to tell everyone in the village about his trip when he got back. After a long trip back to Kuoh Academy, Soren got off the bus and slipped out of the school grounds after sensing the presence of Sona Sitri waiting a little ways away from the bus that brought Soren and his classmates back, and after escaping the campus, Soren made his way back home to greet his family. Once Soren got home he began to tell his parents about his trip to Tokyo, and about all the places he visited while keeping the fact that creatures that could easily overwhelm his parents in strength resided there, and he fought with them while exploring the city, and as he told his parents about the trip, Naruto had returned to his village to tell his close friends about his experience in Tokyo, and while this was going on, an elderly figure with Green skin, and a dress that had the Kanji for God written on his c.h.e.s.t was standing on the edge of a semi circular floating island in the sky looking over everything below.

[Hmm… Mr. Popo, do you feel that ever looming presence that enc.u.mpuses the Earth?]: kami

[Making Toast!]: popo

[...Hmm… I need to inform Soren about this new development…]: kami

Kami tapped his staff on the floor and in the next second disappeared from the lookout heading towards Soren's home, but after Kami left, a resounding "Ding!" was heard along with the voice of Mr. Popo in the now empty lookout.

[Buttering Toast!]: popo

This was not heard by anyone as the lookout was now empty leaving the sound of an ominous humming coming from inside the temple where one would assume Popo was now eating the toast he had just made. Meanwhile, Kami had appeared outside of Soren's home and came up to the front door and was about to knock before it suddenly opened up to reveal the face of Soren who appeared to be slightly tired from telling the stories of what happened on his trip.

[Kami?... What are you here for?... Wait!... You're not here to force me to be the next guardian of Earth right!?... If so, I refuse!]: soren

[I'm not here for that, but I would like you to reconsider… Anyway, forget about that… I came here for an urgent matter… I was up on the lookout observing over the Earth, but something had caught my attention, and it felt quite ominous… I fear that my other half is about to awaken from the seal that a Master Martial Artist had placed on him over 100 years ago]: kami

When Soren heard this he felt that this must mean that Goku had finally come to Earth, and this gave Soren at least 12 years to prepare for the attack of King Piccolo.

'Good thing I still have the Dragon Balls or some bad things may happen in the future': soren

[So what do you want Kami?... If he scares even you, I don't think I could fair any better than a literal God]: soren

When Soren heard this he became happy as he thought about training under King Kai, but he wondered just how strong King Kai was in this new world as he was the overseer of the whole North side of the Galaxy while God's were just living in dimensions centered around Earth, so he wondered just how powerful King Kai was compared to them.

[So when do we leave?]: soren

[Right now… You need all the time possible]: kami

Soren smiled and was ready to depart with Kami, but before that he decided to tell his parents as well as Naruto as he didn't know how long he would spend with King Kai, and when Naruto heard that Soren needed to go train he just gave Soren a fist bump and told him that he would hold his spot in class. Soren then left with Kami back to the lookout only to see Popo tripping on Acid as he was walking in circles while mumbling.

[All these squares make a circle… All these squares make a circle…]: popo

[Mr. Popo, is everything alright?]: kami

When Kami spoke, it immediately drew the Black Genie's attention as he quickly disappeared with what appeared to be a Black smoke like trail as he appeared before Kami and spoke.

[Kami!... I need you to tell me I can leave the lookout!]: popo

[*sigh*... Mr. Popo, you can leave the lookout]: kami

[Shut up Bitch! Don't tell me what to do!]: popo

Kami just gave another sigh before placing his hand on Soren's shoulder and tapping his staff on the ground again taking Soren to a gigantic room with White walls outlined with Green accents, and in the middle sat a gigantic oak desk with a giant Red demon looking being with a bushy beard and afro in a Purple suit, while he wore a Purple cap on his head that pressed his afro downwards and horns protruded out the sides of the cap.

'So this is King Yemma': soren

Soren then watched as a line of souls that seemed to go on for thousands if not millions of miles was lined up in single file as papers were stacked high to the ceiling and ever growing as more and more people died every minute, and Yemma was going through papers stamping them like crazy with the words being either "Heaven" or "Hell" as the souls either had the floor open from underneath them, or sent to the right where a shuttle bus was loading up and taking souls to heaven. Once the being who was stamping papers noticed Kami and Soren he snapped his fingers and the stamping became automatic as he got out of his seat and came to greet Kami and Soren.

[Hello Kami, it's been a while… So, what brings you here? And why have you brought a living Mortal with you?]: yemma

[King Yemma, This is Soren… He is a Martial Artist from Earth, and I have been training him to become the next Guardian even though he refuses to take the seat… I brought him here in hopes that he can be trained by King Kai as a new threat has appeared on Earth and I fear I won't be able to beat it on my own]: kami

[I see… Then for old times sake I will let him walk Snake way living or not, but I can't guarantee that King Kai will train him… Go on little buddy, travel all the way to the end and you will see a planet, that will be King Kai's home]: yemma

Soren nodded and thanked both Kami and King Yemma before going towards the snake way and starting his journey to King Kai's planet while Kami went back to Earth to continue watching over it, and while Kami went back to Earth, Yemma looked at Soren's Karma and noticed that he had acc.u.mulated quite a bit of mixed Karma due to him clearing the evils of the world, but a lot of those evils were Fallen Angels, and though they may be fallen, they are still heavenly creatures that radiate a Holy aura.

