Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 20 - 20: Back to Korea

{Ding!... Congrats Soren for completing the Devil's Tea Party Quest… Rewards: 1,000 System Points, Lottery ticket x10, Random Skill book x1... All rewards will be deposited into your Inventory… Due to gaining System Points for the first time, you have now unlocked the Shop function… Do take note that Shop Point's are hard to come by, so all items in shop are low in cost}

Soren decided to check out the Shop later, as well as use up the lottery tickets that he had been saving up for quite a while in hopes of using all of them for a strong roll. Soren then went back to the Gremory castle with Rias and she took Soren into her room for a night worth remembering, and the next day they spent all day getting Soren's measurements for his wedding suit. Soon, the days passed by with Soren being taken everywhere by Rias, and meeting people who came to greet the Human who was able to overpower not only the Lord of the Phenex house, but all those Devils who came into the arena to fight him afterwards. Now tonight was the wedding, and Soren decided to invite his father, Naruto and Rin, and when Naruto heard that he was getting married he began to cry tears of joy for Soren, while his father cried tears filled with joy and pain, as Olive wasn't here to see her son's wedding day, as for Rin, he wanted to refuse, but after Soren reassured him that the Underworld was safe and nobody would be after his life.

[Greetings all… Tonight we all come here to wed these two under the name of the Devil Kings… Now, do you Soren, take Rias Gremory to be your wife throughout the thousands of years that may pass until death due you part?]: sirzechs

[I do]: soren

[Then please read your vows out to Rias Gremory]: sirzechs

[Rias, I have only known you for a short few months, but the first day I have seen you, I thought you were special… You were a bit of a snob due to your status, while I as a commoner in the Human Realm had been used to Equality for all, but I think I was able to change you, or maybe it was you who changed me… I do take you to be my first wife, and that position will always be held by you, but try not to use that as leverage in the future towards your future sisters]: soren

Rias was tearing up at Soren's vows while the crowd was surprised to hear that Soren planned to take more wives in the future, but thinking about his strength, it was only right that he have more than one wife, as even the Gremory's Lord had other concubines.

[Now, do you Rias Gremory, take Soren to be your husband throughout the thousands of years that may pass until death due you part?]: sirzechs

[I do]: rias

[Then please read your vows out to Soren]: sirzechs

[Soren, I have had my eye on you since the first day you walked into Kuoh Academy… I thought that I only wanted you to be in my peerage, but after feeling your strength, I knew it was impossible, but I still felt attracted to you… And after that day in the ORC room, I knew that I wanted you to be more than just a peerage member, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, even if there are more women that I must share you with in the future]: rias

After Rias' vows, Sirzechs then concluded his speech by having the ring bearers deliver the rings, and that person was none other than Akeno, while both Issei and Kiba were the flower girls of the wedding. Soren thought this was weird, but thinking about their personalities, it was only right that this was how it played out, and Soren noticed Koneko by the desert bar, while Aisa was crying her eyes out in the crowd holding a tissue in hand and wiping her eyes.

[I now pronounce you Husband and Wife… You may kiss the Bride]: sirzechs

Soren lifted Rias' vail and saw her beautiful face that had a few tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes, Soren then used his hand to wipe away the tears, while he gave Rias a deep kiss and held her waist refusing to let her go. Soon after, Soren parted with Rias, and then they both turned to the crowd to hear a bunch of cheering, and then Rias turned around and held the flowers high into the air, and when all the unmarried women saw this, they quickly rushed to gather around, and when Rias threw the flowers high into the air, the magic battle royale started between the women who began to use different magic spells to try and get the flowers, but Akeno used a lightning chain to scare away the other women while she flew up and caught the flower bouquet.

[Haha!... I win you stinky skanks!]: akeno

Akeno then held the bouquet while wanting to show Soren that she caught the flowers later to try to force him to marry her next. The rest of the night played out quite well with Aiden trying to get Soren to follow an old tradition of the Saiyans which was to fight the father of the bride until one of them was knocked unconscious, but Soren refused to follow Saiyan tradition in this case, and soon, Naruto then ran up and greeted Soren and Rias with snot running down his nose.

[Soren!... Why would you keep such important information from me!... I thought you were still gone, but now I find out you were not only back, but marrying Rias from our school… So, are you going to come back to school so I can stop using shadow clones to do your work?... I feel like I've become the smartest kid in school because I'm learning for two people instead of just myself]: naruto

[Hahaha!... Don't worry Naruto, I plan on taking the Early Graduation test next week so I don't need to go to school, but I'll still drop by the ORC some times, so I suggest joining them and helping in some contracts]: soren

[Yeah… About that, I'm not allowed to join clubs due to me needing to be available to the Village at all times in case the Hokage needs me for a mission]: naruto

Soren just began to laugh and wrapped his arm around Naruto's neck and began to laugh and smile with him while asking when he planned on settling down with someone, but Naruto just blushed a bit while an image of Hinata appeared in his head. Soon, the start of Soren and Rias' night came, and next morning Soren went to the school to take the graduation test, and surprisingly, Soren found the test to be super easy, and after passing, Soren was given a certificate of graduation and was now allowed to start working, or go to a collage.

