Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 28 - 28: Great Battle Pt: 2

Soren sat back with all of the thousands of other shinobi waiting for the first attack before charging in to attack, and after waiting for a few minutes Soren noticed that most everyone on the battlefield were now covered in Naruto's chakra cloak, and then he rose up into the air and placed his hands up in the air for the first attack.

[Everyone!... Lend me your energy!]: soren

Soren then watched as many began to raise their hands the same as the people closest to Soren who Soren told how to donate energy, and as the energy began to fly towards the now gathering orb above Soren's head the enemy side began to move in for the attack, and after feeling the rampant energy from all the different Chakra and Magic given off from the Earth along with its Ki, the Blue orb began to change color into a dark Blue with flashing White.

[Take this!... Genki Dama! (Spirit Bomb)]: soren

The attack then moved at a relative speed that was fast, but not too fast towards the enemy side full of White Zetsu and some rogue Ninja that decided to side with Madara and Black Zetsu. Once the enemy saw the attack they began to flee back feeling eminent threat while the allied shinobi forces had yet to move due to Soren using telepathy to tell them to keep away while his attack hits, and once they saw the impact the attack had on the enemy they were glad that listened to Soren.


[Who is that brat?... He took out a good chunk of the White Zetsu's with that single attack]: madara

Madara was looking over the war from atop a mountain with his Sharingan activated as his pale cracked face was framed by his dull Black hair that had a hint of blue making it seem like he was dead, and that was indeed the case as he was reanimated by the efforts of Orochimaru and Black Zetsu. Madara stood over the battlefield wearing his old armor set from the First great war, it was made of Red colored steel plates strung together covering his shoulder, c.h.e.s.t, and back as well as around his h.i.p.s making his t.h.i.g.hs guarded as well as his crotch and a.s.s. Under the armor, Madara wore a set of Black clothes and Black gloves as well as Black ninja sandals while his feet were wrapped in White bandages, and standing next to Madara was Black Zetsu who was also looking over the masses as the slaughter was happening now that Soren's attack was completed.

'This was unexpected… I don't want this unexpected variable to ruin the return of Mother': black zetsu (BZ)

[Black Zetsu… Do you know who that kid is?]: madara

[No… I've never seen him before, but he looks powerful]: bz

[I see… I will step in then, I don't want my plans to be ruined]: madara

Madara then activated his Rinnegan and jumped down from the top of the cliff and used an Earth style jutsu to create another platform that he stood on and shouted.

[Young one that created that big attack… I will now kill you, so tell me your name so that I can remember it]: madara

[Oh?... Kill me? Do you even have the power?]: soren

Soren sensed the BP of Madara and sensed his to be around 3 million, but since he was reanimated he had an unlimited use of his 3 million BP meaning it would never drain and he could continue to spam attacks, but none of his attacks would rise over 3 million in power.

'Hehe… I should reach a whole new hight with this battle': soren

[Fine foolish brat!... I will kill you now]: madara

Madara then looked up into the sky and watched as a gigantic meteor was falling down to the earth at an alarming speed, and while that was happening the current aged technology of Earth was going off the charts as scientists were watching as a meteor had appeared out of nowhere, and on top of that, there were two of them right on top of eachother.

[You think a tiny pebble will stop me?... Haha! I laugh at your ignorance]: soren

Soren knew what was going to happen, but wanted to play along as he grew tired of the smug look on Madara's face and wanted to remove it in the most flashy way possible. Soren then crouched down and then cupped his hands at his waist as he began to charge up one of the most iconic attacks from the DB series, and then faced towards the meteor and shouted.


A bright Blue beam was shot out from Soren's cupped hands as he brought them forward in a twist towards the meteor making a powerful beam hit the meteor while slowly pushing it back. Soren could have easily destroyed the meteor, but if he did then he would risk harming everyone below, so Soren decided to push it into space before destroying it, and as the rock began to be pushed back Madara was surprised, but then began to laugh as he then spoke.

When everyone heard Madara they began to question as everyone thought "Second?" But Soren already knew and just smiled as he let out a bit more power and felt the second one crashed into the first one sending cracks all over as it began to shatter.

[Little help… I'd rather not see you all die from the rubble]: soren

Soren sighed as he then watched Gaara snap out of his amazement and began controlling the sand to form a barrier as it caught and held the falling rocks, Soren then put more power and completely destroyed the rest of the first meteor along with the second as more and more rock pieces came falling from the sky to be caught by Gaara's sand barrier.

[Hmm… So you are a bit better than I thought… Then let me fight you seriously]: madara

Madara then jumped down from his platform and began killing all the Ninja that came at him ready to fight with their lives on the line hoping to kill him, but not even a scratch was made as Madara avoided each and every attack while sending out his own that killed or injured the ninja making them unable to continue only to be killed by the surrounding White Zetsu. Madara then continued to fight his way towards Soren and Naruto, and under normal circ.u.mstances anyone who fought like this would be tired by the time they reached their goal, but Madara had infinite stamina and energy due to the reanimation jutsu making him an endless battery that would never exhaust, but there was a limit to such a power as most would call "Hax" otherwise.

