Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 31 - 31: Cocoyashi’s Problem

Soren's body then began to shine in a bright White light as he disappeared from Earth, and Disappeared from Universe 7 entirely and reappeared on an entirely new planet high in the sky as he began plummeting towards the vast sea below. Soren hit the water and made a gigantic splash which was noticed by a fisherman boat nearby, and taking a closer look, the fisherman saw the body of Soren floating on the surface as bubbles began to surface signifying Soren was alive and was losing air quickly.

[Hold on boy!... I'm on my way!]: fisherman

The fisherman quickly began to row his small boat over to Soren's drifting body and used all his strength to pull Soren out of the water and into his boat. The fisherman then noticed Soren's weird clothes and thought he might be some kind of noble who happened to get in a fight with a monster and ended up flying through the sky here, but looking around the Fisherman couldn't see any boat, and thought it must be someone who was super strong to make him fly all the way here.

[Don't worry boya… I'll make sure you pull through this… Your wounds are quite serious]: fisherman

The fisherman was looking at Soren's body and noticed he was completely covered in cuts and scars, while some of his bones were broken, and with this, the fisherman started rowing his boat back to his Island, and upon everyone seeing the local fisherman coming back early, they were wondering what happened as he never came back this early, but seeing Soren's figure so beat up and bruised, they understood what happened and went to get the doctor.

[Frank, what happened to the boy?]: middle aged man

The fisherman who answered to the name of Frank replied to the middle aged man who had a military like hat on his head.

[I don't know Genzo… I was fishing like normal, then all of a sudden, I heard this huge splash from behind me, and turning around to see what it was while hoping it wasn't a sea monster, I saw him floating in the water unconscious while losing air quickly]: frank

The man known as Genzo nodded his head and then heard the doctor asking the townsfolk to make way so he could see Soren, and after seeing how badly Soren was hurt, he quickly started to act on sight to save Soren's life. The doctor then ripped off what remained of Soren's top and realised that the material was high end and quite expensive compared to their rough clothes, and this just cemented the idea from Frank the fisherman that Soren was royalty. The doctor then took out some herbal leaves and some purified water and began making a medicinal mixture and spread it over Soren's open wounds and then began wrapping his body in bandages, and after that, the villagers helped bring Soren to the hospital for rest while Genzo stood back with Frank to ask some more questions.

[So was he carrying any weapons?]: genzo

[Not that I saw, and if he had, they are at the bottom of the sea now… I think he is some Royal as his clothes are so high end compared to ours]: frank

[I see, so we might have some Royals on our doorstep looking for him in the future]: genzo

[Maybe… But for now lets let him rest and ask him questions when he wakes up]: frank

Genzo nodded then Frank went back to his boat to finish his fishing trip while Genzo went to go inform Bell-mere of Soren's arrival and see if she can identify him since she had served in the Marines for a while. Soon, Bell-mere came down to the Hospital followed by two little children known as Nami and Nojiko, Nami was a small girl with Orange hair while Nojiko had Light Blue hair with a Purple hue.

[So what do you want Genzo?]: bell-mere

[Bell-mere! Thanks for coming… Frank came back from fishing with a boy who was terribly injured, but upon inspecting his clothes he appeared to be a noble with their quality, so I thought with your time in the Marines you may be able to identify him]: genzo

[I'll check him out… Take me to him]: bell-mere

Genzo then took Bell-mere, Nami, and Nojiko towards the room Soren was kept and upon entering the room they saw the doctor monitoring over Soren to make sure nothing bad happens, and when Bell-mere saw Soren, no familiar face came to mind, but that doesn't mean that it was out of the question, she had some contacts that could get her information. Bell-mere then convinced Genzo to let her take Soren back to her home to try and get some information while he recovers, and after moving Soren once again to Bell-mere's home, Genzo went back to policing the town to make sure everyone followed the rules and didn't cause problems. Soon a few days had passed and during this time Soren had woken up and realized where he was, but decided to stay resting as to recuperate his strength more, and he was shocked to find out that he was recovering in Bell-mere's home, and Nami was still just a child, and it appeared to be just a bit before Arlong invaded Cocoyashi.

'I will sleep until Arlong invades… But first, Misha can you display my status as well as the skills of my Devil Fruit': soren

{Sure Soren… Here you go...

Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 18

BP: 25,000,000

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (99% Awoken), Uchiha (Three Tomoe)

Skills: Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy, Kamehameha, Shadow Clone, Wind Style, Elemental Magic

Curse Mark: God Mark

Devil Fruit: Kami-Kami no Mi - Model: Lucifer

Devil Fruit Skills: All Skills and Descriptions

Black Sun: Creates a Black Sun that is cold to the touch, and uses the power of Destruction to erase everything in its way

God Form: There are 3 forms to the God Form. The first changes your hair color to Blonde, and gives you an increase of x15 to your base. The second form changes the color of your hair to Silver, and you grow a set of Golden Wings from your back, this form gives you an increase of x30 to your base. The third form changes your hair color to pitch Black, and your Wings become Black in color becoming the Original Lucifer, and you get an increase of x50 to your base.

Eyes of Domination: These eyes are those of the original Lucifer and can destroy the soul of anyone weaker than yourself who dares to look you in the eye.

