Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 34 - 34: Morgan’s Defeat

Soren, Luffy, and Koby then watched as a little girl tried to give a man with Green hair with a Black bandana wrapped around his head some food. The man had a Black bandana wrapped around his Green hair, and wore 3 dangling Gold ear pieces from his left ear. He also wore a dirty tight White T-shirt and a Green haramaki around his waist that would allow him to hold swords if he had any on his person, and the man also wore a pair of Black combat pants similar to Soren as they were also cuffed around his shin and stuffed into his Black combat boots.

[That's Roronoa Zoro! The best pirate hunter in East Blue!]: koby

[Best Pirate hunter?... Then I will have him join my crew!]: luffy

[Are you crazy Luffy!?... He'll kill you! Even Soren might have some trouble]: koby

When Soren heard Koby he thought that Koby just ran at the mouth and didn't think before speaking, which might have also been the reason he was forced into becoming a chore boy on Alvida's ship, so he spoke.

[Oh?... And you claim to know my strength Koby?]: soren

[I-I would never!... But with what I saw I would assume you were just about Zoro's strength]: koby

Soren just smirked before looking back to the scene of a skinny White boy with a Blonde bowl cut hairstyle beginning to surround Zoro and the little girl with a group of Marines.

[Hoho oh… Did you know that aiding and abetting a criminal in Marine custody is punished by death… You! Marine!... Throw her over the wall]: helmeppo

[B-But sir… She's just a little girl]: marine

The Marine just shut up and swallowed his saliva before walking towards the girl and grabbing hold of her, and when Zoro saw this he began to shout.

[Hey!... Let her go! She didn't do anything to help me!]: zoro

But even with Zoro's shouts the Marine did as Helmeppo said and picked the girl up while whispering in her ear.

[Sorry… Just tuck your legs and arms in… You'll have a better chance of survival that way]: marine

The girl was then sent over the wall by the Marine as she began to scream and then Luffy jumped out and caught her and helped soften the landing as he cradled her and used his body as a shield. Soren and Koby then came over to Luffy and the little girls side and Luffy got up while wanting to charge in and beat the snot out of Helmeppo for giving such an order, but was stopped by Soren and Koby as they took the girl back to her mother and began to discuss a plan. Soon, Helmeppo and a group of Marines came into the restaurant where Soren, Luffy, and Koby were at, and it happened to be the same restaurant owned by the little girls mother, and when Luffy saw the injustice being committed by Helmeppo as well as hearing about how then planned to execute Zoro tomorrow, Luffy punched Helmeppo out of the bar and scared off the Marines at they went to retrieve Helmeppo.

[Y-You Bastard!... Do you know what you just did!]: helmeppo

[Yeah… I punched you]: luffy

[You'll regret this!... My father is Captain Morgan! I'll have him kill you and destroy this shitty restaurant!]: helmeppo

Soren then looked towards Koby and started speaking.

Koby saw what Soren meant by this question as it was quite obvious what these Marines were doing was wrong and was changing his whole perspective on how he saw the once Heros, but before he could make his new decision known Soren spoke once again.

[If you do… Don't become like these men… Change the Marines for the better, make the Marines into the Justice you believe is right, and don't follow their broken Justice that makes them the only ones right in the world… If you can do that, then the Marines would become trusted once more, as for now, I'm going to go destroy the injustice being displayed by a man who thinks catching a weak a.s.s pirate is worth being praised like a hero]: soren

Soren then took out a few thousand beli and threw it towards the mother of the little girl that was rescued earlier, and then grabbed Luffy by the collar and dragged him out of the restaurant while leaving a stunned Koby there to rethink his whole life's decision as he thought.

'Can I really do it?... Can I make the change needed to make the Marines a better place?': koby

While Soren started dragging Luffy towards the Marine base, Luffy was struggling while flailing his arms and legs while shouting.

[What are you doing Soren!... Let me go! Let me go!... I'm gonna kick that guy's ass!... Listen to me! I'm the Captain!]: luffy

[Shut up already!... And I already told you, I won't be taking orders from you until you can beat me in a fight, so sit tight and you will get to fight someone stronger than that kid, but first we convince Zoro to join us]: soren

Luffy then stopped and continued to be dragged while crossing his arms and pouting about not being able to take control over one of his own crew members, but he knew Soren was doing this for his good so he let it slide. Soon, Soren and Luffy were back at the wall that had Zoro on the opposite side, and then both Luffy and Soren jumped over the wall and walked towards Zoro who was still trying to hold out for the remaining time of the promised date set by Helmeppo.

[What do you want… I already told you I won't be part of your crew when you first asked me… Also, did you tell the girl that I liked the food?]: zoro

Zoro then gave a smile and put his head back down while Luffy just looked at him in amazement as he then asked.

