Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 30 - 30: Great Battle Final

Soren saw Guru's expression after unlocking some of Soren's potential, but Soren didn't feel any different, but checking his status Soren knew that his potential was just too great.

{Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 18

BP: 14,500,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (80% Awoken), Uchiha (Three Tomoe)

Skills: Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy, Kamehameha, Shadow Clone, Wind Style, Elemental Magic

Curse Mark: God Mark

System Points: 1,000}

Soren noticed a big increase to his BP as well as his Saiyan Bloodline being unlocked by another 10% making him ever so close to being a Legendary Super Saiyan all from a single touch. Soren then noticed Guru was sleeping, and after thanking Nail and Guru for their time Soren began traveling the planet to search for all the Dragon Balls, and after an hour of traveling to the villages Soren gathered all 7 balls and also borrowed one of the Village elders to help make his wishes come true as he didn't know the Namekian language.

[Petu a nekum watawe nowae sukumi]: namekian elder

With these words Porunga was summoned and the sky turned dark as a gigantic muscular dragon appeared making Shenron look like a scarf, and as he looked down onto the elder and Soren he spoke in the Universal language known by all who have any form of intelligence.

[Speak your wish! I will grant only 3]: porunga

Soren thought about the best way to use two of the 3 wishes while the 3rd one is for getting back to Earth, and after thinking he decided on what he wanted.

[Okay… Tell Porunga that for my first wish, I wish for my mother to be revived…]: soren

[Deslakitus moji naka mrrati bi koji]: namekian elder

Porunga's eyes began to glow Red before he spoke.

[Tell him for my second wish, I wish to be teleported to the Universe and planet of which this fruit comes from when I say the words One Piece]: soren

Soren then brought out a fruit that had a Silver color with Gold colored markings covering the fruit while a Golden stem came out the top of the fruit. When the Namekian Elder spoke these words he was a bit surprised as he had never known there were other Universes as he thought that their Universe was it, but when Porunga's eyes began to glow while scanning the fruit, the elder was surprised with Porunga's next words.

[This is a hard wish, but I can grant it only because of the fruit in your hands… It will happen, but you will be completely drained of energy as I don't have enough of my own… Now, what is your 3rd wish?]: porunga

Soren was happy that he would be able to travel to the Universe in which the One Piece world was centered, and after hearing Porunga ask for the 3rd wish Soren spoke.

[Please ask Porunga to return me to Earth as I have completed my goal here… Also, thank you for translating for me]: soren

Then the elder nodded and quickly spoke the last wish of Soren to which Porunga felt was such an easy wish he felt insulted but did as the wish stated and Soren was then teleported back to Earth as the Namek Dragon Balls scattered across the planet and Guru woke up and shouted.

[Naaaiiilll!... Get the Maaaiiiillll!... I'm expecting a letter from my brother today]: guru

[Yes Lord Guru]: nail

Soren was already back at Earth and a realization just hit him, he could have used his wish to be teleported to planet Yardrat instead to learn Instant Transmission to try and sense the energy of the fruit and teleport to the other Universe, but after thinking about how long it would take to get the skill to the point he could cross the Universe would be too long.

'Maybe in the future I will get Instant Transmission': soren

Just as Soren came back he felt something was off, he quickly sent out his senses and found his mother was now with his father catching up on the time gone, and in the Underworld a big battle was going down.

[It's early!... I need to get going now]: soren

Soren then opens a portal to the Underworld using the token given to him by Rias that lets a portal open to their estate when he passes his magic through it. Soren then stepped through the portal and appeared in the Gremory castle and quickly disappeared and started flying towards the area where Trihexa was along with all the Maou's, Gods, Angel's, and Fallen Angel, Soren got there just in time to see Trihexa use one of it's big attacks that took all 4 Maou's to block and they were still sent flying back. Soren then started charging up a powerful Kamehameha and shot it towards the Trihexa, and when it collided with its body, not even a scratch was formed, but everyone's attention was brought towards Soren's appearance.

[Soren!]: rias

Rias was hanging back using her Destruction power to attack from a distance while both Issei and Vali were working together in their balance breakers to fight the Trihexa, but nothing was working.

[I can't Divine it's power!]: vali

Vali was trying to use his great Divide power to try and halve the Trihexa's power while Issei was continuously boosting his power by 2, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, so on and so forth, and when Issei saw Soren he smiled and sent a gigantic attack towards the Trihexa who just shrugged it off as if it were nothing.

[Holy shit!... He shrugged off my Asshole buster!]: issei

Soren just had a deadpan expression due to hearing the name of Issei's attack which sounded gay, but it seemed powerful. Soren then began to charge up a Spirit bomb after telling everyone to hold off the Trihexa, and with that a big ball of power began to form above Soren's head, and when the Trihexa felt the power start to gather it turned its attention towards Soren and felt like it could be threatened if it let Soren's attack reach its pinnacle, so it attacked Soren.

The Trihexa then sent a breath attack of destruction towards Soren who just blocked it with the Spirit bomb that he gathered, but it was overwhelmed and Soren was struck with pure destruction as it tore through his body.

