Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 29 - 29: Great Battle Pt: 3

Soon, Saskue showed up to the battlefield and stood next to Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Soren, and after a brief reunion between the 3 while Soren was awkwardly off to the side, both Naruto and Sasuke began to fight with Madara while Soren was supporting them with Ki blasts towards Madara while they backed away to prepare their next move. Madara was livid when he tried to go in for an attack on either Naruto or Sasuke, but would always be met with a powerful ball of what he thought to be Chakra, but he knew it felt different, and that was due to Soren adding a bit of Chakra to his Ki blasts to see the difference in damage they would do.

[GUHAAAH!... Damn bastard!... Fight me like a man!]: madara

Just as Madara said that, he felt a sharp pain in his c.h.e.s.t and looked down to see a hand sticking out the front of his c.h.e.s.t. Madara then turned his head to see who would dare to attack him from behind, and when he saw Obito's body still being controlled by Black Zetsu he spoke.

[B-But Zetsu… Why?]: madara

[Hahahaha!... You fool, this was never your plan… This was my plan to revive mother and have her rule over this planet as it's rightful owner as all of the people here have their energy drained to be given back to it's rightful owner… Mother!... Mother! I have done as you asked! Come back and praise me for my efforts!]: bz

Soon, Madara was beginning to swell up like a balloon of fleshy mass and as both Naruto and Sasuke felt the Chakra begin to explode from the ground towards Madara, they both charged towards Madara before anything made the situation worse, but it was too late. Naruto and Sasuke were caught by some kind of long White hair that wrapped around them immobilizing them, and when Soren saw this he acted and made a Ki blade around his hand and charged towards both Naruto and Sasuke and cut the hair binding them, setting them free.

[Thanks Soren!... Now let's beat this thing for good]: naruto

Naruto thanked Soren while Sasuke just nodded and went back to his broody look as he then turned his focus to the now fully revived Kaguya who looked to be one of the most beautiful women in the world, and Soren was just upset that she was once a man making this a big turn off for him.

[I am now awake… How long has it been?]: kaguya

[A few thousand years Mother]: bz

Kaguya looked down as if to ponder about her time sealed away, then after looking back up she noticed a bunch of Ninja's still fighting with the White Zetsu, while there were a small group of more powerful people standing before her, but the power of these people were nothing compared to her power.

'How powerful is Kaguya?': soren

Soren then sensed Kaguya's power and was now sweating due to the sheer number he sensed.

'100… Billion!?... That is just too much Chakra… Thank god she doesn't have a way to use all of it at once or the world would be a goner': soren

Soren had now realized why Kaguya was called the Mother of all Chakra as she had enough Chakra to match every single Chakra user on the earth in quantity.

[I don't know Mother, he just showed up in the war, I've never seen him otherwise… MAybe he is from Modern society?]: bz

[I see… He has a small amount of Chakra, but I can feel something more powerful residing deep inside him]: kaguya

[M-More powerful!?... I knew he would be a problem, but it seems he was no match compared to the plan, and now he will die here]: bz

Kaguya set her eyes onto Soren as she used her Byakugan to scan Soren and noticed that he was scanning her as well, but she didn't know how. Kaguya then disappeared from her spot and reappeared before Soren while punching out towards him, but Soren appeared to notice this and blocked just in time.

[You are quite powerful… Tell me, what are you? How were you able to scan me like that?]: kaguya

Both Naruto and Sasuke were completely shocked when they saw Kaguya's speed and couldn't react, but Soren was able to react just in time. Both Naruto and Sasuke saw their chance to try and seal Kaguya while she was fighting Soren, and then they began working together to try and seal her.

[What the… Puny insects are trying to use my Sons power to seal me huh?... I'll show you!]: kaguya

Naruto and Sasuke were about to reach Kaguya when she felt a strange power and quickly dodged the conjoined attacks of Naruto and Sasuke as their hands grasped each other instead of Kaguya. Kaguya then began using her Rinne-Sharingan to send Naruto, Sasuke, and Soren into different dimensions as they continued to fight. Soren was using her revised Re-Taekwondo while infusing his Ki and Chakra into his legs to make them more powerful as well as faster due to the strength alteration, and when Kaguya saw this, she thought it was just some final attempts at a useless attack and let it proceed while blocking, but when Soren's leg came down it took Kaguya to the ground.

[GUHAAAH!... W-What!?]: kaguya

[Weak ants!... Let's see how you deal with this!]: kaguya

Kaguya brought everyone back to Earth and began using a jutsu that started turning the ground into lava as Sakura and Kakashi were off to the side spectating, and suddenly Naruto had an idea.

[Soren!... Hold her off for just a bit, I have a plan!]: naruto

Soren just nodded and watched as Naruto formed 10 shadow clones and Sakura thought it was pointless as it was obvious which one was the real one, but then she shut up as Naruto shouted.

