Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 33 - 33: Super Saiyan

When Soren heard Nami call him dirty he had a deadpan expression and just stayed silent while he made the ship head towards the sh.i.p.s currenting engaging each other, and when Soren got close enough he watched as a smaller ship dropped into the sea as 2 figures jumped into the boat, and began sailing away from the sh.i.p.s.

[Nami, stay here, I'll go get the loot and come right back]: soren

Soren then jumped from the deck of his smaller ship all the way up to the main deck of the Pink pirate ship, and in a swift motion, Soren seemed to fade in and out of reality as he disappeared and reappeared, but when he reappeared Soren had a big sack filled will all the treasures the pirates gathered, then he jumped back down to his boat with the loot and told Nami to set course towards the direction the other two had gone. Soren then noticed that some Marine sh.i.p.s were on the horizon and began to shoot at their ship, but Soren just used a quick Ki blade to slice through the cannon ball, and save his ship.

'Hmm… It would be boring to use my Ki blades for fighting as they will cut through anything… Maybe I should create a nice sword for myself and act like I found it in the pirate ship if Nami asks': soren

Soren then went to his room on his ship and used his Abyss Creation and mixed it with his Magic Creation to create a special weapon costume just for him. Soren now held in his hands a Katana about 60 cm in length, it had a sleek Black lacquer finished scabbard wrapped with a Red cord. The handle was made from Red Oak, and had a ray skin inlay that was dyed Red, and Soren used a special brass emblem that resembled Shenron and was held in place by more Red cord. The guard, or the Tsuba was made of a strong Black steel that had the design of Shenron engraved into it with all seven Dragon Balls floating around him, and the blade of the Katana was made of the strongest metal known to Universe 7, it was the Katchin metal. Katchin was one of the strongest metals in the Universe if not the strongest, this metal was said to be forged and hammered over millions of years and had been folded a countless amount of times to the point where it couldn't be folded any more due to how hard it was to forge, and with the help of Soren's Abyss Creation he was able to form it into a sword with a blade as Black as night. (A/N: I don't know if that's how Katchin was made, but that's how it was in this story)

[It's complete… Even if I fight with Mihawk, he wouldn't be able to break this sword… It is a masterpiece beyond even the best sword in this world]: soren

Soren then took his creation in hand and pulled it from its scabbard and watched as his muscles tensed up from the sheer weight as Katchin was not only the hardest metal in the Universe, but the densest and Soren's sword weighs about 1,000 pounds.

[By far the strongest sword in existence… and quite heavy as well]: soren

Soren then decided to update his clothing to match this world as he had always wore his Martial Arts outfit that looked just like Goku Blacks outfit, and when he came out from his room Soren was now wearing a Red trench coat with Gold lining and Gold shoulder plates over a plain Black T-shirt, and a pair of Black baggy pants that were cuffed around his shin and tucked into a pair of Brown boots. Soren then took his new Katana that he named Buraddimūn (Bloody Moon) after the color of the sword and what the moon means to him and his Saiyan lineage, and wore it on his left side and began heading towards the main deck.

[Well actually…]: nami

[Hello there!... My name's Monkey D. Luffy]: luffy

Soren then had a boy around 17 years in age spring up in front of him while introducing himself. Soren thought that something like this might happen since they are a lot faster than a simple row boat, and when Soren saw Luffy he just smiled as he greeted him back.

[Hello, I'm Soren… So, who is your friend, and how did you get on my ship?]: soren

[Oh him?... He's Koby, as for how we got here, I saw your ship heading in the same direction as we were and used my Gum-Gum fruit ability to hitch a ride]: luffy

Soren looked at Luffy as if he was the biggest idiot in the world with how open he was to sharing information.

[Oh?... I guess since we are going to the same place you can hitch a ride, but tell me… What were you two doing in that Pirate ship?]: soren

[That's easy… I set sail to become the King of the Pirates, but I lost my boat in a storm and hid in a barrel only to be picked up by the pirates who kidnapped Koby here and made him work for them, and made him call some ugly lady the most beautiful woman in the world]: luffy

[Seems rough buddy… Anyway, you want to be King of the Pirates?... Do you know what that means?]: soren

Soren heard Luffy's words and felt that it sounded quite simple and Luffy had yet to know how hard it really was, so he decided to give him a quick lesson.

[Hahaha!... That's funny kid… It takes more than just sailing the Grand Line all the way to the end to find the One Piece, or someone would have found it ages ago… Let me tell you, the Grand Line is full of things that you couldn't even imagine, and Pirates die just trying to enter the first half of the Grand Line let alone sail the Grand Line and make it to the New World]: soren

[You better trust him… He came from the Grand Line]: nami

Nami had interjected into the conversation between Soren and Luffy as Nami had always loved the stories Soren told her about the Grand Line, and even though Soren had never been there in person, he had enough knowledge and experience from the Anime that it was like he traveled along the Grand Line with the Straw Hats as an Immortal spectator that couldn't be hurt, but could watch the journey. When Luffy heard Nami speak about how Soren had sailed the Grand Line, stars began to shine in his eyes as he began to freak out and then started shouting.