[ARRRGGGHHH!]: soren

Soren was holding in the pain as his skin began to rip away making his entire body be covered in blood as his muscles began to tear apart. Soren then fell to the ground in a half dead state as his body began to convulse, and when Rias saw this she immediately brought Asia with her to heal Soren, and upon reaching his side a puddle of blood surrounded a brutalized Soren who looked to be dead, but his heart beat was still there.

[Asia, heal him please]: rias

Asia began to heal Soren as some of his skin began to start regrowing, and after a few minutes Soren got enough strength to take a Senzu Bean and place it in his mouth, and after some troubled chewing, Soren had a bright beam of power surround him as his body began to rise in the air and Rias saw as his body began to heal at a fast pace.

[Soren?... What happened?]: rias

Soren then landed as he still felt the mental fatigue of trying to stave off the attack from Trihexa, and after catching his breath Soren handed a sack full of 500 Senzu Beans to Rias and told her to use them to heal anyone who gets hurt. Soren then flew back up into the sky with his new found strength and began to perform his spirit bomb again as he watched the Maou's and Gods begin to be pummeled into the ground.

[All life and Nature, please lend me your help by giving me your Energy… Genki Dama!]: soren

Soren then watched as the Spirit bomb began to form quicker than before, but it was still too weak and felt like it was missing something important, but Soren thought of something and started adding Chakra of each Element and began making it revolve around each other at a fast and rapid pace making the Spirit bomb turn into a Black color.

'Did I just make a Buji Dama?... No, it's missing something else… More power': soren

Soren then began using the Kaio-Ken x2 to power up the Spirit bomb that has now turned into the Tailed Beast bomb and watched as the power emitting from it became frightening as not even Naruto could make something so powerful. The Trihexa noticed this and turned towards Soren and sent another attack now focused on killing him unlike the warning shot from last time, and as Soren saw the next attack heading his way, he threw the Buji Dama and it began fighting against the attack the Trihexa was throwing towards Soren.

[Not enough power… Kaio-Ken x4!]: soren

Soren knew that this would harm him, but he had Senzu Beans on stand by just waiting to be eaten to heal up again. The Buji Dama then began to push against the breath attack from the Trihexa, but the Trihexa saw this and began to power the attack with more magic making it shoot Soren's attack back towards him, but Soren powered up once again.

[Kaio-Ken x10!... AAHHGGGRRRAAH!]: soren

Soren's power up completely made his body start to rupture from the inside as he chewed one of the Senzu Beans he kept in his mouth, and his body healed, but his body continued to be destroyed as his Buji Dama began to fly back towards the Trihexa and explode it it's mouth before it had the chance to power up again. From another planet a tiny Blue colored fat being was watching over Soren's fight with sweat running down his forehead, and after seeing Soren's attack land he decided to contact Soren through telepathy to warn him.

[Soren!... You need to stop this, your body can't handle Kaio-Ken at this level, you will die like this!]: king kai

'King Kai?... Thank you for your warning, but I know my limit, and I also know what my body wants as I'm a Saiyan after all': soren

Soren then watched as all the Faction Leaders began to surround the Trihexa and started forming some type of magic attack that Soren knew was the time seal. They would sacrifice themselves to bring themselves and the Trihexa into another dimension where Time would be slowed down and let the younger generation have a long and happy life before they would worry about the Trihexa again, but Soren wanted to give them a parting gift to help them out.

'Misha… Is my body ready?': soren

'So expensive?... Okay, do it': soren

Soren then watched as a Small shiny Blue pill appeared in his hands and quickly swallowed it, then his body froze as his heart rate began to increase and his blood began to boil as if setting his body ablaze to forge and refine his body. Soren then began to clench his teeth in pain as his body felt like it was being hammered by 10 million tiny hammers as they began to refine his body and made his muscles slim down and more compact, and after a minute which felt like years to Soren, the pain subsided and Soren was feeling the pain leave his body as the Kaio-Ken x10 no longer affected his body, but drained his stamina extremely fast.

'I guess I will become a God now': soren

Soren took out the fruit and took a bite and realized that the fruit tasted like rotten food that has had maggots and all sorts of dirt and bacteria swimming through it, or for a short description, it tasted like shit. Soren almost threw up, but held back as he did that the fruit would be wasted, and after a few seconds Soren felt a strong power course through his body as the information about many skills came into his mind along with how to use them.

[Time to end this war…]: soren

Soren's hair went from the Black and Red color it was to a Blonde color, but it wasn't Super Saiyan, but his God Form, it it multiplied his power by 15, Soren then raised a hand as a Golden aura surrounded his hand, and with a snap of his fingers, a Black sun appeared and was sent towards the Trihexa who turned towards Soren and used all of its power to take Soren's life before it was resealed.

[Black Sun!]: soren

The Black sun passed right through the Trihexa's attack, but Soren felt drained and began to fall towards the ground as the residual power from Trihexa hit him making him start to go unconscious, but before he did Soren mumbled some words as the Trihexa's loud roar was heard as the time seal took place and all the Faction leaders of the Devils, Gods, Angels, and Fallen Angels were sealed with the Trihexa.

[O-One Piece…]: Soren

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