[Reverse Harem S.e.xy Jutsu!]: naruto

Suddenly all of Naruto's clones turned into s.e.xy n.a.k.e.d guys and rushed towards Kaguya while Sakura had a mental breakdown as blood ran down her face and she began shouting.

[That would never work!... She's a God baka Naruto!]: sakura

Soon Kaguya turned to see Naruto and completely froze as Naruto's fist collided with her face, shocking Sakura that it actually worked. Soren then held Kaguya down and shouted towards both Naruto and Sasuke who were also surprised that the attack worked as Naruto only had about 20% confidence in the attack working.

[Quickly!... Seal her!]: soren

Both Naruto and Sasuke then dashed towards Kaguya who was now regaining herself and trying to escape, but Soren refused to let go making all of his muscles strain themselves with Kaio-Ken x2 something he just started to get used too, but would still cause slight damage to his body. Naruto and Sasuke then touched Kaguya as Soren let go and disappeared from under her as he didn't want to be sealed as well, then he watched as Kaguya was then sealed and the battle was now over letting everyone relax.

[Haf… Haf… It's… Over!]: Naruto

Soren powered down and fell to the ground while he began to recover his power, after a few hours, Naruto, Sasuke, and Soren were then carried back to the village where they would be treated for their wounds. Once Soren woke up he quickly checked his status after feeling he was fully recovered due to the Medical nin who were working on him.

{Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 18

BP: 9,900,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (70% Awoken), Uchiha (Three Tomoe)

Skills: Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy, Kamehameha, Shadow Clone, Wind Style, Elemental Magic

Curse Mark: God Mark

System Points: 1,000}

[Goodbye Naruto… I will try to come back alive, but no promises]: soren

Soren then went towards his home and brought out the Dragon Balls and noticed that they were ready for use, Soren then used the Dragon Balls and called out Shenron and upon seeing Soren, Shenron made sure to fix the last mistake.

[State your wish, any wish, but only one… Also no wishing for making everything on a list appear]: shenron

[Don't worry Shenron… I'm not going to do that, I only did it once to test it, but didn;t plan on doing it again… I wish to be transported to Planet Namek just once when I say the word Namek]: soren

Shenron's eyes glowed with a Red light before he spoke.

[Your wish is granted!... Farewell]: shenron

Soren then caught the Dragon Balls then placed them in his Inventory and planned to return them later on, and after that, Soren said the word Namek and was teleported to the Green surfaced planet.

[So this is Namek… It looks quite similar to the Anime, but the Water had a more Bluish color than Green]: soren

When Soren landed on the surface of Namek, his power level was suppressed to just the single digit numbers and looked negligible. Soren had planned to do two things here and had to do it in a few hours, so Soren quickly sensed out the strongest power on Namek, and upon sensing it he noticed it was around 30,000-60,000 BP and Sorne suspected it to be either Nail or Guru.

Soren then flew towards the biggest power level and landed outside of what appeared to be Guru's home. Soren saw Nail standing out front and when Nail saw Soren he got on guard and waited for Soren to introduce himself.

[Hello, my name is Soren… I am here to speak with the Elder Guru, could I speak with him?]: soren

[Humans are not permitted to speak with the Elder… Please leave]: nail

Just as Nail said that Soren could hear a voice from inside.

[Naaaaiiiiillllll!]: elder guru

[Yes Lord Guru?]: nail

[Let him in]: elder guru

Soren was then brought into Elder Guru's home and brought up to Guru's room. Guru then looked at Soren and saw that he wasn't evil like the rest of the Saiyans and decided to hear him out.

[Naaaiiiillll!... Who is this, why did you let him in?]: elder guru

[Oh… Naaiill! Please leave us alone]: guru

Nail then stood to the side and watched as Soren began speaking.

[Hello Elder Guru, I'm Soren… I come from Earth and used the Dragon Balls made by Kami there to come here for 2 requests, will you hear them?]: soren

[Oh?... So the Son of Katas calls himself God huh?... What a Prick!... Naaaiilll! I will now be called Super Kami Guru]: super kami guru

[Yes Super Kami Guru, but can I call you Lord Guru for short?]: nail

[Super Kami Guru accepts… Now, what are your requests young Saiyan]: guru

Soren then told Guru about wanting to use the Namek Dragon Balls to make some wishes and about having his potential unlocked, and Guru then thought about it for a moment before nodding his head letting Soren use the Dragon Balls as well as unlocking his potential.

[Come here… I will now reach into your deepest parts and grab hold of your essence!]: guru

[Umm… I don't think I'm into that type of thing]: soren

[Shut up!... Do I look Catholic to you!?!?]: guru

Guru then watched as Soren's power began to skyrocket and Guru began to feel weak after unlocking the tiny drop in the big ocean of power.

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