'So I guess I can head back up to the Lookout for a little bit': soren

Soren had gotten a phone from Rias, and she would call him to find out where he was or if she needed him, so Soren didn't need to always inform her of where he was going, and this made it easy for Soren to keep his freedom. Soren then flew up to the Lookout and met with Popo, Soren then had a small spar with Popo, but still lost, and this only made Soren wonder just how profound Popo's strength was, but he couldn't ask or he would be taught the pecking order once again.

[Kami would like to speak with you Maggot, go meet with him]: popo

[Yes Mr. Popo]: soren

Soren then went inside the Lookout and saw Kami sitting on his throne, and when Kami saw Soren he got up and walked over to Soren and began speaking.

[I have a roundabout idea of how long it will take until that Evil will be released from it's seal… You have less than a year]: kami

'Less than a year?... Wait, is King Piccolo not the Evil Kami was talking about?... Then was he talking about the Trihexa?... Looks like that fight in inevitable': soren

[I understand Kami, I will train until that time]: soren

Soren then began training with Popo, and had undergone Popo's training once again, but this time Popo made training 10 times harder than last time. Soren then spent the next couple of months training, and over that time, he found out that Mori had been allowed to continue in the G.O.H tournament like in the comics, and Daewi had fought with Mori in the tournament. Daewi had a good fight with Mori pushing himself past his limits, but in the end he still lost, but didn't mind since his friend had been healed by Soren, he just felt sour he couldn't win the tournament for Soren, but in the end he knew it didn't matter, and he not only had his best friend back, but also had new friends. Also over this time the Agents had taken their contestants that had made it through the tournament so far and taught them about the power of the Gods, as well as how to borrow their power and become Gods themselves, even though they would only be considered Demi-Gods, and after the break, the participants came back with more power than before.

'Looks like the Earth has progressed quite far… I guess I should head back down now and show my wife I'm still alive… Misha, what are my current stats?': soren

{I'll pull them up right now Soren...

Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 17

BP: 1,100,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (39% Awoken)

Skills: Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy, Kamehameha

'So I'm officially a Super Class… Not bad, but I'm still far from someone like the Trihexa, and it seems that the Divine Pellets help me improve faster rather than give me immediate strength': soren

Soren then left the lookout and went back down to his house, and after sensing out where Rias was, he made his way there, and just as Soren thought, Rias was in the ORC, and when he entered the school grounds, Soren noticed that there were tons of parents here with the students.

'Is it parent's day?... Then Rias should be waiting for her parents to show up': soren

Soren had entered the ORC and when Rias saw him she immediately jumped to him while shouting in a sultry tone.

[Soren!~]: rias

Soren then gave her a kiss, and she pinched his ear as she started berating him on where he went for him to be gone for months.

[I was training with the Guardian of Earth]: soren

[Guardian of Earth?... Who is that?]: rias

[Well… He is a God, but he is weak compared to the Pantheon Gods like Zeus or Amaterasu, and his job is to watch over the Earth from invaders from space, though he does a terrible job since my parents made it here just fine]: soren

[Extremely, but due to his body being split, meaning his power was split, and now he is old, he could at most overpower a High Class Devil, and give a good fight to an Ultimate Class Devil]: soren

[Wow!... He is powerful… Maybe you can get him to train my peerage?]: rias

As Rias said that, Soren thought about something and just started to shiver as cold sweat began to form down his back, and unconsciously he started mumbling something about Popo's training, but Rias couldn't catch it.

[You don't want to train under Kami, he's a bit special]: soren

[Oh… Then maybe you can teach my peerage?]: rias

[Yeah, I can do that… So, is this parent's day? I see a bunch of parents with their students heading to class]: soren

[Yes it is… My family should be here soon, that's why I'm waiting here]: rias

[Okay, I guess I'll wait here with you]: soren

Soren then waited with Rias for her family, and soon after, magic circles appeared and from them appeared Lord and Lady Gremory, followed by Sirzechs, then Grayfia, and along with them came Lord and Lady Sitri, along with Serafall.

[Hello Serafall… Yes, this is my Husband Soren… He had come here to hang out with me while waiting for you all to arrive]: rias

[Wow… He's so handsome, too bad I wasn't able to make it to the wedding… I had some business to deal with in the Underworld… Anyway… Sirzechs-chan tells me that it's parent's day, and Sona-tan hadn't told me, so I will surprise her here today]: serafall

Soren just had a smirk, and after telling Rias that he would be going to visit some friends in South Korea, he left as there was nothing interesting about parent's day, and he was no longer a student here, so he wasn't allowed in the school. Soren then flew over to South Korea and after sensing out Mori, Daewi, and Mira, he made his way over to them to see them all eating at some outdoor restaurant, and after landing down an alley, he made his way over and spoke.

[Hey guys!... I heard both Mira and Daewi lost the Tournament… I also heard they let Mori continue… Man, I should have stayed I guess… Too late now]: soren

As the trio heard Soren's voice, they quickly turned around to see him in some casual clothes and were excited, as Mori jumped up and shouted.

[Soren!... Fight me!]: mori

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