[Y-You sailed the Grand Line!?... Ooh! Tell me all about it!... No! Join my crew!]: luffy

There it was, the infamous crew invitation Luffy would give to those he thought were strong, and when Soren heard the invitation he decided to test Luffy even though he wanted to travel with the Straw Hats in the future to fight with all the strong people they came across. (A/N: I do plan on following the Straw Hat crew and it will be a self inset Cannon, but there will be some differentiation as Soren will have altered the Timeline just being there and already having killed Arlong and saving Nami's family… If you don't like it, you can skip this arc)

[You want me to join your crew?... Hmm… I've never been in a crew before, I've always sailed solo before I brought Nami out here with me… How about this, I will join your crew if you can do a simple task]: soren

[Tell me!... Tell me tell me tell me!... I want you in my crew]: luffy

Soren then smirked and pulled out his Buraddimūn and unsheathed it before Luffy got scared that Soren was going to try and kill him, but after swinging it a couple of times with one hand like it was nothing, Soren then sheathed his sword and held it out to Luffy and spoke.

[What!?...]: luffy, koby, and nami

Nobody understood how hard this task would be as the sword looked very normal, and thought Soren wasn't kidding when he said a "Simple Task" then Luffy smiled and layed on the ground and Soren then crouched next to him and spoke.

[Now if you can't do it tell me so that I can lift the sword off of you]: soren

Soren saw Luffy nod with confidence and then placed Buraddimūn on Luffy's c.h.e.s.t and slowly released it only to watch Luffy's face completely change as the weight was incredible and he only survived due to his rubber body otherwise bones would have been broken.


Luffy began to struggle to lift the sword and both Nami and Koby were surprised to see Luffy struggle so much. Even though Luffy looked weak, he shouldn't have been weak to the point of not being able to lift a sword off his body, and after some slight struggle Luffy was able to slightly lift it and move it over by just a few centimeters still having it lay over his c.h.e.s.t.

[Hey Soren… How much does that Sword actually weigh?]: nami

[1,000 Pounds… Why?]: soren

[O-One Thousand!?...]: nami, koby, and luffy who was struggling

[Yes… I am strong… Anyone who enters the Grand Line should be able to lift this sword with ease otherwise they aren't ready]: soren

After seeing Luffy continue to struggle while still being unable to lift the sword, Soren then picked it up and began to place it back at his side, but Luffy was livid.

[Hey!... Give that back! I need you in my crew!]: luffy

[Don't worry about it, I'll join your crew, but I don't take orders from those weaker than me, so you better train faster Captain]: soren

[I'm fine with that… So, how strong were you on the Grand Line… Do you have a bounty?]: luffy

[No… I was never in the spotlight to get a bounty, but if I were to calculate I could fight Red Hair Shanks and get out with my life intact]: soren

[What!... No way you can fight evenly with Shanks]: luffy

Soren just gave Luffy a smile and thought inwardly about how easy it would be to destroy this entire world let alone beat some Yonko who lost an arm 8 years ago. Soren then went back to his room after seeing how far they were from the nearest island to which Soren found out it would take a day or two to reach Koby's home. Soren wanted to try and go into Super Saiyan as after he checked his status yesterday he realized that his Bloodline had reached 100% and had completely awoken.

{Name: Soren - Race: Saiyan - Age: 26

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan (100% Awoken), Uchiha (Three Tomoe)

Skills: Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Stamina, Renewal Taekwondo

Technique: Enhanced Ki Manipulation, Kaio-Ken, Creation Magic, Spirit Bomb, Telepathy, Kamehameha, Shadow Clone, Wind Style, Elemental Magic

Curse Mark: God Mark

Devil Fruit: Kami-Kami no Mi - Model: Lucifer

System Points: 400}

Soren then sat in his room crossed legged and began focusing on the pain he felt when he first lost his mother as the key to the Super Saiyan form was rage, and the more rage you had, the more the S-Cells inside the Saiyan body began to go berserk and release Ki. Soren now had tears in his eyes due to the pain from the memory of his mother's death and how she suffered so much pain as she was burned alive, and soon Soren's rage flared as he pictured the Devil that killed her laughing while mocking him for being weak, and as if the light switch to a dark house was switched on, Soren's energy spiked as his hair turned Golden as his Ki began to rise. Soren then opened his eyes slowly as he took in the sight of his Ki surrounding his body and making his whole room glow, and taking a mirror out of his inventory Soren saw his Golden hair and got confused and asked Misha.

'Misha, is there a reason I am just a regular Super Saiyan rather than a Legendary Super Saiyan?': soren

{Don't worry Soren… You are indeed a Legendary Super Saiyan and your current multipliers for your first Transformation are x60 of your base… Once you master this form you will have a x100 of your base… As for the reason your hair isn't Green is due to you not being in a true berserk state and your mind is calm right now, but if you were to see something that would make you lose yourself in rage, you will transform into the Green haired Super Saiyan}

Soren then spent the next day and a half trying to keep Super Saiyan active for as long as possible, but at most he could only keep it active for 3 hours, and when Soren heard the knock on his door he knew that they arrived at their destination.

Soren came out of his room completely dressed in his outfit from yesterday with Buraddimūn attacked to his waist and they began walking through the town while taking in the sights. Soren then gave Nami a bag with a Million beli in it and told her to get food provisions for the ship, and when Nami saw the bag of money her eyes turned into beli signs and she quickly grabbed the bag and went shopping while Soren, Luffy, and Koby began exploring the town and found a restaurant where they sat down to eat. Soon, they saw a little girl walk out of the shop while looking secretive and decided to follow her, and when they saw her climb the wall to the Marine base, both Soren and Luffy went to see what she was doing and found Zoro strung up looking beaten and battered while the girl was trying to feed him.

[Here you go mister… I made them myself]: girl

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