[So why are you still here?... That Helmeppo guy didn't look strong]: luffy

[We have an agreement… I will spent one month here, and in exchange they would spare the restaurant that girl's mother owns, and I'll be free in 4 more days]: zoro

[No you won't… Helmeppo never planned to keep his word, and plans to execute you tomorrow]: luffy

[What!... Bull shit!]: zoro

[No, he's telling you the truth… Helmeppo was bragging about it throughout the town, and he thinks you are an idiot if you believe that you will be freed]: soren

When Soren gave confirmation to Luffy's words, Zoro was feeling rage build up inside him as he wanted to be freed right now, Luffy then had an idea and spoke up.

[I can get you out of here, then we can fight that guy]: luffy

[Even if you get me out of here I still don't have my swords]: zoro

Zoro then sighed and gave in as he asked.

[Fine… How many crew members do you have?]: zoro

[Hmm… I have Soren here, and maybe Nami, but she never verbally agreed, so for now 1, maybe 2… and adding you will make us 4 total]: luffy

[So small… Whatever, I'll join you]: zoro

[Yes!... Now we have the strongest Pirate hunter in East Blue in our crew now!]: luffy

Luffy then took off towards the Marine base to collect Zoro's swords, and that left Soren back to converse with Zoro.

[So.. How did you get roped into joining him?]: zoro

[Hmm… I don't know… I made him a deal that if he could lift my sword off his c.h.e.s.t I would join him, but he even failed that… Maybe I just saw something in him that said "This guy will be amazing in the future" and I just decided to join him… but don't get me wrong, I don't follow his commands as I have made it clear I will do my own thing until he can beat me in a fight]: soren

When Zoro heard Soren's story, he felt intrigued in the part about lifting a sword, and then spoke.

[Why are you needed?... Hmm, I guess I would say Luffy wants a bunch of strong members in his crew, and you fit the bill… And sure, I'll show you my sword]: soren

Soren then drew Chitsuki from the scabbard at his waist and swung it twice at Zoro freeing him from his bindings then placed it before Zoro as if saying to grab it. (A/N: changed Buraddimūn to Chitsuki due to reader suggestion, but a future attack may use the word Buraddimūn as it sounds bad a.s.s in my head, but the swords name is Chitsuki)

[Be careful… It make look normal, but it weighs a lot]: soren

Zoro didn't believe that something swung so easily and with precise action could weigh that much, but hearing how Luffy couldn't lift it he decided to be careful and grabbed it only to have his body pulled to the ground as he quickly put his entire strength into it only to hold the handle up while the tip of the blade was stabbed into the ground.

[I told you it was heavy… Also lift with your shoulders and legs so you don't break your back or dislocate your arms]: soren

Zoro was visually sweating as he had done lots of muscle training and could lift 250 pound rocks with each hand, be it having a tree to be used as a pulley, and could hold a hundred pound rock in a horse stance as it dangled from his jaw, but this sword took everything from him and let him realized just how lacking he was compared to Soren.

[H-How… How do you do it… How do you lift such a sword with ease?]: zoro

[Well I do weighted training, and if you truly decide to join our crew rather than just ditch us after your swords are returned, I can help you train to lift my sword as there are tons of Pirates who can lift this sword with ease on the Grand Line, and since we are heading there after gathering our members, you all will need to be able to lift at least this]: soren

Soren said the last part after taking his sword back and letting Zoro see the Chitsuki in all it's glory while comparing it to his own swords, and then he asked.

[It's name?... Chitsuki… As for where I got it, would you believe I made this?]: soren

Zoro was surprised to hear that Soren claimed to have crafted the sword, but having never heard of the Chitsuki before must mean that it was never a registered sword, or was made by a non registered swordsmith, and any swordsmith no matter who would kill to claim this beauty rather than let it go unknown.

[If you made this then… Can you make me one just like it when I gain the strength?]: zoro

Soren thought for a moment before nodding his head in approval, but he didn't plan to make it unbreakable like his Chitsuki, but it will be just as strong as the Chitsuki. When Zoro saw Soren approved of his request he now had a new goal, and that was to train as hard as he could so that he would be able to get such a sword and replace the shity cheap piece of garbage he picked up off a pirate he killed. Just as Soren and Zoro's conversation came to an end, Luffy busted out from a window and landed next to Zoro and handed him all 3 swords, not knowing which one was his, but to Luffy's surprise, Zoro took all 3 swords and began fighting with the surrounding Marines.

'Time I made my position clear in strength… At most, I match just above Captain Morgan in BP, but since Morgan doesn't know Haki, his BP is useless and only makes him stronger physically than others': soren

Soren then saw Morgan appear in front of Luffy, and as Luffy tried to fight him, Soren drew his Chitsuki and dashed towards Morgan and slashed him while not trying to kill him as he wanted Morgan to see just who he messed with, and as Morgan was sent back due to the slash that couldn't stop spurting blood, Luffy came by and punched Morgan in the face and sent him flying towards the sea, and when Soren saw Luffy's face, Luffy realized he stole Soren's opponent and said.

[Oh… Oops… Sorry Soren hehe]: luffy

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