Multiverse System In The Real World

Chapter 35 - 35: Captain Usopp

Captain Morgan was sent flying out to sea, and by luck, Morgan landed on a marine ship that was coming towards the island, and when they saw Morgan land on their ship with such a wound, all the Marines acted to take care of Morgan, while the captain of the ship informed Marines to speed up their trip. On the island, one would be able to see the Marine ship heading their way, but right now Luffy and Soren were arguing about who rightfully had the turn to fight, and Luffy's claim was that Morgan was looking at him, so he was the one Morgan wanted to fight, while Soren's claim was that Luffy got to fight the other Marines, while he just sat at the back and let Luffy have some fun.

[Come on guys… Stop arguing, Morgan is already gone anyway]: zoro

Soren and Luffy turned to see Zoro with his left hand resting on his Wado Ichimonji that was sticking out more than the other 2 swords around Zoro's waist. Soren then stopped arguing as Zoro was right, and it would be pointless to argue about it further, but before they could leave they were surrounded by hundreds of Marines, and when their commander came forwards, they made way for him and Soren, Luffy, and Zoro saw a man with a goatee wearing the standard Marine cap and Uniform, but what made him stand out from the others was the scarf around his neck was Green in color while the others had a Blue scarf.

[Are you guys the ones who defeated this man?]: marine commander

The commander had snapped his fingers and Morgan was brought to the front and placed on his knees half dead and out of energy.

[Yeah]: soren and luffy

Both Soren and Luffy said at the same time which started another argument about who defeated him as they both delt devastating blows to Morgan, but Zoro quickly hit Luffy on the head making him stop even though the hit didn't hurt him in the slightest, and Zoro didn't dare to even try and hit Soren due to Soren's overwhelming strength.

[Well then, I thank you for helping in defeating the Tyrant Axe Hand Morgan… We have received many complaints from the people of this island, but have only been allowed to act recently due to word getting out that Morgan was abusing his position as an overseer of this base… But seeing as you guys appear to be pirates, I would ask you to leave this island immediately]: marine commander

Soren, Zoro, and Luffy understood that Marines and Pirates can't work together due to their occupations, so they nodded and began to leave the base quickly while stopping off at the bar where they still saw Koby sitting at a table thinking about his life choices, and when Luffy, Soren, and Zoro decided to take a last meal before leaving the island, Koby noticed them and began to question them on what happened, but mid way through the conversation, Marines entered into the restaurant and saw Soren, Luffy, and Zoro and the commander began to shout.

[I told you to leave the island immediately… That doesn't mean stop and have lunch… Pirates aren't welcome in this town, now leave!]: marine commander

Soren, Luffy, and Zoro got up knowing that it was just their bad luck in which they got caught loitering around after being kicked out of the town, so the 3 of them got up and started walking towards the door and left Koby there, but the Marine commander stopped them and began to question Koby's presence.

Koby was lost for words as he didn't know what to say, but before Koby could speak, Luffy interjected and began to rat on Koby for being held captive on a pirate ship for two years, but when Koby realized his dream was going to go down the drain if Luffy continued, Koby punched Luffy, shocking everyone present except Soren who knew this would happen, then Luffy began the beat down of Koby which was more brutal in person than in the Anime as Luffy broke Koby's nose, made his face swell and as Koby was knocked down, blood began to pool from his face, but nothing deadly. Soon, the Marine commander stopped Luffy as he said he recognized Koby as just a civilian and not a pirate in Luffy's crew, and with this Luffy smiled and got up off Koby and went towards the door again ready to leave, and after leaving, Koby made his resolve and got up while declaring that he would be a Marine and that they had to recruit him even if it was as a chore boy.

[Did you really need to go that far, Luffy?]: zoro

[Yeah… If I didn't, then Koby wouldn't be allowed to join the Marines because they would still think he was a pirate on my crew as I didn't actively try my best to beat him up]: luffy

Luffy's nonsense that sounded stupid to most, hade made complete sense to both Soren and Zoro as they continued towards their ship where Nami was having some villagers stock the food she bought at such a low cost due to her "Skill Set" in "Negotiation" learned completely from Bell-mere, and fresh water that would normally be sold at 600 beli a barrel was bought by Nami at 250 beli a barrel, and some might say she had s.e.x with the man to make this deal, but it was all Nami's charm, and her choice in picking an old man with a weak heart that could be swayed by a slight cleavage flash.

[Nami, is everything ready?... We were asked to leave by the Marines here]: soren

[Yes, everything was placed on our ship in the store house… So, where's our next destination?]: nami

Soren thought that they should go to Orange Town to defeat Buggy, but thought it would be too much work and decided that he would wipe them out overnight while everyone was sleeping, and have them head to Syrup Village instead.

[Head to Syrup Village… We can stop there and rest up as well as get a bigger ship before heading towards Loguetown]: soren

[Hey!... I'm the captain! Shouldn't I be picking where we go!]: luffy

Soren said this with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, but Luffy didn't understand and thought Soren was going to let him pick, but after thinking for a minute he couldn't think of any islands as he had only known of Fusha Village, and the island they were just leaving.

