Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 21 - 21: Learning

Soren spent a few days with Mori, Daewi, and Mira, and over this time they began to tell Soren about what happened since he left. Soren found out that Mira was almost married for her Family sword, and Soren found out that both Mori and Daewi crashed the wedding to save Mira, and when Mira found out that the whole reason for the marriage was for her sword, she beat the man. Soren began to laugh, and told them about his marriage and how everything was going good for his current life, and when Mira heard that Soren was now a married man she felt that she missed out as she felt sad deep inside when she found out.

[What's wrong Mira?]: soren

[Uh?... Oh, nothing… So you are married huh?]: mira

[Yes, but why?... Did you fall in love with me over the little bit of time we spent together? Hehe]: soren

Mira blushed a little while Soren noticed that his comment striked against the iron so he spoke again.

[Don't worry… I have already discussed with my wife, and I told her that I will have multiple wives, so if you truly do like me like that, we could go out and see if there really is anything between us]: soren

Both Daewi and Mori were shocked how Soren openly told them that he would have multiple wives, and to make it more shocking was that his wife agreed, but Mira felt different, and with all her strength she smacked Soren.

[... What was that for?]: soren

[What was that for!?... How dare you place your wife in such a situation… Did you ever consider how she would feel? You are indeed a handsome man, and I'm sure your wife truly doesn't want to share you with others, but because you placed your dreams onto her shoulders she could only go along with it… I hit you because you are a player, and I hope you get rejected by every women you propose to in the future so your wife can have you to herself]: mira

Soren was a little shocked that Mira felt like that, but he just began to laugh, his laughs had shocked Mira as well as both Mori and Daewi.

[What's so funny?... Did I smack you so hard that I made you an idiot?]: mira

[Hahaha… No, I have already asked my wife before we even married if she would be okay with sharing, and she already has a sister, we just aren't married yet… But I see your point, so if you aren't into sharing, then I'm not for you then]: soren

Soren then got up and began to walk away, and as Mori and Daewi saw him leaving, they felt like stopping him so they could hang out more, but looking towards Mira who still had a Red face due to a mix of both anger and embarrassment, they just let Soren leave, but before he left, Soren turned around and spoke one last time.

[I hope to see you guys in the upcoming war]: soren

[Wait, upcoming war?...]: daewi

Just as Daewi was about to question what Soren meant he was already gone leaving Mira and Mori confused with his final words as well. Soren had gone back to Japan while holding his still stinging cheek, and moving his hand Soren could feel the pain slowly fading while there was a Red hand print left on his cheek from Mira's slap.

[Hehe… She really didn't hold back… I could feel the power of a God behind that slap]: soren

[Hello mom… I didn't think I would ever come talk to you from here because I wanted to talk to you in person when I brought you back, but I've missed you… I have gotten revenge for your death, and I also have a wife now… I hope you don't get too mad that I couldn't invite you to the wedding, but I'll let you complain all you want when you come back]: soren

Soren then got up and walked inside and saw Rin cooking in the kitchen while Aiden was nowhere to be seen.

[Rin… Where's my dad?]: soren

[Oh, Soren!... Aiden is at work right now, I was just making some lunch, do you want some?]: rin

[Yeah… Actually, can you teach me how to cook?... I heard from dad that you made some of the tastiest food he's ever eaten, he even said it was better than mom's food]: soren

Rin gave a comical blush as his food was being praised over someone who would always have good food even if it tasted like shit only because they were family.

[Sure, I can teach you Soren… Come over here]: rin

Soren then began to watch over Rin's shoulder as he began to cook lunch, Soren had noticed that Rin was very precise with his cooking, and like Sanji from One Piece, he used every single part of the food he used, and Sorne assumed that it was due to him growing up poor in a church.

[So Rin, why did you choose to learn how to cook?]: soren

[Well as a kid growing up I wanted to be the best chef in the entire world, and I wanted to go to Totsuki Culinary Academy where all the best chef's in the world originate from, but without money or any kind of backing I couldn't get in… So in the end I stuck with just using my skills to cook for friends and family]: rin

Soren could have expected the Shokugeki no Soma world would be here, but would normal people run it, or would some kind of supernatural force run it secretly to produce the best chef's in the world for personal use. Soren decided to ask Rias about it later, but for now he wanted to get a basic knowledge of cooking from Rin so that when he decided to leave on his own journey he would be able to cook for himself instead of relying on Senzu Beans. Soren then spent the next week at home hanging out with his father and Rin while having cook off battles with Rin, and even though he was progressing at a fast pace Rin would always win just like Joichiro battling Soma, but with time comes experience, and through experience comes skill, Soren was now ready to leave, but before he left Soren decided to help Rin after finding out from Rias that Totsuki Academy was indeed run by the Devil's society, and he was able to get Rin a spot, but that didn't mean he could slack off, he would be given a chance, and if he failed it would be his fault.