Abyss Creation: You can create anything you wish as long is it is within your power}

Soren was surprised to see the skills of his Devil fruit, and thought that he would be able to give Frieza a run for his money after using his God Form in its first stage, but Soren didn't want to be too overpowered in this world and accidentally destroy it, or at worse, catch the attention of the Angel's of this Universe and get destroyed, so Soren used his Abyss Creation ability to create a special Gold bangle that sealed his power to that of 100 BP, and he couldn't go over that unless he altered the bangle or took it off.

'100 BP should be good for my journey here… The highest BP in this world is at around 10,000 so those must be the Yonko': soren (A/N: Again, their BP is not related to DBZ, it is as a whole like a container in which they can draw on like stamina)

While Soren was going over his current situation he heard some arguing going on down stairs and heard Nami tell Bell-mere she wasn't her mother and wished someone rich adopted them instead of Bell-mere, and with that Bell-mere slapped Nami and made her run away with Nojiko chasing after her while Bell-mere went to her room to calm down.

'Looks like Arlong will be here shortly': soren

'I guess I will try to learn Haki… How do I do it again?': soren

{Soren, I wanted to notify you that you can't learn Haki unless you buy the ability to learn it… You can buy it for 500 System Points, would you like to do that?}

'What?... Why can't I learn Haki? Without buying the ability to?': soren

{Haki is specific to this Universe, and because you are from Universe 7, you are unable to learn Haki}

'I see… So what Universe are we in?': soren

{Universe 13, the Universe that was supposed to be destroyed in DBS cannon due to the fact that the Mortals in Universe 13 could use both Ki and Haki making them just as strong as the Destruction Gods… In fact, all the current Destruction Gods came from Universe 13, and the only reason Zeno had erased Universe 13 was due to how many Gods were appearing, due to Haki, but since this parallel Multiverse was made by my creator, Universe 13 was left intact just for you}

'I see… Then I should thank the old man… I guess go ahead and buy me the ability to learn Haki': soren

{Done… You can now learn Haki, but I suggest finding someone to teach you instead of trying to learn on your own as it will benefit you more learning from a master than trying to learn yourself}

Soren then fell asleep and waited for the conflict to happen with Arlong, and a few hours later the town started to freak out as a pirate ship appeared over the horizon. Soon, the pirate ship docked in the harbor and disembarked their ship and began pressuring the people while Arlong demanded to see the person in charge of this village, and when Genzo appeared, Arlong started his demands.

[Hello… I'm Arlong, the captain of the All Fish-man Pirates, and we will be taking over this island from today onwards, and if you insects want to stay alive, then you must follow some rules]: arlong

[Oh?... And what would these rules be?]: genzo

[Nothing to much, just a small tax...100,000 beli per a.d.u.l.t, and 50,000 beli per child every month, and your lives are safe and protected]: arlong

[But that's so much… We hardly make that ourselves]: genzo

[Hahahaha, then you better work harder… As for anyone who refuses to pay taxes, they will die]: arlong

Genzo couldn't do anything and just conceded as Arlong's men started going around collecting money from the townspeople after gathering all the medical doc.u.ments from the Hospital regarding child birth and current residence of the island. Both Nami and Nojiko watched on as Arlong and his men began heading towards Bell-mere's home to collect taxes from her, and as the Fish-man made their way towards Bell-mere's home, the whole village followed to make sure Bell-mere was okay. Soon, the Fish-man made it to the front door of Bell-mere and started knocking while she was cooking and they heard her words.

[Come in!]: bell-mere

Soon, the door opened and Arlong stepped in with a wicked grin on his face, but looking around he didn;t see anything, but out of nowhere Bell-mere kicked Arlong in the face and sent him out of her home, and then she stepped out and began speaking again.

[How dare you try to sneak up on a former Marine… You dirty pirate, you will pay dearly]: bell-mere

Bell-mere then tried to fight with Arlong, but she quickly began to be beaten up as Arlong was a lot stronger than some low level Marine who didn't even know about Haki, and as the villagers pleaded for Arlong to spare Bell-mere, Genzo told Bell-mere to pay them, and they will leave her alone.

[Haha… That's 100,000 per a.d.u.l.t, and 50,000 per child]: arlong

Just before Bell-mere spoke, one of his lackeys came out with Soren wrapped around his shoulder appearing to still be unconscious, while also stating about the table set for 3.

[Oh?... 3 plates?]: arlong

Arlong's smile grew as he saw Soren and didn't expect him to be eating with them so there were 2 more people to extort, but Genzo then spoke up again.

[Me and a Friend were planning to have a nice dinner with Bell-mere today, but you seem to interrupt us]: genzo

Arlong's smile slowly disappeared and then he spoke.

[Fine… Pay 200,000 Beli and we will leave]: arlong

[200,000 beli!?]: bell-mere

[Yeah, for you, and this unconscious one right here… You do want him to stay alive right?]: arlong

Bell-mere began to grit her teeth and turned to Genzo who didn't know what to say as he was broke as well, but Bell-mere went inside and pulled out 200,000 beli before coming out and handing it over and saying.

[I am paying for my 2 children and this man, but I can't pay you]: bell-mere

[Bell-mere!... No don't!]: nami

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