[Umm… Fine! Let's go to Syrup Village!... To get a bigger ship!]: luffy

Soren just smiled and let Nami set the ship into the direction of Syrup Village, and once Night time came, Soren made a special orb that he placed his Ki signature inside of and placed it on the table next to the bed in his room. Soren then left the boat and took a look at the map Nami bought which showed that Orange Town was just a few days away from them, Soren then went out ot the deck and took off in the sky towards Orange Town, but as he took off he didn't think to make sure everyone was asleep as it was midnight, but not everyone was asleep yet as Zoro who was sleeping up on the mast of the ship had watched as Soren flew off.

[What the… I must be more tired that I thought]: zoro

(A/N: thank god Zoro is an idiot)

Soren made it to Orange Town under the guise of night as he appeared above the town and saw as a bunch of destroyed homes and stores had sleeping pirates in them, and after sending his senses over the entire island, Soren marked out the pirates, as all the citizens were gone, and only a dog and the mayor remained in the town while everyone else was living outside of the village.

'Time to be the phantom in the night': soren

Soren began to whistle a tune as he drew Chitsuki from his waist and disappeared from the sky and started flashing through the town as the sound of muffled screams were heard as the night became bloody quite fast, and after an hour, the only pirate to remain alive was the captain known as Buggy. Soren appeared in Buggy's room and was about to kill him with a Ki blast, but after noticing something off, Soren used his sword instead and chopped Buggy knowing it wouldn't kill him, so after chopping him in half, Soren turned to leave and began anticipating an attack from Buggy which came soon after.

[Hahahaha!... Fool, you thought you could kill me!... The Great Captain Buggy!... Hahaha, this is where you die!]: buggy

[W-What are you!... NOOOOOO!]: buggy

The sounds of Buggy rang through the town as the Buggy pirates were finished, Soren then left Orange Town and went back to his ship and went to sleep. A few days later, Soren, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami arrived at Syrup Village and were greeted by Usopp as he appeared out of nowhere and started ranting about his hundred million pirate crew, so Soren decided to mess with Usopp a bit.

[Stop right there!... This is Captain Usopp's territory… Drop your treasure and I will have my crew of 100 million men not attack you… Hehe]: usopp

[100 Million you say?... Then let's make it even?]: soren

When Soren said that, Luffy, Zoro, and Nami looked back at Soren confused while Usopp was thinking about the meaning of what Soren said, but soon after, everyone understood what Soren meant as Soren crossed his fingers into a (+) symbol and shouted.

[Shadow Clone Jutsu!]: soren

Soon, many Soren's appeared surrounding the area of the island that Soren and the rest were currently at, and after about 20,000 clones of Soren appeared, Soren stopped making them as he thought this was sufficient enough to scare Usopp, and he also didn't want to crowd the island with 100 million clones.

[Here are 20,000… If I need more, I'll create more… So come to me!... Fight me with your 100 million men!]: soren

Usopp gulped his saliva as he thought he was such a good liar that he made Soren get serious, but after seeing the imminent threat to his life, Usopp gave up the charades as he spoke quickly and with a stutter.

Soon, all the clones disappeared as Soren canceled the Jutsu and Luffy's eyes went from the sparkle from hearing about Usopp's crew and seeing Soren's skill, to his normal expression albeit disappointed that he wouldn't see such a fight, while Zoro was surprised to see that Soren believed Usopp, or maybe he knew Soren didn't believe him, but wanted to show off. Usopp then came out and introduced himself as he then took Soren and the others to a restaurant called Meshi, and then he began to tell Luffy, and the others about his stories while Soren was just there waiting for them to meet Kaya so they could get a bigger ship as the current one was only a bit less than half of what the Going Merry was in size, and even the Going Merry was a small ship in the Grand Line.

[You guys want to ask for a ship!... NO! I can't let you do that… Actually, look at the time, I must go… feel free to eat by yourselves, I'm quite known here… Bye!]: usopp

Usopp then left while Soren got up and began to follow after him while wanting to scare Kuro who was acting as a man named Klahadore as to free himself of the Pirate life while enjoying a lavish life full of money. Luffy was a bit interested in where Soren was going, and so was Zoro, so the two then followed Soren, while Nami had no choice but to follow as well due not wanting to be left out this time, and once everyone got to the bing mansion that was just outside of the village, they saw Usopp climb a tree to talk with a sickly looking girl names Kaya. Soon, a tall man in a butler's suit came out to scare off Usopp and the people who followed him, but when Soren saw the man, he made sure to make himself heard as Kaya, and her other butler who had a sheep's appearance was close by.

[Captain Kuro!?... I thought Morgan killed you, but I guess it would be harder than that to kill such a known pirate in the East Blue… I'm a big fan… So, what are you doing here, you give up the Pirate life for one of peace… Or…]: soren

Before Soren could finish his sentence, everyone was in a state of shock as they couldn't believe what Soren was saying, while Klahadore, aka Kuro, was fighting his anger back, as he thought he could salvage what was left of the situation and spoke.

[I have no idea what you are talking about… I have been serving this family for 3 years, so I couldn't be some pirate]: kuro

Kuro was hoping to end the conversation at that, but Soren decided to pull the rug out from under Kuro.

[Well of course you would be confident in that response as 3 years ago, you were "Captured and Killed"... So this is where you were, and it is a great place as not many read too much into the paper, and nobody would think to check for you here… So what… Did you plan to kill off this rich girl and take her inheritance?... It's a good idea, but too bad I came here before you could see it through]: soren

[WATCH YOUR MOUTH PIRATE!... You ruined my plan, now I'm going to kill you for it]: kuro

[He has a crew coming here in a few days… Let's fight them]: soren

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