[Rin… I talked with my wife and found out that she knows someone from Totsuki, and she will help you get in, but do note that she can help you get in, but you will need to work yourself to the bone from there on out, and you won't need to worry about being hunted down as Totsuki is protected by the Great Maou's]: soren

Soren had handed Rin a letter of recommendation, and told him that entrance exams were in 2 weeks, Soren then told him the address, and gave him some money for the trip before leaving home once again. Soren then made his way to the forest at the edge of Kuoh Town, and began walking into the forest, and after a few hours of walking, Soren finally came across the gates to the Hidden Leaf village.

[Halt!... State your name and your business for being here]: guard

Soren saw one of the Chunin guards guarding the gate, and stopped to answer his question.

[My name's Soren, I'm here to take with Naruto]: soren

[... Please hold one]: guard

One of the guards disappeared and after a few minutes he reappeared and let Soren enter the village. After entering the village, Soren spread his senses and found out where Naruto was, and after finding him he disappeared and reappeared next to Naruto as he wasn't too far from Soren. Soren appeared right outside of a small shop, and the name on the front of the building was Ichiraku Ramen, and entering the shop Soren saw Naruto 10 bowles in while his stomach bulging out, and sitting next to him Naruto finally noticed Soren and shouted.

[Soren!... I didn't expect you to drop by… So, why have you come by?]: naruto

[What… I can't come say hello to a friend?]: soren

[Well… Most people that get married end up forgetting about friends and spend more time with their spouse]: naruto

[Not true… Did you plan to forget about all of your friends the second you get married?]: soren

[No!... I'll never forget my friends for as long as I live!... And when I become Hokage I'll make sure that all my friends that have supported me on my journey are well remembered throughout the rest of History as comrades who fought alongside me!]: naruto

[Then why did you expect me to forget about my friends?]: soren

[Well you're different Soren… You are already so powerful, and yet you still find time to train, and now that you have a wife you are going to start a family and have even less time for friends… It's only natural that you would forget about friends especially since we've only known each other for 6 months or so]: naruto

Soren thought about Naruto's words, and he found no flaw in them. Soren thought that once he leaves this planet, what says he won't be coming back for many years, and over that time he would indeed find other friends, and since Soren planned on taking Rias with him, there was nothing keeping him here besides his family, but even after Soren brings his mother back, they will still age, and someday die.

[Naruto… Would you like to visit other planets throughout the Universe?]: soren

[Soren… Are you an idiot?... What planets out there would be interesting, and how would we survive in space?]: naruto

Soren then smacked Naruto over the head and began to speak.

[I'm from outer space you idiot… Why would I say travel the Universe with me if I didn't know that it was full of interesting things]: soren

[Wahhh!... So you're an Alien!?... So cool!... Quickly, tell me if there are little Green men with big Black eyes that say "Take me to your Leader"]: naruto

Naruto tried to do an alien impression while Soren just sighed and spoke once again while smacking Naruto upside his head.

[You idiot! Keep it down!... Also, don't call them Alien's, it seems racist as you are considered an Alien to them, so call them Off Worlders or Visitors… As for if those types of beings exist, I don't know… There are so many different kinds of races out there that they are almost uncountable]: soren

[Okay, but I can't go with you… I need to stay here and achieve my dream, but if I ever get bored I'll try to contact you]: naruto

[Hehe… Then I'll keep that in mind… As for the other reason I'm here, I would like to learn how to use Chakra, could you teach me?]: soren

[Hehe… That's easy!... Here, come with me to the Training grounds and we can start]: naruto

Naruto finished off the last of his bowl of Ramen and paid for his meal before both him and Soren ran off to one of the open training grounds for some peace and quiet so that Soren could concentrate.

[Okay!... So you will need to sit down with your legs crossed and close your eyes while concentrating on your gut while trying to sense for any kind of energy, but forget about your current energy as that isn't the energy you need to feel]: naruto

Soren did as Naruto said and began concentrating on sensing any kind of presence of another type of Energy inside his body, but all Soren could feel was Ki and Magic as those were the only types of Energy he had.

'How did I make Magic… I turned my Ki into Magic by condensing it into a new source… Would the same concept work with Chakra?... Ki is known to be the Origin Energy of all things as all things have Ki or Life Energy, and Chakra is known to be Spiritual Energy': soren

Soren then began to try to condense his Ki into his gut, and after feeling the Energy turn into a fire-like type of flowing Energy, Soren was able to sense all of his Tenketsu, and slowly Soren began making it flow surprising Naruto who started to feel the energy spike around Soren in a Chakra form.

'He's so talented… I wonder if it's due to him being an Alie- Off Worlder': naruto

Soren then opened his eyes after feeling his Chakra, and due to him already having a strong body, Soren was able to start on Chakra control techniques with the help of Naruto. Over the next week, Soren had stayed in the village and learned with the help of Naruto, and Soren was able to master all forms of Chakra control all the way to Waterfall Walking that even Naruto had a bit of trouble with, and after Soren was able to control his Chakra, Naruto began teaching him some Wind Style Jutsu, as well as the Shadow Clone Jutsu after getting the okay to do so from Tsunade.

[Thank you Naruto… I will help you learn Ki sometime in the future if you want, but I need to head to the Underworld again… Cya]: soren

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