'I hope the kid doesn't attract the wrath of the current ruler of Heaven… Man I miss my old friend': yemma

Soren spent the next couple of days traveling Snake way, but because he was alive, the stress and pressure present in the Overworld pressed down onto Soren's body, and that combined with the unknown time until he reached his destination made the mental fatigue strike Soren harder.

'I need a brake': soren

Just as Soren thought those words he saw a mansion-like building on the side of the snake way path, and Soren knew exactly what this place was and decided to stop by and get some rest and some food while being careful not to get eaten by the Snake Princess.

[Greetings traveler, you look quite exhausted, please, follow us in for some rest and relaxation]: ???

Soren noticed that the women who began to call out to him looked more human than in the Anime as they had normal colored skin instead of the Blue color they had in the Anime making Soren more attracted to them, and with this he thought that they transform into the d.e.s.i.r.ed form of the person they meet and because Goku never d.e.s.i.r.ed anything in a woman's appearance they appeared in their normal figures. Soren then followed them inside and was then greeted by the Snake Princess who had nice Orange curly hair and a White fluffy scarf wrapped around her body while emphasizing her curves that had Soren a little captivated, and once the Snake Princess saw this she knew she had Soren in her grasp.

[Hello, I am the Princess of Snake way, you can call me the Snake Princess, or by my real name Stacy]: stacy (A/N: I don't know if they gave her a real name or not, nor do I care, she is now Stacy)

[Hello Stacy, my name's Soren… I came here to train with King Kai, so I will just stay the night and be gone tomorrow]: soren

[Train with King Kai huh?... Then you must have some food before you go, I heard his training is grueling for anyone who attempts it]: stacy

Stacy then snapped her fingers and the women began surrounding Soren with plates and plates of food, and the smell emanating off of them was heavenly making Soren's mouth water in the process. Soren then began to dig in and as time flew by the food began to disappear in seconds, and after a few minutes all the food was gone and Soren felt stuffed as he sat back to let the food settle, and once Stacy saw that, she called one of the girls over and questioned about the sedatives used in the food only to be told that each dish had enough to knock out a horse making Stacy drop her mouth wide open in shock.

[Man was that good… Anyway, Stacy, do you have a place I can bathe? I've been running for a few days straight now and my body feels really dirty]: soren

Stacy then led Soren to an open air pond and quickly left leaving Soren to bathe for however long he wants, but after a few minutes, Soren felt the presence of someone come out from the room that was close to the osen and when Soren felt this a smile appeared on his face, but he hid it and turned to see Stacy wrapped in a towel, and when she saw Soren look at her she blushed a little as she told him to look away. Soren turned around and Stacy unwrapped herself and got into the bath before telling Soren it was okay to turn back around, and with this Soren was now fact to face with a beautiful Snake woman who was trying to seduce Soren, but was about to regret everything.

As Soren started going on about the bath Stacy began to get closer and closer to Soren before her c.h.e.s.t was now touching Soren's back as she began to speak in a seductive tone.

[Yes it really is… Here, let me wash your back for you]: stacy

Soren then began to have his back washed by the woman and after a few minutes Soren grew a smile and turned around while also turning Stacy around with a bit of force.

[Since you have washed my back I can't let you go unwashed]: soren

... H.e.n.t.a.i Scene 18+ ...

Soren began to wash Stacy's back while breathing on her neck making her feel uncomfortable, and when Soren saw his chance he began to force his hands under her arms and close them around her body as the cloth in his hands began to wash her front going around her c.h.e.s.t and under her large t.i.t.s making her m.o.a.n a little while trying to get Soren to stop.

[Unn...S-stahhpp!... Y-you c-can't!... Nooooo!]: stacy

[No, I must wash you up good so you can be nice and clean]: soren

Soren soon got rid of the cloth and started playing with Stacy's b.o.o.b.s while he placed her head into his neck as he began kissing her neck from behind making her m.o.a.n a little.

Soren then picked up Stacy's body and placed her into his l.a.p as letting his slightly erect dragon scr.a.p.e against the entrance to Stacy's tight cave entrance, and when Stacy felt the dragon she began to grind on it making it harder and harder, and when Soren felt he had enough of her teasing he thrusted her h.i.p.s against one of Stacy's grinds making the tip enter inside Stacy and when Soren felt his d.i.c.k enter inside he continued to thrust deeper and soon his entire length had entered the Snake Princess making her m.o.a.n loudly.

[AHhhhhNNgng!~... W-why would you do that!?]: stacy

[Because it felt so right… So do you want to stop or continue?]: soren

Stacy thought about it and soon enough continued to grind up and down Soren's shaft as he also made moves to make his d.i.c.k go deeper than before as it pushed up against Stacy's w.o.m.b.

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