[Stand back and focus all forces on fighting the White Zetsu… I'll take this guy]: soren

Soren then watched as the area cleared and Soren was now face to face with Madara and after thinking about how exciting this fight will become, Soren activated his Sharingan as 3 tomoe revolved around a Red pool in both of Soren's eyes. Madara was surprised to see the Sharingan activate inside Soren's eyes as he could tell Soren wasn't an Uchiha, but he still had to make sure as he would rather not see one of the last members of his clan be exterminated.

[So you are an Uchiha as well?... This makes us family… Join me, and help me achieve my goal so that our clan can become prominent once more]: madara

[I am no Uchiha, but I do have the blood of one running through my veins, but moreover, I am a proud Saiyan!... Fight me Madara Uchiha!]: soren

Madara was surprised to hear that Soren was a creation of breeding outside of the clan, and though he could tell Soren's Uchiha blood appeared to show dominance over whatever bloodline his father or mother had, Madara couldn't help but wonder what this Saiyan clan was.

[Okay Saiyan… Then I will fight you unrestrained and show you the might of the Uchiha!]: madara

Madara then activated his Susanoo as a gigantic Blue skeletal figure appeared around Madara encasing him inside of it's rib cage as Blue flames surrounded the skeleton.

[This is the Susanoo!... It's powers are unmatched in my clan, and only those who have achieved the Mangekyo Sharingan can wield this form… I have given you the gift of seeing such power before you die so thank me for it]: madara

Madara then punched out as the skeleton mimicked Madara's punch and hit Soren as he crossed his arms in front of the punch sending him flying back as he tried to steady himself with his Ki, but before he could do so, Madara appeared before him with his Susanoo once more and punched him into the ground as a small crater appeared making spider web fissures appear in the crater.

[I thought this would be more of an interesting fight, but it seems that you are quite weak… So much for the Saiyan pride you spoke about]: madara

Madara let his Susanoo dissipate, and just as Madara was about to walk away, Soren appeared before him with bleeding eyes as his 3 tomoe Sharingan appeared to be revolving at a fast pace while a fiery Red aura appeared around his body making the pressure surrounding Madara spike.

[Okay… This is what I'm talking abo-]: madara

Madara couldn't speak before he had a fist planted right into his face as he was sent back skidding along the ground looking like a rag doll that just had its strings cut. Soren didn't leave it at that as he shot after Madara as to not let him catch his balance and continued to pummel him into the ground, but it was hard for Soren to break through the Susanoo once it began to shroud Madara for the second time.

[That was quite the dirty move… To sneak attack me like that… It's totally something I would have done, you make me proud as the legacy of the Uchiha clan, even if you don't claim yourself part of it]: madara

[How annoying… You would have killed me if I weren't immortal… Such a shame we are enemies, but I think I've played with you enough, it's time for the big finally]: madara

The ground began to shake and tremble as Madara disappeared from where Soren was and reappeared next to Black Zetsu as a gigantic tree looking plant sprouted from the ground and began absorbing the natural energies from around as many of the surrounding shinobis began to feel weak as their Chakra was being drained as well as the Chakra from the air making most feel suffocated.

[It seems that it was bound to happen]: soren

Soren then reappeared next to Naruto who had just finished off a group of White Zetsu and was standing next to Sakura, Kakashi, and Guy.

[So what's happening now?]: soren

[I don't know, but it seems like all the surrounding Chakra is being absorbed by that tree]: naruto

[Then we should take it down no?]: soren

Soren had also noticed a new person appear in the group as a man who resembled Naruto appeared next to him while being covered in the same Red and Yellow Chakra cloak, but his Cloak focused more on Red being the main color while Naruto's is Yellow.

[Dad!... We're gonna need your help with this one]: naruto

The person turning out to be Minato, Naruto's dad looked similar to Madara as his face had cracks in it while his Eyes were Black like Madara's making it known that he is dead and was revived through the reanimation jutsu most likely to help Madara with his plan, but Naruto was able to save his father from the mind control of the enemy and let him regain his consciousness.

[Who is this Naruto?]: minato

[This is my friend, his name is Soren… I met him when I was tasked to go to school in the modern society]: naruto

[Oh?... Soren, I thank you for looking after my son… It's of my sincerest gratitude for you to befriend him, and also for helping us with this war]: minato

[Oh it's nothing… In fact, after this battle there will be another battle that will need my attention and after that I plan to leave to go train]: soren

[Then until that time… Thank you for your help]: minato

Soren then watched on as some of the plot happened with Naruto having Kurama pulled out of him, and when Minato tried to save his son by transferring his half of Kurama into Naruto, Black Zetsu stole it and Obito betray Madara and went to save Naruto, this left Guy to help Kakashi fight Madara. Soon, the battle subsided with Madara winning, but telling Guy that he was by far the best Taijutsu master in the world, then Naruto made his appearance and saved Guy and Kakashi, while Sasuke was on the other side of the field heading towards us, and this made Soren happy as he smiled and waited for the best part to start.

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